This is a stylized product shot. Inspired by two FStoppers tutorials (both about wedding ring shooting, creating bokeh with a water bottle and kicker light and the standard dof ring in the boquet). Sounds incredibly simple, but it was not.
The kicker light had to be at just the right angle to create the catch light (thank goodness for flexible lighting stands), the spray timing and strength had a massive impact on the appearance and quality of the bokeh (way harder than setting to burst mode and throwing petals!) and I had to diffuse my front flash to prevent from having clipped whites and losing dimension in the face.
A little bit of ps to enhance the dynamic range and heal some injured petals (rose from my yard was not a perfect model lol).
I highly recommend those tutorials, because I loved this effect. I think it would actually be quite difficult to do on location of a wedding, but for an engagement shoot, definitely!