Recent Education Articles

How to Save Time by Culling With Photo Mechanic

Depending on what genre you shoot in, you can often come home with literally thousands of images from a shoot, and culling them can be a tremendously tedious and annoying process. While you can cull in Lightroom, it is not always the fastest, particularly when it comes to rendering previews. Photo Mechanic is built with one purpose: to make culling large image sets and adding necessary info as efficient as possible. This excellent video tutorial will show you everything you need to get the most out of it.

Finding Your Style in One Afternoon

We live in a world where most of our images are intended for an audience. In this article, I’ll share some ways to circumvent that way of thinking to create simply to create.

6 Things You Should Ignore if You're a New Photographer

When you're a new photographer, there is an abundance of information to take in, some of it useful, much of it not. The question is, what is white noise? Here are six things that one photographer believes people new to craft ought to ignore.

Easy Steps for Printing Your Photographs

Printing professional-quality images can be an intimidating task if you are new to it. However, it doesn't need to be overly complicated. By following a few simple steps you can easily create high-end prints ready for your walls or print sales.

10 Common Astrophotography Questions Answered

Astrophotography is by far one of the most specialized genres out there, requiring quite a bit of specific equipment, software, and technique, but capturing things that are unfathomable distances away can be really rewarding. If you are new to the genre or looking to improve your work, check out this awesome video tutorial that answers 10 of the most common questions people have about astrophotography.

How to Take Better Bird Photos

Bird photography is a very challenging genre that requires a lot of specialized knowledge, top-tier technique, and patience, but when it all comes together, it can reward you with stunning photos. If you are looking to improve your own bird photography, this awesome video tutorial features two seasoned professionals discussing their background and a range of lessons and ways to improve your work.

Why Photographers Are Unhappy

Photography is something we all choose to do willingly, and as such, it should be something that makes us happy. Nonetheless, a lot of photographers are not particularly happy, which is a shame. Why is that, though? This insightful video essay discusses some of the possible reasons.

5 Tips for Better Landscape and Nature Photography

You could spend a lifetime out in nature with your camera and still barely scratch the surface of what is out there to photograph. If you would like to improve your landscape and nature photography, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features five helpful tips that will improve your work and expand your creative palette.

All Fstoppers Tutorials Up to 50% Off

Fstoppers is celebrating July 4th with our biggest sale this year. Buy any tutorial and you'll automatically save 20%. Bundle them together and you'll get up to 50% off everything in our store. This sale will expire next week, so be sure to act fast.

How to Choose Your First Digital Camera

The easiest way to decide on which digital camera is right for you is to consider budget, size, features, and a few more things. Follow this guide on what to look out for and help make a decision for your first digital camera purchase.

5 Tips to Improve Your Portraits

Portraiture is a challenging genre that requires sharp skills with the camera, in lighting, post-processing, and your ability to work with and pose a subject. If you have been feeling a little unsure of your work lately and need something to get you back on track, check out this great video tutorial that will give you five helpful tips to improve your portraits.

What to Look for When Purchasing Used Gear

Photo gear tends to be quite expensive, and when you are outfitting your camera bag, the costs can add up rather quickly. However, the used market is always bustling, and you can save significant amounts of money by buying what you need there. This helpful video essay discusses what to look for when buying used equipment to make sure you get a good deal on equipment that will last you a long time.

How to Effectively Retouch Skin Using Lightroom

When you think of retouching skin, you likely think of using Photoshop over Lightroom, and for deep or intricate work, that is definitely where you should be working. However, Lightroom offers some built-in tools for this, and they can often be all you need to produce a finished photo. This great video tutorial will show you how to use them to produce naturally retouched portraits that still retain detail in the skin.

10 Ways Tethering Can Improve Your Photography

Most of us simply take our photographs, pop the memory card out of the camera, put it in our computer, and download the photos. But many professional studio photographers tether their cameras to their computers, and it can do a lot to improve both your workflow and the quality of your images. This excellent video tutorial discusses 10 reasons why tethering is worth trying in your own work.

