Recent Education Articles

How To Successfully Use Blur in Your Photographs

Blur is generally seen as a negative thing in photographs. Sure, it can fully ruin an otherwise good image or take away from a moment that would have otherwise been wonderful to document. But, blur can also be an amazing and helpful tool, one that can add a lot to an image, as long as it is used intentionally and thoughtfully.

Here’s What I Learned From Not Judging My Work

A problem that many photographers face is being unhappy with their photos. This ends up running shoots and makes matters even worse. Some never fully experience the joy of creating that photography can bring.

7 Tips and Tricks for Better Pet Portraits at Home

If you've been trying to get some portraits of your furry friend but your images aren't quite cutting the mustard, then these seven simple techniques might be just the thing you need.

5 Tips for Taking Good Portraits in Ugly Locations

A lot of the time, you have complete control over a portrait, including where you take it and thus, the background that complements your subject(s). But in other situations (wedding photography, for example), you do not get much of a choice and may be stuck with a boring, distracting, or simply unpleasing background. If that is the case, this helpful video tutorial will give you five tips for still making professional portraits.

How to More Effectively Use Shadows in Your Photography

We talk about how to add light and shape it in a scene quite a lot, but as important as that is, so too are the shadows in your photos. This great video tutorial discusses how you can use shadows to create better, more dynamic, and more compelling images.

Hyperfocal Distance Made Simple: Forget the Charts and Calculators

The majority of landscape photographers tend to prefer keeping the entire scene in focus from back to front, using smaller apertures to maintain greater depth of field. Using this simple technique, any photographer can quickly find the hyperfocal distance, or the focusing distance at which a lens, given any aperture and focal length, will produce the greatest depth of field.

How to Use Perspective to Give Your Photos a Sense of Depth

One of the marks of a lot of good images is the ability to make a two-dimensional photo have the feel of a three-dimensional scene. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to take advantage of the way the human brain determines distance to give your images a deeper sense of depth.

Six Minutes of Tips to Improve Your Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a tricky genre that takes the combination of good technique, creativity, and the ability to work with people simultaneously. If you have been struggling with it a bit, this helpful video tutorial contains six minutes of rapid-fire tips and techniques to help you improve your work.

What Is Photographic Truth?

Photography struggles with truth as a concept. With other art forms, truth is generally a non-issue. We do not question whether a painting is real. We do not question whether a dance is real. We are generally able to discern fictional texts from nonfiction; furthermore, we’re generally able to sift through multiple nonfiction texts and combine them with our own experiences to arrive at a conclusion of truth. But not with photography.

How To Trick WhatsApp Into Sending Uncompressed Images

Having WhatsApp aggressively compress your images, strip out important metadata, and delete your handpicked color profiles is downright annoying for photographers. Thankfully, there is an easy way to trick WhatsApp into sending your precious images unharmed.

7 Common Landscape Photography Editing Mistakes

Landscape photography is a genre that often requires editing to complete your image more heavily than most others, and as such, there are a lot of places where things can go a bit awry during post-processing. This informative video tutorial details seven common editing mistakes landscape photographers make so you can be aware of them and avoid them.

10 Helpful Tips for Taking Better Photos

Are you feeling a bit stuck lately and wondering how you can improve your images? Check out this fantastic video tutorial that will give you 10 helpful tips for improving your work.

Breaking Through Creative Doldrums: Tips for Photographers

Creative blocks and lack of motivation for picking up the camera happen to the best of us. While there are times it is best to just embrace the downtime and wait for inspiration to strike, more frequently, it is better to take active steps to push past the doldrums. It's important to find methods that work best for you, but there are a handful of tricks that I have found to be successful over the years.

How To Separate Your Subject Without Relying on Narrow Depth of Field

With the increased availability of high-quality lenses with wide apertures, we have become quite obsessed with images that use a narrow depth of field to isolate the subject and blow the background to smithereens. And certainly, that can be a valid way of doing things, but there are many other great ways to draw attention to your subject, and this informative video tutorial will show you some of the best methods.

Photography Rules Are Made to Be Broken

Photography is full of rules regarding every aspect, including composition, lighting, editing, and more. And while those rules can be tremendously useful, adhering to them strictly is likely to handcuff your creativity and limit your growth as a photographer. This interesting video essay discusses the ideas of learning the rules, following them, and then breaking them.

Are Good Sunsets and Sunrises Overrated in Landscape Photography?

No doubt, a sunrise or sunset showering a scene with dramatic golden light is a popular look for a good reason, but it should not be all that we look for in landscape photography, and you could be missing out on great shots if you ignore gray days. This interesting video examines the topic and discusses why there is more to life than obsessing over sunsets.

What Is the Right Focal Length for Portraits?

Focal length is by far one of the most important choices you can make when it comes to portraiture, as it makes a huge difference on how your subject is rendered. This helpful video will show you how five different common focal lengths render the same subject.

Do You Need or Want New Photo Equipment?

Look at your gear right now. How much of it did you need and how much of it did you want? Knowing the difference between the two can save you thousands and make you a more sophisticated photographer who focuses on art.

Clean up Reflections With This Cool Trick

Automotive reflections can be a pain, especially if you are restricted to where you can shoot the vehicle. Reflections of the surrounding environment can really ruin your image.

How to Create Useful Custom Vignettes in Lightroom

Vignettes can make or break an image and can literally lay waste to the final outcome if overcooked. I’ve never been a big fan of the vignette feature in Lightroom, but that’s not because of what it does or how I use it. It’s simply because of the immovability of it.

