Trending Posts in Landscape and Nature Photography

Catawba hike

Hiked catawba falls trails.

Sunrise at Denton Creek

I come out to Denton Creek, but am always open to a sunrise to kick everything off. Everybody has their “go to” spots...

Dunluce Castle Northern Ireland

The stunning Dunluce castle keeps watch over turbulent seas at northern Ireland's north coast.Please feel free to like...

Granite Guardians

Standing on this beach under these massive granite pillars felt like stepping into some kind of fantasy film. I would...

Mars, Devil's Tower, and the Milky Way

This composite image consists of 11 sky at ISO 6400, f2.8, 15mm, 15 seconds each. The ground was a single image at ISO...

Turkey Vulture

A turkey vulture waits for an armadillo (out of frame) to die.

Need More Help!

I got a chance to get out and shoot again. Tried to use advice from you awesome people. Have I improved? Hoping for a 2...

Colors or balck and white?

Hi guys, new here and already love this place. Wanted to ask you an advice. Would you keep this photo with colors or...

My nature/landscape photography so far

I have taken these over the past few years in various places. Any feedback is appreciated.

The Last Light

I was lucky enough to witness the most beautiful sunset over Colombo last evening

First Touch - Hvitserkur, Icealnd

To all of you guys this sea-stack is probably very well known. It's a famous Hvítserkur, which can be found near the...

Attempt at simple negative space shot, fog and isolated trees, in BW.

Island of cloud above fog bank on peninsula on SF Bay Area.The original and the edit from Luminar 2018. Clouds and fog...

Romanian Vineyard (Recaș Vineyard)

Shot on Canon 80D. Post-processing in Affinity. What would you have done differently in terms of shooting / post...

Sigiriya: The Lion Rock of Sri Lanka

Sigiriya is the most exquisite example of ancient Sri Lankan art, architecture and landscaping. Built over 1,600 years...

the lake of legends (cc appreciated)

It's not at all easy to find dark sites in Belgium and even at the darkest spots, you'll get some light pollution. But...

Need Help Choosing Between These Two Compositions

Took these shots at Limatour Beach in Point Reyes California. They are both HDR composites. I like the first image...

Just a Simple Little River Shot (Critique Wanted)

The plant in the middle of the river caught my eye and I liked the way it looked with a little bit of long exposure...


I really like this photo but i feel there's something missing... any criticism?

Vosges, France

Somewhere in France I came across this little river.

Sunrise on the turtle island

During a recent trip to Thailand, I spent few days on Koh Tao island, also know as the turtle island due to its shape...