Recent Education Articles

Don't Overlook the 70-200mm Lens for Landscape Photography

The majority of landscape photography is done with wide angle lenses like a 16-35mm. And certainly, these are highly useful for the genre, but on the other hand, they are not the only appropriate focal length. In fact, much longer lenses can be just as useful, and this excellent video discusses why a 70-200mm lens could be just what you need for your work.

How to Sharpen and Enhance Details in a Beauty Photo Using Photoshop or Capture One

When it comes to beauty photography, being able to showcase the details is a crucial aspect, which means the need for strong post-processing skills. If you are looking to improve your work, check out this great video tutorial that will show you how to sharpen and enhance the details in your photos using both Capture One and Photoshop.

Ready to Start Making Money From Your Photography? Here's How

For a lot of us, making the move from passionate hobbyist to professional is a dream, but the road there is anything but straight and easy to navigate. If you are ready to start making some income from your photography, this excellent video tutorial will give you some helpful advice to increase your chances of finding success.

What Is It That Makes a Great Landscape Photo?

A good landscape photograph is about more than just an interesting subject and a proper exposure. A good landscape photo is able to capture and keep the viewer's attention by telling a story and evoking feelings. This excellent video essay discusses just what it is that makes a good landscape photograph and how to make them yourself.

A Beginner's Guide to Photoshop

Photoshop is a very complex and intricate program, and it can feel a bit overwhelming when you are new to photography and just starting to learn how to use it. If you are new to the program and wondering how to get started, check out this excellent video tutorial that will get you on the right track in no time.

10 Mistakes Beginner Photographers Commonly Make

When you are new to photography, there is a lot to learn and practice, and it can be easy to go wrong and make a mistake. This excellent video tutorial discusses 10 mistakes beginner photographers commonly make and how you can avoid or fix them.

Learn Some Helpful Portrait Photography Tips While Watching This Photoshoot

Portrait photography can be a real challenge given all the factors you need to balance simultaneously, and the two that often give photographers some of the greatest difficulties are posing and composition. If those are factors you tend to struggle with, check out this helpful video tutorial that follows a photographer on a shoot while offering a range of useful tips to improve your work.

5 Helpful Portrait Photography Tips for Newer Photographers

Portrait photography takes the combination of technical skills with your camera, lighting knowledge, the ability to work with subjects, and strong editing skills to make a compelling final image, meaning a lot to learn for the new photographer. If you are just starting out, this excellent video tutorial features five helpful tips that will help you get on the right track to becoming proficient.

How to Light a Headshot Using Speedlights or Strobes

You have probably seen professional headshot photographers using powerful (and expensive) studio lights, and while there are certainly benefits to those, that does not mean you can't use things like speedlights to create compelling images. In this excellent video tutorial, well-known photographer Peter Hurley will show you how you can light a headshot even using only speedlights.

How to Improve Your Landscape Photos Through Cropping

Conventional wisdom says to get your composition right in camera, and while there are plenty of benefits to doing that, the ultra-high resolutions of modern cameras leave us a lot of flexibility in post. Lightroom offers some pretty robust features in the crop tool that many photographers do not take advantage of, and this excellent video tutorial will show you how to use them to improve your images.

Helpful Tips for Composing Portrait Photos

A good portrait photo needs a compelling composition to complement the subject and complete the frame, but we tend to focus so heavily on our posing our subjects that it can be easy to overlook everything else. This excellent video tutorial will give you some helpful tips for composing portraits to create better-balanced images.

Should You Use Vibrance or Saturation?

Vibrance and saturation perform pretty similar (though different) functions, and it can be difficult to tell the differences between them at times, but there are certain situations in which one will give you better results than the other. This excellent video tutorial will show you the difference between the two and how to use each of them to get better colors in your images.

Two Ways to Use Lightroom's Radial Filters for Better Portraits

Lightroom's radial filter tool is tremendously useful for a wide variety of edits. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to use it both for emphasizing a portrait subject's eyes and for drawing more attention to their face.