How You Should Think About Photography Rules

Photography is quite full of rules on pretty much every topic, and they can be a bit of a double-edged sword in that they can guide you and help you to realize technically apt images, but they can also be creatively restrictive. So, what should your relationship with photography rules be? This excellent video essay discusses the topic and how to incorporate rules into your photography in a beneficial way.

7 Common Mistakes in Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that demands a combination of a wide variety of skills to bring a finished photo to fruition. There are a lot of places where a mistake can derail things, and this excellent video tutorial discusses seven such mistakes and what you can do to fix them or avoid them altogether.

Posing Tips for Beauty Portraits

For some, having a wide variety of poses can be challenging. The model is limited by what they are wearing, what they have to hold or interact with, or even the vision or mood of the shoot. Beauty headshots provide their own limitations, here are some posing tips for your next beauty shoot.

How to Understand Color as a Photographer

When starting out as a photographer, understanding how colors work together can be confusing, with color theory feeling daunting and sometimes a bit pointless. This short video gives you a fantastic introduction that will give you an insight into how to harmonize the colors in your photographs.

Mac Color Management Tips for Davinci Resolve 17

In this article, you will discover the best video settings for editing on your iMac or Macbook Pro when you are color grading your footage in Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve 17.

How to Improve Your Landscape Photography Compositions

Composition is one of the trickiest parts of landscape photography, particularly since unlike most other genres, you do not get control over the elements in the frame. If you are having a bit of trouble with your compositions, check out this great video tutorial that will show you some ways to improve them and show you some helpful examples as well.

A Review of the Nikon NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S Macro Lens

A good medium telephoto macro lens is one of the most versatile a photographer can have, useful not just for macro shots, but for sharp portraits, wedding ring shots, and much more. For Nikon mirrorless shooters, there is the NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S Macro, and this excellent video review takes a look at the kind of performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.

Why I Always Work With a Retoucher as a Professional Photographer

Fashion photography is a team effort. You just can’t be the photographer, makeup artist, stylist, retoucher, assistant, and a whole crew by yourself. But how much should you outsource? Most photographers are happy to leave makeup to a dedicated specialist, but when it comes to retouching opinions differ. Some claim that retouching is solely the photographer's job as no one can convey the exact vision, while others choose to trust a professional.

5 Travel Photography Tips From a National Geographic Photographer

Travel photography can be a tremendously fun and rewarding genre, but it comes with its own unique challenges, particularly with regards to time pressure and the need to be able to familiarize yourself with an environment and produce good images efficiently. This excellent video tutorial features National Geographic photographer Jim Richardson giving five tips that will improve your travel photographs.

Podcasting 101: How Do You Start and Can They Make You Money?

I listen to podcasts every day on all sorts of topics, including photography. Thus, I began thinking about how you start a podcast from scratch and whether, ultimately, you can turn them into money. I asked a veteran podcaster these questions and more.

Easy Tips for Taking Better Photographs of Products for Etsy

Handmade selling is on the rise and with it comes an increasing number of new product photographers. Quality product photography is essential for marketing your goods, but it doesn't need to be expensive or overly technical. In fact, there are some easy things that you can adjust that will help elevate your product photographs to the next level!

5 Minutes of Helpful Portrait Photography Tips

Creating successful portrait photos takes the confluence of a wide range of skills and as such, it can be quite challenging. If you are looking to improve your portrait photos, check out this great video tutorial that offers a range of tips in just five minutes.

Using a Shallow Depth of Field for Landscapes

The majority of landscape photos are shot with a maximum or almost maximum depth of field. Everything is sharp, from front to infinity and beyond. But have you ever considered shooting a landscape with a shallow depth of field?

How to Save Time by Batch-Editing in Lightroom

If you shoot a genre in which you have to deliver a lot of similar images, you can save significant amounts of time and ensure greater consistency in your images by using Lightroom's batch-editing functions. This helpful video tutorial will show you a batch-editing workflow that will help you quickly get through large sets of photos.

