[Interview] Framed Interviews John Keatley

This is a really amazing interview with John Keatley, a celebrity and editorial photographer by Framed. This is a long interview, but it's definitely worth the time, every member of his crew gets interviewed and includes a breakdown of some of his shots with his retoucher.

Advice for Recent Undergraduates

It's been a month since most undergraduates walked across the stage and received their diplomas. The glow is still there as summer ramps up, but will soon wear off as August approaches and they realize they will not be moving back to the alma mater. With summer in high gear let's take a look at what recent undergraduates can do to make sure they are successful moving forward.

Are Cameras Really Just Tools? Yes and No

In the nausea-inducing argument of "gear doesn't matter," one of the lines often peddled by one side or another is that the camera, no matter how sophisticated, is just a tool. It's the equivalent of a hammer. Its job is to collect light and any romanticizing over these "light boxes" is just an exercise in GAS. I agreed with that sentiment for a long time, but now I'm not so sure. Here are my reasons why the camera is more important than its obvious job as a way to catch an image.

Instagram for Business: Adding Analytics Tools for Brands

With a community of over 200 million users, Instagram has become a powerhouse of social media. It didn't take long before the realization that monetization of that user base was the key to continuing to grow. Instagram began the slow rollout of ads on feeds almost a year ago which has proven successful and as a result, they are adding analytics tools for businesses to get a better grasp of what their ads are generating.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (July 2020): Hanaa Turkistani

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2020, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

The Monday Retouch Episode 3 - Submit Your Image To Be Retouched For Free

It's Monday so it's time for another speed retouch and episode of Retouching Mondays. This week image comes courtesy of last weeks winner, Ben Scott. If you would like me to retouch your image and send you back the full-high res final image, all you have to do is post your image in the comments and wait to hear back. I will email the winner on Thursday morning, so post your newest favorite image that you want retouched. It can be any genre, beauty, fashion, landscape, wedding! I'll record the retouching and send you the final image to use as you wish! Take a look at the speed retouch of Ben's image and let me know in the comments if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. Now lets take a look at the before and after and the challenges for this week's Monday Retouch.

ISPWP's List of Top Wedding Photographers Dramatically Under Represents Female Photographers

Intentional or not, there’s a substantial amount of messaging that occurs when you create a “Top 100” of anything. The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers released their list of the Top 100 Wedding Photographers in the World, and when you scroll down the list you’ll notice there’s a group that’s incredibly under-represented: women.

New Camera Requires You To Throw It In The Air

Awhile back we shared a few videos of photographers intentionally throwing their cameras in the air. Well now the Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera actually makes that feat much easier. The new camera allows photographers to create 360 degree images with 36 individual cameras arranged in a buckeyball shape (any organic chemists out there?). Using an accelerometer, the spherical camera takes a photo at the apogee when there is the least amount of movement for surprisingly sharp images. It's also made of soft collision material which just begs you to throw it at someone's face or fling it with a water balloon launcher. The whole project is pretty interesting, and you can read more about it on Jonas Pfeil's website.
Why Yelp Is the Worst Place to Advertise for Photographers

Like many small businesses, I decided to use the very popular restaurant recommendation site Yelp to advertise my business after seeing they automatically created a page for me. Here’s how you can avoid the disasters that come with making that same mistake.

How They Made "Zon Criatividade"

When I see videos like the one below on TV I usually pay no attention. My initial thought is that some guy on a computer made it. It isn't until I see the BTS that I really appreciate what goes into these creative works of art. View the full post to see the BTS.

Zon "Criatividade" from Nuno Rocha on Vimeo.

New Service Offers Rankings For Photo Sharing Site Terms Of Service Agreements

TOSDR, or Terms Of Service Didn't Read, is a new online service that offers a report card style ranking of various website Terms Of Service agreements. The cleverly named website, which understands the usual approach user have to these agreements, has created a very easy to read summary of what we are getting ourselves into when we check that "I have read and agree to the terms" button.

Slow motion taking over action sports

With action sport videos continuing to get more and more impressive, it's no wonder why the filming is moving away from the photojournalistic approach to more of a cinematic feel. Videographers are having to keep up with the trending demands of todays standards, using high quality gear like the Sony FS-700 for slow motion, and a RC helicopters for great overhead shots, like the Copter Kids. These guys use the RC helicopter to get some really unique camera movements of freestyle motocross.

