One Shoe Left Behind

I was walking back to my car after finishing up The Orton series and casually looking for compositions when I spotting...

Fire into Smoke - Minimalistic

Just came back from a week in the Steens Wilderness Area and taking astrophotography from the Alvord desert never...


I've just arrived for a few weeks in Tasmania. These silos near the ferry terminal provide an opportunity for abstract...

Son of Beaches

A few years ago I published to no great acclaim a book called "Beaches." That was a compilation of pictures taken at...

The Orton Effect, Part Two

These photo, and crop, were taken using three shot in-camera multi-exposure: 1 - In focus and proper exposure 2 - In...

The Orton Effect

I said to myself, "Self. You've never tried the Orton Effect." Next thing I know I am heading to an old abandoned local...

Rock Pool

A quiet corner late on a winter afternoon at the top of Turret Falls in the Grampians in Victoria. For some reason, I'm...

Hello Old Friend

This tree caught my eye in 2015, and I drive past it when I relax in Victoria's Grampians in winter and explore the...

Aquatic phantom

I have a deep photographic attraction for the shapes of water, but I seldom try to capture them in a controlled...

Image Revisit (September Challenge)

A few years ago at the beginning of my photography journey, I was taking classes with NYIP and experimenting with the...

Minimal clouds

Just catching up on some older images. When relaxing at the beach I noticed a series of interesting cloud formations...

Harry's Point Of View

It wasn't too hot today so I actually carried my travel tripod while walking Harry. I had it set so it was a bit taller...


form and shape just made me think of a gentle soft note.

Rain on My Windshield

I'm just posting these to finish out the August Challenge: Weather Extreme ... Yesterday we went to the park to relax...

Colorful Bubbles

I decided to try my hand out with a mirror. The glass ball has four circles of bubbles the circle within the glass. The...

August challenge - Weather extremes

OK, the poll is in and the challenge for August will be the capture of extreme weather. With the current global climate...

Cannas in the Round

I have finally taken the plunge and tried out an in the round photo, and would like to share the results with this...

Hare Krishna

I've been working up the energy to rescan and reprocess a bunch of film from the very late sixties through the early...

Something purple

A water bead macro shot over a purple burst background.

AI Contest - Anyone give it a try?

Sooooo..... Very interesting experiment. I am interested in knowing if anyone else tried the AI contest or have done AI...