Recent Education Articles

How Do You Learn To See a Good Photo Before You Take It?

One of the most difficult aspects of photography is knowing how to actually find a good picture so you can take it. How do you know when one is in front of you? This insightful video tutorial discusses how to see good photos before you take them.

5 Helpful Tips for Photographing People Who Aren't Models

Most of us who shoot portraits do not work with professional models on a regular basis, and as such, it pays to know how to work with regular people to make them as comfortable as possible in front of the lens. If that is something you struggle with, this excellent video tutorial will give you five tips for taking better shots of regular people.

Learn How This Dramatic Nighttime Portrait Was Lit and Shot

Using multiple lights can enable complex and innovative creative opportunities that simply would not be possible with just a single light or natural light. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how this dramatic nighttime portrait was lit with three lights.

5 Commonly Overlooked Photography Tips

The internet is absolutely bursting with photography tips and advice; however, some helpful ideas are often overlooked for one reason or another. This fantastic video discusses five often overlooked tips that will help you become a better photographer.

How This Rarely Used Adobe Lightroom Tool Can Rejuvenate Your Landscape Photos

There are numerous ways to edit a landscape photo with dozens of tools at your disposal. However, Lightroom's Calibration tab is one that does not get anywhere near as much attention as more common tools, even though it can invigorate your images. This great video tutorial will show you how the Calibration tab works and how you can use it to give your images a bit more pop.

How a Telephoto Lens Can Help Your Landscape Photography

When you think of the lenses that are used for landscape photography, you probably think of wide focal lengths around 16mm or 24mm. However, while such focal lengths certainly have their place, a telephoto lens can help you create eye-catching and unique landscape shots. This great video shows some of what you can accomplish with such a lens.

What Lens Should You Buy Next?

No piece of gear can have a greater impact on the technical quality of your images and your creativity than the lens you mount on the front of your camera. So, once you are ready to buy your next lens, how do you decide what to get? This helpful video discusses some of the things you should consider when deciding what lens to purchase.

How to Remove Background Noise From a Video Using Premiere Pro

Depending on what you film and where you film it, you might not always have control of the sound and in particular, the ability to keep background noise to a minimum. If you have a video with background noise that you need to reduce, this excellent video tutorial will show you how to do it in Premiere Pro.

4 Ways to Manipulate the Foreground and Background in a Landscape Photo

If you combine foreground and background in a landscape photo, the two must work together. There are four ways to manipulate the relationship between the foreground and background. You just have to use depth of field, distance, and focal length in the best possible way.

How To Color Match With Curves in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as I show you how to color match with Curves in Photoshop. Curves is one of the most powerful tools to use in Photoshop, so make sure you try to use it in your workflow.

How to Simulate a Long Exposure in Photoshop

Long exposures are a highly popular look, but sometimes, you might not have an ND filter with you or you might not have decided to make a long exposure in the moment. If you have an image with potential that you think would look even better as a long exposure, this quick and helpful video tutorial will show you how to convincingly fake it using Photoshop.

A Guide to Focus Stacking in Lightroom and Photoshop

Often in certain genres (such as landscape or macro photography), you need more depth of field and sharpness than is possible to capture in a single image. When that happens, you will want to turn to focus stacking. It is a relatively straightforward technique, and this fantastic video tutorial will show you a workflow for it using Lightroom and Photoshop.

Thoughts on Why Gear Doesn't Matter

A lot of us like to keep up with the latest gear, and there is certainly nothing inherently wrong with that; after all, cameras are rather nifty gadgets. But it is important to not confuse enthusiasm for gear with gear being a shortcut to improving as a photographer. This great video essay discusses the topic and offers some good motivation for enjoying what you have.

Just Go Shoot Photos

After multiple attempts to capture sunrise or sunset and not getting the conditions I wanted, I decided I was going to take photos no matter what the conditions were, forcing myself out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to be a better photographer.

10 360 Tools to Make Your Immersive Image-Making Easier

Times have really changed for 360 shooters. When the cameras first came out, there was no ecosystem of products to make shooting easier. In 2021, that's definitely not the case, and YouTuber and 360 shooter Ben Claremont looks at some of the gear that will make life in 360 a little bit easier.

