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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Seven Important Lessons Learned From Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be a sneakily difficult genre to master, as the leap from good to great is much more difficult to navigate than it might seem upon inspection of successful images. This great video examines seven lessons learned about landscape photography.

Rejection Happens to All of Us: Get Used to It to Be a Successful Photographer

No one likes rejection, but it can hit particularly hard in photography, where you feel like you've invested a bit of yourself in your creative endeavors. This excellent video talks about how an early rejection almost caused a now quite successful photographer to hang up his camera permanently.

Why So Many College Graduates Fail in Photography

Getting a degree in photography can seem like a great way to get a college degree and still pursue what you love, yet many, many college graduates end up failing, despite having four years of intensive training in photography. This great video explores just why that is.

A Guide to Various File Formats in Photoshop: What They Are and When to Use Them

If you've ever looked at the list of file formats available in the save dialog box in Photoshop, your head might have started to spin trying to keep track of all the available options and to understand which you should use and when. This helpful video will talk about all the file formats you need to be concerned about and in what situations you should use them.

An Easy Tip for Improving Your Photos

There are a ton of tips for improving your photography out there that apply to specific situations or require you to purchase some sort of product, but this tip applies to almost every genre and is free and easy to begin applying immediately. And I promise it will improve your photos.

How Neutral Tones Unlock a Landscape’s Believability

Most landscape photographers will agree that post-production is essential to the art, but while the debate of how far you should go is left to individual preferences, the question is how far you can go while maintaining the image’s believability.

Wedding Photographers: How Protected Is Your Business?

Providing a service to clients as a small business comes with risks. At some point during the course of photographing a wedding, every photographer will run into an unforeseen circumstance. Are you prepared to face the unexpected?

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Artificial Light for Food Photography

Food photography takes a lot of nuanced artistry and technical know-how to make the product look delectable and appetizing, and because of that, you might decide that taking more control with artificial light is the way to go. This great video will tell you what you need to know when purchasing lights for food photography.

A Reminder of the Most Important Aspect of a Portrait

Shooting portraits of people is a difficult thing, as you have to manage not only technical parameters involving the camera and lighting, but also the person's posing and expression. This excellent video essay reminds us of what's probably the most important aspect of any portrait.

How a Photographer Continues to Find Himself Through the Camera

For some of us, photography is a job that we love, and for some of us, it's a window into our very being that can help us discover or rediscover who we are. This touching video features one photographer who uses the craft to learn about himself and heal.

Ten Tips for Capturing Stunning Sunset Photos

Sunsets can provide some of the most beautiful images in a photographer’s portfolio, but the dramatic light and vibrant colors can be challenging to capture. Here are ten tips to improve your sunset photography.

The Orton Effect Mistake Many Photographers Make

The Orton effect is a popular effect in many other genres than landscape photography. It is used to soften the images with a slight glow, which can give a beautiful dreamy effect. However, I do see one mistake repeated again and again.

A Quick Guide to When You Need a Polarizer for Your Photos

When you're first starting out in photography, you may wonder what circular polarizers are and how they can improve your photographs. This quick and helpful video will show you why photographers use them and when you should consider pulling one out of your bag.

Five Photographers Give Advice on Making Top-Notch Images

Things like lighting ratios and f-stops can be objectively codified and repeated, but the essence of an image — what makes the viewer stop and peruse its story — can be a bit harder to articulate. This great video asks five photographers how to create that magic.

Three Easy Ways to Improve the Backgrounds of Your Photos

We can and often do talk endlessly about how to improve the look of your subject in a photo, but crafting a background that complements them can really complete an image. This helpful video will talk about three simple ways to improve the backgrounds of your photos.

Are L-Plate Brackets All the Rage Right Now?

It seems like more and more these days, people are touting the benefits of the L-bracket for their landscape photography. If you've ever used them, do you think they are all they're cracked up to be?

How to Create a Shallow Depth of Field in Photoshop

Did you know that Photoshop has a tool for applying different levels of blur across multiple points in a photo? Here is how to use field blur to create a shallow depth of field while keeping your subject sharp.

Why Would You Photograph the Mundane Everyday Life?

Why would you choose to photograph something that's mundane instead of naturally picturesque locations or scenarios? The short answer is because it's hard and it will test you.

Five Tips to Improve Your Golden Hour Photos

Golden hour is the holy grail of times for photographers of almost all genres; whether you're taking a landscape in Iceland or a fitness portrait, early and late sun is the most flattering. However, it can also be the most challenging.

