Video Interview With Award Winning War Photojournalist Ziv Koren

Israeli photojournalist Ziv Koren is one of the most successful photojournalists in the world and mostly known for his unique/striking Arab-Israeli conflict images. In the past 25 years he won multiple prestigious international awards and captured some iconic news photos we all know and appreciate. Recently Jared Polin sat down with him in his studio in Israel for a very interesting 45-minute video interview that you won't want to miss. [Interview starts at 1:16:30]

Critique the Community Episode 18: Concert Photography

A few weeks ago, we asked the Fstoppers Community to submit their best Concert Photography, you all rocked out! It took us a little longer to get the Critique back in front of your eyes with Lee Morris' wedding and finishing up the new Joey Wright Swimwear tutorial, but we finally have it ready for you. We selected twenty of our favorite images to review. Take a look at the selections and add your thoughts in the comments below!

How To Use And Build Your Own Ring Flash

Lighting with a ring flash is a common technique among fashion and beauty photographers, yet it is often one of the most misunderstood and abused lighting setups among novice photographers. Simply using a single on axis light is hardly ever appealing but when coupled with other lights the ringflash look can become very flashy and dynamic. You often see this sort of light in music videos, glamour photos like Playboy, and of course high fashion shoots. In this video Tom Antos not only shows you an easy ring flash lighting setup he used for a music video but he also shows you how you can make your own constant light version for video productions. These same techniques can easily be adapted for still photos, and if your model is not moving much you can actually use the constant light version for stills as well.
Fstoppers Reviews the New Magbox Pro Softboxes From Magmod

The wait is over, and by now, you all have now heard the news! Magmod just announced the release of seven new products: two upgrades and five all-new additions to the MagBox lineup. So, let's jump into them.

Western Digital Acquires SanDisk for $19 Billion

We all know that Western Digital is one of the ring leaders in the consumer storage industry, and buying out SanDisk has now made them a competitor in the solid state drive market. SSDs are used in everyday technology such as laptops, smartphones, and cloud computing. If you are a creative professional, you most likely own or have owned a WD hard drive. Today, they have announced that they will be acquiring all of the outstanding shares of SanDisk for a combination of cash and stock. Yesterday, SanDisk shares went as high as $78.48 but were well below the offer price of $86.50 in cash and stock.

How We Built Our New Fstoppers Studio Set

In today's video we take you behind the scenes in our new Fstoppers studio and show you exactly how we built and designed our latest video set. We will show you all the microphones, cameras, and lighting gear as well as our thought process in tackling this empty canvas of a room.

[Video] A  Photographer and A Model Switch Roles

See what happens when professional photographer, Mark Chung, hands his camera over to professional model, Callie Roberts. Given just a couple hours to instruct one another, each are then asked to do one another's job.

A heads up for all our model readers: this video does seem to focus more on the photographer's role and less on the model's. Which, despite the inference, I know to be quite difficult.

Is This The Ultimate Tethering Setup? Fstoppers Reviews

I am a big advocate for tethering. It helps me do a lot of things, from teamwork to backups and more. I’ve always tethered. However, when going on location, this can become a challenge. What do you take, and what do you leave out? Well, here is my on-location tethering setup for 2024.

Photoreal: The Short Film About A Camera With Superpowers

What if you found a camera that had superpowers, what would you do with it? You might have the potential to become the first ever superhero photographer of our time. The creative team over at Corridor Digital based their short story Photoreal off of this idea. The main subject of our film finds a camera that literally freezes time with each snap.

BTS Of Lana Del Rey's Blue Velvet Music Video

The first time I heard Lana Del Rey was watching her music video for "Video Games" last year. I thought it was just a tribute video to some old songstress I had never heard of. Little did I know this "gangster Nancy Sinatra" was about to be the next big thing in music. Her videos are always visually stunning, so when I found this behind the scenes video from her music video for her cover of "Blue Velvet," I had to share it. "Blue Velvet" was recorded and released in conjunction with H&M's 2012 Autumn Campaign in which Lana Del Rey modeled in. The BTS video lacks dialog but still gives a very good insight into the production process.

With Trump Threatening to Track Protestors Down, Should Photojournalists Show Faces in Photos?

I’ve covered protests in my time as a photojournalist and photojournalism educator, and there are always a chorus of conspiracy theorists postulating that by posting photos that show protestors’ faces, you’re setting them up to later be hunted down and killed and/or imprisoned. The thing is, a leaked phone call on Monday of President Donald Trump talking to the nation’s governors has all but confirmed that this is happening, or at least that the ostensible leader of the U.S. government wants this to happen.

Wine Country Camera Releases Their First Circular Neutral Density Filters

Wine Country Camera is a company that produces some of the best 100mm neutral density filters currently available. The minimal color shifts and detail rendering capabilities make them the ideal choice; even with high resolution cameras. Wine Country has now released circular ND filters using the same high-quality glass that's found in their 100mm set.