7 Common Mistakes Photographers Make

Whether amateur or professional, there are certain common mistakes that we all make at one point or another. This excellent video tutorial discusses seven common mistakes photographers make and how to either avoid them or fix them.

Why Shadows Are so Crucial in Photos and Video

We spend a ton of time talking about how to light subjects not only to bring out their features in a flattering way, but to also convey a certain mood or message. But just as important as where you place light is where you do not. This excellent video essay shows you the importance of shadows and how they are used to add depth and meaning to photos and videos.

The Differences Between Various Popular Lighting Modifiers

When it comes to portraits, one of the most important decisions you can make is the choice of modifier. This great video will show you three common modifiers (softbox, parabolic umbrella, and umbrella) along with a lot of helpful example photos to show you how they will render your subject.

Why You Should Consider a Personal Photo Project

A lot of professional photographers will tell you over and over about the importance of taking on personal projects. Even if you are only a hobbyist, they are a fantastic way to build your skills, expand your creativity, and become a more confident photographer. This fantastic video essay discusses why you should consider picking up a photography project.

Everything You Need to Know About Aperture in Just Two Minutes

Along with shutter speed and ISO, aperture is one of the three most fundamental parameters that every photographer needs to have an absolute mastery of. This fantastic video tutorial will show you everything you need to know about how aperture works and how to use it for your photos in just two minutes.

What Sort of Camera Strap Is Right for You?

Of all the accessories that come with photography, your camera strap is probably not one you think about very often (if at all). However, with several pounds hanging off your neck for often hours at a time, it is something you should give a bit of consideration, and there are more options than you might have realized. This great video will show you a variety of straps, what they are useful for, and how they can improve your comfort.

Should You Follow Trends or Photograph What You Love?

With the rise of social media, photography trends are more prominent than ever. Should you follow them or just photograph what you want? This great video essay discusses the balance between the two.

How to Create a Dramatic Black and White Image in Photoshop

Converting a photo to black and white is about more than simply pulling all the color out of it; it is a chance to make an entirely new image. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to convert a photo to black and white in Photoshop and turn it into a dramatic, eye-catching piece.

How to Blur Out Backgrounds Using Photoshop

It is always better to get a narrow depth of field in camera, but sometimes, you end up with a background you would prefer to be blurrier to bring more focus onto your subject. For those cases, you can blur the background using Photoshop, and this helpful video tutorial will show you how it is done.

How to Create Eye-Catching Portraits With a Single Light

If you study the work of professional portrait photographers, you will probably notice a lot of them use rather complex multi-light setups, but you will also find plenty of fantastic images created with only a single light. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to create eye-catching portraits using no more than a single light.

Why V-Flats Are So Useful for Photography

Lights and modifiers for them can quickly add up in cost, but one of the most useful lighting tools a studio can have is surprisingly cheap and low-tech. This excellent video tutorial will show you why v-flats are so useful and how to incorporate them into your own work.

Photography Is Good for You

It can be easy to get caught up in the stresses that come with photography or life itself and to forget that photography is actually good for you. It is important to remind yourself every once in a while that photography is supposed to be an enjoyable thing that can do a lot of good for your overall happiness. This fantastic video does just that.

Problems to Avoid When Using an Ultra-Wide Lens for Landscape Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, the focal length of choice is normally a wide angle or even an ultra-wide angle. However, these lenses come with their own set of pitfalls that can adversely affect the quality of your images. This excellent video tutorial discusses some of the problems that come with ultra-wide angle lenses when shooting landscape photographs and how to avoid or fix them.

How to Use Lightroom Brushes to Sculpt Your Images

Often, the process of shooting is only half of what it takes to create a good landscape photograph. The edit is where you bring the image to life and add your personal touch. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to use the adjustment brushes in Lightroom to sculpt the light in your photos and create dynamic, eye-catching images.