A Surprisingly Effective Way to Make Money From Your Images

Making money from photography is becoming increasingly more difficult. Quite by chance, I have stumbled upon a system of selling my images that has proven far more effective than anything else I've done. This is how I do it.

How to Get Started in Film Photography

Film photography has seen a real resurgence in the last few years, but after a few decades firmly in the digital age, many photographers have never even picked up a film camera and might not be sure how to get started. If you are interested in shooting film and ready to begin your journey, this excellent video tutorial will help you get up and running in no time.

One Simple Tip to Improve Your Photography

This is one of my favorite tips that I teach in my beginning photography workshops. I’m focusing this article on nature and landscape photography because it’s mostly what I do, but I think this is applicable in almost any genre.

7 Tips That Improved This Landscape Photographer the Most

There's an unscalable mountain of information in our hands, and while that has incredible power, it can also mean that finding profound nuggets of wisdom is difficult. Here are seven tips that one expert landscape photographer found the most useful.

How to Choose the Right Lens for Landscape Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, the standard lens of choice is the wide angle, as many scenes demand a large angle of view to get everything into one frame. And while wide angle lenses certainly have their place, other focal lengths are just as useful. This excellent video tutorial discusses how to choose the right lens for a specific landscape scene.

What Do You Do When Everything Goes Wrong in Landscape Photography?

Landscape photography can be a frustrating pursuit at times, as you are at the mercy of what the light and weather give you, and those do not always align with your plans. That does not mean you should just pack up your camera and go home, though. You can still get worthwhile images in such scenarios, and this excellent video follows a photographer as he encounters just such a situation, providing an important lesson.

Capturing Moments in Wedding Photography Using Waffles

Today we’re going to discuss how WAFFLES will make you better at capturing moments in wedding photography. Yes, you heard me right. Delicious, warm, smothered in syrup waffles! Actually, it’s an acronym, because who doesn’t love a tasty acronym?

How Do You Know When You Have Taken a Good Photo?

It might seem like a silly question, but there are times where you will look at the images on the back of your camera and it will not be entirely clear if you have a keeper. So, how can you tell when you have taken a worthwhile photo? This excellent video tutorial discusses what to look for when evaluating your images.

See How Peter Hurley Uses Natural and Continuous Light for Headshots

Most professional headshot photographers use strobes for their studio work, but of course, that does not mean you can't use continuous or even natural light for your work. This excellent video tutorial from the one and only Peter Hurley will show you how to use both natural light and continuous lighting for taking headshots.

5 Tips for Lighting the Background of a Portrait

When it comes to lighting for portraits, we mostly focus on learning how to light our subjects; after all, that is what the eye is drawn. But a complete image involves accounting for how the background is lit as well, and that can be the difference that makes your photos truly professional. This helpful video tutorial will give you five tips to improve the lighting of your portrait backgrounds.

5 Things Every Wedding Photographer Should Do After a Wedding

Wedding photography is a challenging, high-pressure genre, but the work does not end once you leave the venue for the night. There are some crucial things you should do after every wedding to give your business the best chance for success, and this excellent video discusses five of the most important.

How Much a Photographer Made on YouTube in 2020

For a lot of creatives, making all or a significant part of their income via YouTube is a dream. However, to get there takes a lot of serious, consistent work and the ability to remain constantly innovative and able to come up with new ideas and present them in a compelling way with high production value. This great video pulls back the curtain and shows you how one well-known photographer did on the platform in 2020.

Useful Feedback Will Make You a Better Photographer, Here's How To Get It

Getting feedback is one of the most important ways to become a better photographer. Often, however, many photographers are unsure on how to find someone who can give feedback, and what feedback to even listen to. Check out this great video which explains the ways you can get better feedback on your work from relevant people.

5 Uncommon Landscape Photography Composition Tips

Composition is a tricky thing when it comes to landscape photography, where even subtle variations can make or break a photo. If you have been struggling with your compositions lately, check out this great video tutorial that will give you five unusual tips that will help you improve your landscape photos.

How to Make Your Work Stand Out on Instagram

Not so long ago, Instagram was the perfect platform for photographers, but not anymore. How can you make your still images stand out on a platform that’s now all about Reels, handbags, and freebooting?