No Jail Time for Olympus Execs behind $1.7 Billion Accounting Scandal

Remember the huge brouhaha surrounding Olympus back in late 2011? The former presidents of the company Masatoshi Kishimoto and Toshiro Shimoyama as well as the chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa and a few other execs were found to be lying about massive losses the company sustained, about $1.7 billion in discrepancies. They were finally ruled against, but no one is serving any jail time. Weak.

The Samsung NX1 Arrives in Stores Just in Time for the Holidays

Samsung’s new flagship model, the NX1, will be available in stores on Monday, November 24, just in time for the holidays. Announced at Photokina in September, the NX1 boasts a 28 megapixel BSI (backside illumination) APS-C sensor with 205 phase detection autofocus points capable of firing 15 frames per second. For more information on the camera, check out Jaron Schneider’s post on the Photokina announcement.

How to Photograph Your Own Cookbook

It’s one thing to plan a restaurant shoot or a client brief for a particular project, but how do you go about planning and photographing a much longer project, like a cookbook? In this post, I’m sharing my tips on how to photograph a self-published cookbook, but the advice holds true for a longer project like an e-book too.

Zoner Photo Studio X Changed My Professional Photography Workflow

Every time a piece of software catches attention, a question many photographers ask is how useful it is in a professional workflow. This is exactly what this article is aimed to answer about Zoner Photo Studio X. I used it in a professional photography workflow and saw how it could be integrated.

The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From September 2012

Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness we put "The Best of" in a monthly newsletter for you. So, if you think you may have missed anything this last month, check out the top 10 posts and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already.

Humanitarian Conflict Beautifully Captured On Kodak Aerochrome Film

Accomplished photographer Richard Mosse has taken an incredibly unique approach to capture both the beauty and tragedy associated with conflict. In his most recent series, Infra, Mosse uses an antiquated film to bring new light to the humanitarian struggle faced by the Congolese people. Currently on display at the Portland Museum of Art as The Enclave, Mosse's newest exhibit features a six screen video instillation in addition to his dramatic Kodak Aerochrome imagery. Capturing the suffering of war between The Congolese National Army and rebel factions in poignant beauty, this exhibit of infrared film leaves an eerie perspective of the overwhelming harshness of war.

Photographing Death: Tragedies Turned Into Art

As I started to get into photography I've always been curious about the many different fields and who would want to shoot them. Sara Sudhoff has an interesting outlook on death and how we are affected by it, so she decided to exploit that interest through photography. Filmmakers Mark and Angela Walley follow photographer Sara Sudhoff as she works on her series titled At the Hour of Our Death. In the series Sudhoff creates large-scale color photographs of stained fabrics from trauma scenes and discusses the invisibility of death in our culture.

Photographers: The Guardians of History?

Have you ever considered the responsibilities we bear as photographers? Without wishing to get too dramatic, in many ways, we photographers are the guardians of history. Just as our knowledge of history has been shaped by the paintings and drawings of our ancestors, the photographs we capture today may well shape the knowledge of future generations as they endeavor to understand our society today.

Three Lessons ShootProof Can Learn From Pixieset

When I first discovered ShootProof, I loved it. The idea of handling all of my file delivery as well as print sales from an online platform easily through my website was just amazing. But after a good amount of time, I grew frustrated with a couple flaws in their system that were deal-breakers for me. I then switched over to Pixieset and haven't looked back. Pixieset isn't near the giant that ShootProof is (yet), but ShootProof could take a few lessons from the up-and-comers.

A to Z of Photography: Lenna and Leica

This week we move on to L in the A to Z of Photography and an image of Lenna that has impacted every photographer, along with the little red dot… yes, this article gives a brief overview of the history of Leica, a brand that has influenced everyone directly or indirectly through either their design or the photos shot with them.

[BTS Video] Toronto Maple Leafs Photo Shoot

Here's a great behind-the-scenes time lapse video from photographer Finn O'Hara. It's from a photo shoot he did for the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team. They set up on the ice and it was an 18-hour production. You'll see the ginormous maple leaf backdrop, measuring 55 ft by 85 ft. Fantastic work from our neighbors to the north!

Fstoppers Original: Lee Morris Shoots Oak Steakhouse

When we launched Fstoppers back in February we were working hard to create our own original video content to help kick off our website. After shooting this video it got buried in my computer before I had time to edit it because we were also working to complete multiple other videos at the same time. I finally had enough free time to finish up this quick food shoot. View the full post to read the full story.

Fstoppers Original: Lee Morris Shoots Oak Steakhouse from FStoppers on Vimeo.

We Review the Rotolight PRO NEO 3 and PRO AEOS 2

When the Rotolight package was delivered to my doorstep, I was apprehensively excited. I was apprehensive because light is everything in photography, and LED lights are notorious for disappointing me. But I was not disappointed. To say I had to rip myself away from playing with it in the studio to type up my review would not be an exaggeration. This light is prodigious.

Pentax K-01 Price Now Cut in Half! points out that the Pentax K-01 reviewed earlier is now half price! That makes it one of (if not, the) cheapest APS-C mirrorless cameras out there.