Things Canon 5D Mark IV Users Might Not Realize About the EOS R5

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably seen or heard just about everything about the Canon EOS R5. However, even with the multitude of videos I've watched and articles I've read, I didn't realize a few things about the R5.

What's the Right Focal Length for Portraits?

When it comes to portraits, by far one of the most important decisions you will make is the choice of focal length. This fantastic video explores three different focal lengths for portraits, how they render the subject, and the pros and cons of using them.

How to Create Your Own Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Photoshop is a tremendously intricate program with literally hundreds of built-in functions, and each of us use it in different ways with different priorities. As such, you might want to create your own keyboard shortcuts to help you streamline your editing process, and this fantastic video tutorial will show you how to do just that.

Photograph Whatever Makes You Happy

It is easier than ever to consume literally thousands of photographs with just the swipe of a finger, and that is both a blessing and a curse, as that means we can be easily influenced into chasing trends and popular styles. This excellent video discusses the importance of discovering your own identity and photographing what makes you happy.

A Beginner's Guide to the Great Photos You Can Make With a Kit Lens

Kit lenses often have a bit of a bad reputation as being poor performers with low image quality, but they have improved quite a bit in recent years, and if you are a beginner, you do not necessarily need an expensive lens to learn. This great video tutorial will give you some helpful tips for working with a kit lens and show you how you can get awesome photos even with inexpensive gear.

10 Things People Don't Tell You About Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is one of the lesser understood genres, particularly when it comes to the business side of things, even though it is highly popular as a hobby. This excellent video discusses 10 lesser understood aspects of being a landscape photographer.

Everything You Need to Know About Lens Filters for Landscape Photography

Lens filters are essential for just about any landscape photographer's gear bag, giving you the ability to cut down on problematic reflections or take greater control over your shutter speed for artistic exploration. This great video tutorial will show you everything you need to know about using lens filters for landscape photography.

How to Use Focus Stacking for Sharper Photos

When you need a photo with deep depth of field that is sharp across the entire frame, it might not be possible to do so in just one shot. Focus stacking is a technique that allows you to get sharper images with deeper depth of field. It is a relatively easy and straightforward technique, and this fantastic video tutorial will show you everything you need to know to use it for your own work.

Everything You Need to Know About Layers in Photoshop

For all its tremendous complexity and variety of features, perhaps no aspect of Photoshop is more important than layers. If you are new to the program, this excellent video tutorial will show you everything you need to know about layers, including what they are, why they are so useful, and how to employ them in your work.

How to Create a Simple Composite in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as I show you how to create a commercial composite portrait in Photoshop. This is a full tutorial showing the process from beginning to end in real-time.

Hard Truths About Being a Professional Photographer

No doubt, the idea of being a professional photographer is a dream for many of us, but on the other hand, the reality of it can be far more difficult than you might imagine. This excellent video essay discusses some of the hard truths about being a professional photographer that you should be aware of before you undertake it.

Four Ways Dust Can Negatively Impact Your Photography

Dust is the enemy of photographers in many ways, and unfortunately, it is just about everywhere. This excellent video discusses four ways dust affects your work and how to better deal with it before it detracts from the quality of your images.

5 Helpful Tips for Posing Couples

Posing is something a lot of photographers struggle with, particularly since it is not something you can just learn objective values for like you can with camera settings. If that is something you are struggling with a bit, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you five tips for posing couples.

Five Effective, Professional One-Light Portrait Photography Setups

When you look at the work of professional portrait photographers, you might notice that it often employs two- or three-light setups. And while those certainly have their place, you might be surprised by just how versatile a single light and a bit of know-how can be. This fantastic video tutorial will show you five useful single-light setups for portraiture work.

A Simple Trick To Improve Your Final Image

There is a wealth of information for every step of the photographic process, but one area that drastically improved my work some years ago is also one of the areas discussed the least.

5 Helpful Tips for Working in Lightroom

Lightroom is a more powerful and versatile program than a lot of photographers realize, and you can accomplish quite a bit in it without ever having to switch to Photoshop. This excellent video tutorial will show you five helpful tips for getting more out of Lightroom.