Which Auto-Selection Tool Is the Best in Photoshop?

It doesn't seem all that long ago that the magic wand tool in Photoshop was pretty much as advanced as selection tools got. These days, however, there are several different ways to make selections in your images. Question is, which of these tools actually does the best job?

Are We Witnessing the Slow Death of the Nifty Fifty?

When I moved from Canon to my Sony a7 III late last year, the first lens I ordered was a nifty fifty: a cheap, incredibly lightweight, relatively fast 50mm prime lens that’s good for portraits, landscapes, and pretty much everything in between. Given that this affordable lens is so universally loved and has such an important role, why does its future look so bleak?

How to Market Your Work as a Beginner 

Knowing where to start when you first venture into marketing your photography can be a real challenge. Here are some tips that should help to point you in the right direction.

Quick Tips With Luminar 4: Night Sky Replacements

We photographers don’t always get the perfect sunset or clear starry night sky every time we head out to photograph desolate areas or national parks. This is when we can take a little post production know-how and can still create other worldly and dreamy images that capture the viewer’s eye. Skylum Software's Luminar 4 has just made that scenario easier and faster to do with its all-in-one software and very powerful artificial intelligence.

Which Mid-Range APS-C Camera Is the Best Choice for You?

If you’re looking for a mid-range APS-C camera in the run-up to Christmas, there are truly some excellent choices out there right now. With Nikon having just launched the Z 50, the choice between that, the Sony a6400, Canon’s new M6 Mark II, and the popular Fuji X-T30 is quite tough. Here’s a very balanced guide to get you started.

Knowing the Difference Between Your Gifts and Your Talents

Whether you shoot video or photographs, you're a creator, and regardless of how long you've been doing it, you'll always want to get better. If you have the desire to grow either your audience or your skills, this video contains some great information.

The Difference Between White and Silver Beauty Dishes

You might not think there is a huge difference between the way a white and silver beauty dish will render your subject, but they can make quite distinct looks in your portraits, and it is important to know which look you want before you choose one to use. This great video explores the differences between the two.

Why Would You Choose the EOS R Over the Nikon Z 6?

Photographer and YouTuber Manny Ortiz is known for his love of Sony mirrorless cameras, but he’s been putting the Canon EOS R and the Nikon Z 6 through their paces over the last couple of months, and he thinks he knows which one he prefers and why. Check out this short video to find out what swung his decision.

Why Did Canon Release Intentionally Soft Cinema Lenses?

You may not have heard it yet, but there's a line of Canon cinema lenses that have been manufactured with a flaw by design, affecting the sharpness of the glass. The new gear has been out for a few months. In this article, you can see demo footage and an explanation for the peculiar release.

Fstoppers Reviews the Asus Zen AIO 24 PC

Nowadays, post processing images is becoming an entirely new discipline on its own. Every photographer needs a reliable machine to work on.

Creating Unique Photos: An Introduction to Light Painting

If you have not tried light painting before, it is a fun and challenging way to experiment and create unique images or augment your existing lighting. This great video will show you how to get started with the technique.

A Review of the Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens

Many users are still waiting for a professional mirrorless camera from Canon, but in the meantime, few can argue the quality of the corresponding RF lenses. This helpful video takes a look at the Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM lens.

Take a Deep Dive Into the New MacBook Pro

Any Apple release is accompanied by fawning fans rushing out to make their next purchase and is inevitably followed by some howling about this feature or that feature. So, before you jump into buying a pricey new MacBook Pro, check out the pros and cons of Apple's latest big release, the 16-inch MacBook Pro.

The Clever Way James Cameron Dealt With an Interesting Problem in 'Titanic'

If you know your Titanic history well, the thumbnail for this article should look very strange to you. This is because "Titanic" director James Cameron had to deal with an interesting issue during filming, and this neat behind the scenes video takes a look at how he solved it.

How to Negotiate a Shot List

We have all been there, a client stating how long they need you to do a job with no real understanding of whats required. In this video I go over how to work around this.

How to Take Photos Faster

As a photographer, you have probably been told to slow down and focus on your composition to make the best possible photo. What we also know is there are many fleeting moments and being ready for these are of utmost importance if you want to catch them.

8 Ways to Adjust Color in Lightroom and ACR: Compared and Contrasted

One of the things that I enjoy about Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw is that there is often more than one way to perform the same task. Perhaps the most flexible of these ways are all the different methods you can use to adjust for colors and tones.