Learn How to Light and Shoot This Dramatic Portrait

A portrait with a dramatic golden sky behind the subject is a highly popular and timeless look, and it is also a fantastic way to learn how to balance artificial and ambient light. If you are new to the technique, this helpful video tutorial will show you how to set up and shoot such a portrait, including a lesson in using high-speed sync.

How Astrophotographers Shoot (Very) Long Exposures 

If you’ve viewed deep-sky astrophotos (not landscape astrophotos), you may have noticed that extremely long exposures (not counting mosaics) are used. In extreme cases, exposures may run over 12 hours. Unless you have a space telescope, it should be obvious that multiple exposures have been used.

How to Improve Your Photos Without Spending Money

It is highly tempting to pull out your credit card and grab some expensive new piece of gear when you are feeling creatively stuck or like your technique just is not good enough. And while new gear can certainly be a lot of fun, if you spend money every time you feel stuck, you are going to quickly end up hurting. This awesome video tutorial discusses ways to improve your photography without spending a dime.

6 Beginner Editing Mistakes That Wreck Landscape Photos

Of all the genres, landscape photography often places some of the greatest emphasis on creating a fully realized image in the editing process. As such, there are a lot of places where things can go wrong. If you are new to editing landscape photos, this excellent video tutorial will show you six common mistakes and how you can fix or avoid them entirely.

5 Tips From 5 Years of Photography

Some of the best advice you can get from a photographer when you are starting out is when a more experienced photographer answers the question, "what would you tell a younger you about photography?" Well, here is one photographer's five answers to that question.

Mistakes Landscape Photographers Make With Telephoto Lenses

When you think of focal lengths for landscape photography, your mind likely turns to wide angle lenses, and no doubt, those are commonly used for a good reason. However, using telephoto lenses can really open up your creativity. Nonetheless, they come with their own pitfalls, and this great video tutorial discusses them and what you can do to avoid them.

How to Blend the Night Sky and Foreground in Photoshop

A nighttime landscape shot with the Milky Way over the earth below can be dramatic and eye-catching, but they almost always require two separate exposures for the foreground and the sky to get the best image quality. Once you have your two images, you will need to blend them to create a single final frame, and this great video tutorial will show you how to do it using Photoshop.

How a Simple 5-in-1 Reflector Can Drastically Improve Your Work

Lighting equipment can get really expensive quite quickly, but one of the most useful pieces of lighting equipment is actually extremely affordable. The 5-in-1 reflector is something that should be in every photographer or videographer's bag, and this excellent video tutorial will show you how to make use of it to dramatically improve the look of your video and images.

20 Essential Tips for Beginner Photographers

Being a beginner at anything is daunting at first and photography is far from an exception. With such depth and technical knowledge, it can be overwhelming, so here are 20 essential tips that can help those photographers just starting out.

Photography Mistakes I Made as a Beginner

You'll make countless mistakes as a professional photographer. This is how we grow as artists and entrepreneurs, and I encourage experimenting with your marketing and photography. I'm certain someone will object, but show the person without mistakes, and I'll show you a person who has accomplished very little.

What You Need to Know About ND Filters for Photography

ND filters are some of the most commonly used photography accessories out there, and they are great for both creative and technical applications. If you have not used them before, this great video will show you how they work and what they are useful for.

Creative Ideas for Landscape Photos in Bad Weather

Most of us do not particularly enjoy standing in inclement weather, particularly with expensive and often fragile photo equipment. However, if you are willing to weather the elements, you can often get dramatic and compelling landscape images that capture the viewer's eye. This excellent video tutorial will give you some great ideas for taking awesome images in the rain.

An Important Tip for Better Composition

It doesn't matter how proficient you are with your camera and how expert your post-processing skills might be, without a full and strong understanding of composition, you will likely fall short of great images, most of the time.