Is Photography Art?

Of course photography is art. Is all photography art? Debatable. Is all photography good art? Nope. Most photography is bad art. Is your photography good art?

5 Common Traps New Wedding Photographers Fall Into

Wedding photography is a challenging genre that requires you to be at the top of your game in every facet. If you are new to it, it can be easy to make mistakes along the way. This excellent video tutorial discusses five common traps new wedding photographers fall into and how to be better by avoiding them.

6 Color Harmonies You Must Know

Color theory is crucial to color photography. Clever use of color can create harmony or drama in your images. Check out this great video to learn more about ways you can combine color in your photography.

5 Elements of Any Successful Photo

Photography is a language that can be used quite powerfully. Learning how to use elements of this language to create meaning will certainly improve your images. Check out this great video to delve into the five most common elements of this beautiful tongue – photography.

What You Should Do When You Get a New Camera

Getting a new camera is super exciting, but before you dive into it, there are some things you will want to do to make sure you get the best possible experience. This helpful video tutorial will guide you through how to make sure your new camera is ready to go.

Make Color Grading in Lightroom More Precise With This Simple Hack

Since Advanced Color Grading was introduced last year, color grading in Lightroom has been possible but has limitations. This great video tutorial will show you a simple Lightroom hack to allow much more precise control over your color grading inside Lightroom.

What You Need to Know About Traveling With Lithium Ion Batteries

The vast majority of batteries for cameras, computers, and other devices are lithium ion, and the government has very strict regulations on how you can travel with them. If you are headed somewhere soon, check out this helpful video that breaks down what you need to know about traveling with such batteries safely so you can avoid any hassles at the airport.

7 Common Landscape Photography Myths

Every genre has myths and misunderstandings around it, and landscape photography is no different. Knowing what they are can help you to avoid making common mistakes and to advance more quickly. This helpful video essay discusses seven common landscape photography myths and the truth behind them.

How to Stay Productive in Bad Weather for Landscape Photography

Extended periods of poor conditions for landscape photography can leave you feeling unproductive and stuck inside. There's plenty you can still accomplish no matter the conditions, and I've got a few ideas to get you started.

When, Why, and How to Use Focus Stacking for Better Images

When it comes to landscape and macro photography, sometimes, you need more depth of field than you can get in a single exposure. When that is the case, focus stacking can give you more depth of field and sharper images, and it is not a particularly difficult technique either! This helpful video tutorial discusses when and why you should consider using it and two different ways to do it in Photoshop.

3 Photography Skills That Will Pay Off Forever

Photography, like most crafts, has a number of strands to it. To become a master of the craft, there is a lot of ground to cover, but there are certain skills that will pay dividends for the rest of your career.

Why Leaving Your Tripod Behind Can Be a Good Thing for Your Photography

Tripods and landscape photography tend to go hand in hand. And while they are great for both maximizing the technical quality of your images and for enabling certain creative methods, they can actually be a hindrance at other times. This interesting video explores why sometimes, it is better to avoid using a tripod.

Lens Hoods: Do You Actually Need Them?

When you buy new (or used) lenses, they almost always come with a lens hood that you can attach to the end of the lens. They serve various purposes but do you really need to use them?

5 Tips for Creating Soft Light When Working With Strobes

Soft lighting is often more flattering, but if you are new to working with strobes, it can be a bit tricky to create it in a natural way. This excellent video tutorial will show you a one-light setup that will help you create soft light that is flattering and suitable for a range of portraits.

5 Helpful Tips for Taking Better Landscape Photos

Landscape photography can be a tricky genre, with a lot of necessary technical knowledge needed to bring your creative vision to fruition. If you have been struggling or you are new to landscape photography, check out this great video tutorial that will offer you five helpful tips for improving your work.

Helpful Tips for Getting More Photos in Focus

Few things are more important when it comes to making a successful photo than getting it in focus. This fantastic video tutorial will show you a range of tips and settings to increase your chances of getting an image sharply in focus.

How To Use a Tilt-Shift Lens, Part 2: The Tilt Function

The tilt-shift lens is probably one of the most special lenses available. It allows the photographer to turn, shift, and tilt the lens in many different ways. In this article, I explain when and how to use the tilt function.

All the Photography Basics You Need to Know in Eight Minutes

Learning photography can be a bit daunting, especially as you try to tackle a range of technical parameters while also learning to find your creative voice. This excellent video tutorial will show you a wide range of basic things you need to know that will get you up and running in no time.

How To Use a Curves Adjustment For Balancing Color

Getting the proper color balance will often make or break an image. This in-depth video explains a great technique for adjusting color balance in Photoshop using Curves adjustment layers.

Quick and Easy Retouching Using Frequency Separation in Photoshop Plus Free Actions

Frequency separation is a powerful retouching technique used by many professionals to enhance portraits while retaining detail. As with many editing techniques, it requires practice and restraint for the best results. This great video tutorial will show you how to quickly clean up your portraits. Using the free action for Photoshop CC you can make your portraits pop without looking over-processed.

The Only Preset You Need to Be a Great Photographer

A lot of photographers seem to fall for promises that presets make, and sometimes, they are true. There are packs out there that give decent results. But the problem with presets is that they do the creative work for you instead of helping you be the creative you wish to be. And that is what is holding you back. But what if there's one unique preset that will distinguish your work from everyone else's? You can't buy it, but you can develop it. Here's how.