Masters of Photography: Steve McCurry Review

The Masters of Photography courses are a series of instructional videos, each focusing on the work and style of a specific photographer who is considered a master in their field. Having tried both the Joel Meyeorwitz and Albert Watson courses, I had to give the third – Steve McCurry – a go. Here’s what I thought about the experience and the lessons learned.

Are Your Photographs Aesthetic?

Do you want your images to look “good”? Aesthetics will help you understand the value of an image beyond its informative and representative character. Let's ask some great philosophers what they think about it.

Gobos: An Affordable and Expressive Solution for Creating Interesting Backgrounds

A white backdrop is an incredibly versatile piece of equipment, and a must have for any studio photographer. But if you want to mix things up a bit, and you don't want to fork out for another background — like one of these beautiful hand-painted ones — or you just want to have some creative fun, making a gobo is a fantastically adaptable alternative.

Don't Get Dragged Down By Those Photoshop CC 2020 Bugs and Quirks

Adobe's update to Photoshop CC 2020 contains some powerful upgrades and tools but, like any software release, it also has some bugs, quirks and missing tools that users must adapt to. Or, if you take Colin Smith's advice, you can fix them yourself.

Add 10K Followers Per Week On Instagram, Without Buying Them

Gaining followers on social media can sometimes feel like getting stuck on a hamster wheel — a whole lot of effort to get nowhere. Chris Do, of The Futur, aims to make that effort pay off for you and help you launch your social media following into the stratosphere by adding 10,000 followers per week — without buying them.

Adobe Releases Roadmap for Development of Photoshop for iPad

Adobe recently released the long awaited version of Photoshop for iPad, but initial reviews were quite mixed, with many disappointed by the lack of features in the app. Adobe has responded to the criticisms by releasing a roadmap for the application, and it details the features we can expect to see in the app in the coming months.

When Should You Turn Pro in Photography?

For a lot of us, becoming a professional photographer is our dream career; it has certainly been mine for a long time. Knowing when to make the leap can be hard, though.

Wildlife Filmmaker Has a Close Call With a Leopard

One way to increase your chances of getting a good wildlife image is to carry out a thorough overview of a potential area. That's why having a solid understanding of the subject's behavior is so important. Sometimes, though, even the most seasoned wildlife veteran can get caught off guard, as this incredibly lucky gentleman was reminded.

Photojournalism Is (Still) for White Men, as Revealed by a Stunning New York Times Photograph

There’s no question that the New York Times photo of American diplomats William Taylor and George Kent, where they detailed their uncomfortable and suspect dealings with President Donald Trump’s handling of a phone call with the president of Ukraine, is going to be one of the iconic ones of our time. There’s also no question about who overwhelmingly seems to dominate the photojournalism field based on this photo: white men.

What Should You Look for in a Monitor?

The holiday season is the best time to buy a new monitor; with Black Friday right around the corner, now is the perfect time to update your most important tool for editing. But do you know what to look for? Let's discuss what important qualities you should be watching for and go over some highly rated monitors for photo editing.

Lindsay Adler on Developing a Personal Style: From Good to Great

Since the mid-2010s, there have been more photographs taken each year than existed in the history of photography. The democratization of photography and the removal of barriers to entry means there are also more professional photographers than ever before in history. Given this steep competitive curve, how is it possible to stand out?

Stop Chasing the Perfect Camera

Photographers like to spend a lot of time comparing gear and considering how their own work might improve if they upgraded their camera or switched to a different brand. And while there are certainly objective differences between various camera brands and models, there is no such thing as a perfect camera. This great video explores that idea and why you might want to put your gear envy to bed.

A Review of the Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD Lens

The wide-aperture 35mm lens market is a crowded one, but Tamron has added their SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD lens to the pack, and it looks to be a great option for photographers. Check out this helpful video review of the lens.

Recovering Noisy and Blurry, Out of Focus Photos Is Possible

Topaz Labs software has more recently been talk of the town in the wildlife photography community, and for good reason. Just like the needs for wildlife gear can get extreme with the 500mm and 600mm uber-expensive lenses and hyper-fast cameras, the demands for software that can squeeze every bit of fine feather or fur detail out of images is equally desired. Many people, myself included, have now been turned onto Topaz DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI to achieve this.

Five Helpful Tips and Techniques for Wacom Tablets

Few accessories can have an impact on your post-processing workflow like a pen tablet can, which is why I recommend all photographers pick one up for their work. This excellent video will show you five tips and techniques to help you get the most out of your Wacom pen tablet.