Two Ways to Color Grade Highlights and Shadows Using Lightroom

Lightroom recently added some new tools for color grading, and there are now multiple ways to warm up the highlights, add a cinematic touch to the shadows, and more. This excellent video tutorial will show you two different ways to selectively color grade your photos in Lightroom.

How to Copy a Movie's Color Grade to Your Photos

If there is one thing big-budget movies know how to do well, it is color grading. If you have a favorite movie in mind when it comes to color grading and you would like to apply that style to your photos, this helpful video tutorial will show you how to take it and apply it to your own photos using Photoshop.

How to Quickly and Easily Improve Your Photo Compositions

Compositions make or break photos, and they can be a really tricky thing to master. If you have been struggling with your compositions lately and need something that can get you back on the right track, check out this quick and helpful video tutorial on how to improve your compositions.

Creating Minimalist Landscape Photos With a Telephoto Lens

For the most part, landscape photographs are shot using a wide angle lens to capture as much of the scene as possible. Of course, however, that is not the only way you have to approach the genre. A telephoto lens can give a novel and interesting view of a scene. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to use a telephoto lens to take minimalist landscape shots.

How That Lightroom Tab You Never Touch Can Improve Your Images

There are a ton of ways to edit any given photo, and Lightroom gives you a plethora of tools to get there. And with all those tools, some things can get a bit lost in the shuffle, one of those being the Calibration tab. And even though it does not get much attention, it can be an impressive creative tool in your arsenal, and this excellent video tutorial will show you how to use it to give your images a nice boost.

Helpful Tips and Techniques for Photographing Mountains

Mountains are by far one of the most popular subjects for landscape photography, and they require their own approach and technique to get the best possible results. This excellent video tutorial will show you some helpful tips, techniques, and settings for improving your mountain photos.

5 Reasons Why You Should Use the Osee 17" Field Monitor

In this article, you will discover five very compelling reasons why you should be using something like the Osee 17-inch field monitor when you are creating your videos. Because if improving the quality of your work is important to you, then you will want to check out the helpful tips in this article.

Life Lessons Learned in Selling my Photography as Art

Taking something that you love to do and making it a money-making endeavor fundamentally changes your relationship to it and will require way more from you than you think. If that is something you want to do, it’s worthwhile to ask yourself: “am I really ready for that?"

8 Lessons a Photographer Learned After 8 Years

Photography is a pursuit in which you can always learn something new, improve your craft, or explore new creative avenues. Whether you are new or highly experienced, this excellent video essay features eight lessons a photographer learned in eight years and how they can help you improve your own work.

The Differences Between DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras and If You Should Upgrade

No doubt, the industry is quickly moving toward a fully mirrorless age, but that certainly does not mean DSLRs are suddenly useless or that you should immediately upgrade to a mirrorless camera. This excellent video explores the differences between mirrorless cameras and DSLRs and if you should consider trading in your DSLR or if you can hold on to it.

How to Light and Shoot Portraits in the Rain

It is not something we do often, but shooting portraits in the rain can be a great way to give your images a different look that captures the eye. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to light and shoot compelling portraits in the rain.

How Do You Find Photography Clients?

It takes a lot of work and a wide range of skills to be able to run a successful photography business. Of course, one of the most important aspects is being able to find clients who want to work with you. This excellent video essay discusses just how to go about finding clients.

4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Real Estate Photography Compositions

Real estate photography is a relatively simple way to make money off your photography. That said, there are some very common compositional mistakes that I see lots of photographers making on a regular basis. Fixing these four things can greatly improve how your real estate photos show off a property!

100 Photography Tips for Beginners

If you're just starting out in photography, it can be daunting with how many terms, rules, and acronyms there are floating around, and that's without the practical side. So, here are a staggering 100 tips to help you get started.

How Do You Approach an Unfamiliar Location?

New locations can be challenging for all of us. How you approach them can make the difference between a successful image or a frustrating day. This excellent video tutorial features a photographer discussing his approach to working at a new location.