First Hands-On Look At New DJI Avata 2 FPV Drone

DJI, maker of the world's best consumer and professional camera drones, recently announced the brand new Avata 2 FPV drone. They were able to send me one to test out, and in this video, I ask the question: "is the Avada 2 worth upgrading from the original Avata drone?"

Using Drone Photography for TV News Holds Doubts

Despite the explosion of interest in drones with cameras, one place you're not likely to see them used in the near future is commercial television newsrooms. A just released annual survey by the Radio Television Digital News Association and Hoftsra University reveals most stations have not used drones with cameras and don't plan on using them. Why you ask? That makes no sense. From a photographer or producer or reporter's perspective, it doesn't. These Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), as the FAA refers to them, are far cheaper than a news helicopter to acquire and operate and can get closer to the action.

[Video] Time Lapse of Aging Children

Frans Hofmeester is the father of 12 year old daughter Lotte and 9 year old son Vince. Frans has been filming each of them on a weekly basis since birth and has recently compiled that footage into short, time lapsed films. Many of us have seen this concept before but any one who starts a process and sticks it out for 12 years deserves to be seen.

[News] 16 Cameras in a Haunted House (an interactive story)

Is there anything new under the sun? Has it all been done before? Maybe... but the shadows are a different story. “Haunted” is a paranormal thriller that takes place in a haunted house over the course of 48 hours. This awesomely interactive narrative was filmed using 16 cameras spread through out the various rooms and you are free to jump to any of the cameras at any point of the time line.

'Dabo Magis': A Devilish Photo Manipulation

There always comes a time while you're surfing the web looking for inspiration that you stumble upon something so striking that it just blows you away. You sit back and wonder... 'How in the world did they manage that?' Jean Osipyan, a professional fashion photographer from Armenia and now based out of Russia takes the extra steps from ordinary to extraordinary in his retouching.

Nikon Announces New TC-14E III Teleconverter

If you plan on picking up the newly announced Nikon 400mm f/2.8E you'll definitely be interested in looking into the new TC-14E III, Nikon's latest 1.4x teleconverter. This baby will boost the focal length of your lens by 1.4x, only reducing the light by one stop. This will effectively turn your 70-200 f/2.8 into a 98-280 f/4.0, or that new 400 f/2.8 into a crazy 560mm f/4.0.

Creating Beautiful Photos With Strangers Across the Internet

I live in a small city far from popular landscape photography locations and seemingly devoid of fellow photographers. I oftentimes find myself feeling a bit alone in the creative process. To remedy this, I went online to find peers and look for resources to get constructive feedback on my work. I ended up meeting someone who helped me improve my work and whose generosity took me completely by surprise.

Fstoppers Reviews the Billingham Eventer Camera Shoulder Bag

When it comes to high-quality camera bags, Billingham continues to be one of my all-time favorites. A fellow photographer and close friend of mine Imran Mirza introduced me to their bags when I first started in photography and I've been buying and using their bags ever since.

Tips for Photographing Local Models While Traveling

Traveling and photography are a perfect match. It’s so fun to photograph in a new place. Yet, for portrait photographers, locating models while abroad can be a challenge. There's nothing more disheartening than finding yourself in an incredible place with no one to photograph. Here are some tips for finding models while you travel!

Use Protection: HDMI Lock For Canon 5D

Video monitor manufacturers SmallHD have recently released a port cover for the Canon 5DmII that prevents the HDMI port from getting damaged due to an accidental, uncontrolled removable of a mini-HDMI cable. This video makes you hold your breath as they drop a camera from the HDMI cord, but the Port Protector seems to hold strong. A very handy add-on to save you from a potential costly repair. Always practice safe shooting!

On1 Releases Sneak Peeks of Their Upcoming Amazing New Tools

On1 Photo Raw has changed from being an app that once played catch-up to advanced software with unique features well ahead of the competition. They have released three sneak peek videos of exciting features that are coming soon.

Royal Photographer Lord Snowdon Dies at Age 86

Antony Armstrong-Jones, more commonly known as Lord Snowdon after he married Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II, passed away peacefully on Friday at his home in London. He was 86. Snowdon was one of UK's most famous and most respected photographers for more than 50 years. He was already an established fashion photographer when he married into royalty, but after that he became somewhat designated as the official photographer of the royal family.