Stop Wasting Your Money on Lightroom Presets

Nowadays, it seems that every YouTube photography celebrity has a batch of presets that they want you to buy. This begs the question: is it worth handing over your hard-earned cash when you might be better off investing your time rather than your money?

In the six years that I've been using Lightroom, I've never paid for a preset. In the past, I've downloaded a few free packs, clicked laboriously through every preset and decided that they were all useless: blunt tools creating over-edited results and deploying settings that I could easily have achieved myself had I...

How Do You Know When an Edit Is Done?

One of the struggles I have as a photographer is knowing how much to edit an image. This became increasingly difficult once editing became a major part of my artistic workflow when shooting landscape photography, so how do I know when a photo is finished?

Why I Chose Third Party Speedlights Over the Name Brands

Name brand speedlights — like a lot of things in photography — are absurdly priced, and although they carry the big brand names, they also lack in a number of key areas versus the lower cost, third party alternatives. Take a look at my reasoning for steering clear of the big camera manufactures brand speedlights.

Raising $30,000 on Kickstarter: Building Your Audience, Part 1

There is a ton of information and so many great resources on how to raise money for a project with crowdfunding these days. So I’m going to skip the tips and show you proven strategies to fund your projects no matter what they are.

How to Move the Camera and the Actors Like Spielberg

It's difficult to watch a Spielberg film and at the same time try to dissect it from the point of view of a filmmaker or a cinematographer, because you are immersed in the story by the ingenious camera movement and actors' blocking.

A Quick-Fire Lesson on Cinematic Camera Movements

When one needs to add more dynamism to a video, be it cinematic or commercial, it's time to employ some camera movement. In this video by The Slanted Lens, J.P. Morgan teaches us eight smooth camera movements to use in different situations.

The Peril of Lowering Your Prices to Compete

When a photographer is desperate for bookings, an inexperienced business owner will turn to the only option they know of: lowering their prices. Before doing this, you should consider all of the other options you have before deciding to compete with others on price.

A Super Simple Way to Quickly Change Any Color in Photoshop

Do you often find yourself wondering how different colors might look on your subjects? This one-minute tutorial will show you how exactly how to instantly change solid colors to whatever color your heart desires.

Pet Photography Tips From a Successful Dog Photographer

Pet photography is as popular as ever right now, as more and more people become pet owners. In fact, according to a recent survey by American Pet Products Association, nearly 80 million American households have pets.

Simple Technique to Enhance the Eyes Using Selective Adjustments in Lightroom

A retouch of the eyes is on every portrait photographer's image editing to-do list. This important alteration is also one of the easiest adjustments to spot when unintentionally overdone. See how this Lightroom-specific technique will help bring out that shine in your subjects eyes, without pushing things too far.

Is Print Size a Myth?

Printing isn't something most of us do when we're first starting out, but as our careers develop it becomes more and more important to deliver the highest quality images to clients for them to print and use for advertising in magazines, posters, and maybe even billboards. But does size really matter?

Make Sure You're Using Your Reflector the Right Way

Many of us own a five-in-one reflector of some sort, as they're cheap, versatile, and effective instruments. However, they're commonly misused, and this great video will help you learn to use them effectively to get the best results.

Offer Clients a Modern Photo Delivery Option

If you are a photographer who is utilizing physical DVDs, USB drives, or even digital solutions like Dropbox to deliver client images, then take note as there is another way.

Ten Creative Ways to Use Colored Light in Your Photography

You don't have to look very far to see how popular and effective the use of colored light is in both still and moving image projects. Add these 10 lighting setups to your creative arsenal before your next video or photoshoot.

How to Use a Long Exposure to Remove People From Your Landscapes

Most landscape and cityscape photographers prefer to have images that are void of tourists, traffic, and other distracting elements in their scenes. One way to remove these eye sores is to meticulously clone them out in Photoshop, but what if there was a way to get a scene to look empty with a single exposure all in camera? Today I explore using a 15 stop neutral density filter for the first time.

How to Change the Perspective of Anything in Photoshop

If you want to correct unwanted distortion, or if you are trying to make an object fit the scene in a composite, the perspective warp tool is one of the most powerful options you have. This video gives a complete guide on how to use this unknown tool.

Perfect Hair Color by Removing Color Casts in Photoshop

Even if you can make a perfect selection when cutting the subject out of an image, there is still the pesky issue of the unwanted color casts that remain. This tutorial will teach you how to use clipping masks to correct these unwanted color fringes.

Best Tripod Practices for Videographers

While some tripods come with a basic set of instructions on how to work its features, many won’t show how to get the most out of them. Check out these 13 tripod tips for videographers.