How Music Can Impact Our Photography

There are sometimes surprising overlaps between photography and music. The more we learn about music, the more we can understand how that knowledge can improve our photography.

Lytro Makes Their Web Player Open-Source, 500px Flagship Partner

One of the main issues some of you might have with Lytro is the rather boxed in and silo-ed image viewer that we have had experiences with in the past. Well, Lytro is opening things up to a bigger audience with the launch of a new open-source WebGL player, with 500px as their flagship partner. Prepare for Lytro images to get a lot more reach.

The New Panasonic AF100 Strapped To A RC Chopper

We have all seen some cool RC chopper videos with dangling DSLRs but AerialPan just took things up a notch. These guys strapped the new Panasonic AF100 to their heli and shot slomo in 1080p. I've always found that these small machines have a hard time keeping the camera steady enough for smooth shots but this looks pretty perfect to me.
Melissa Rodwell Shoots Fashion For Genlux brings us a great BTSV of Melissa Rodwell. Check it out to see what goes into large set design. Correct me I am wrong but she appears be shooting with a Nikon D3X and 85mm 1.4. <
[Workflow] PhVusion Software Lets You Edit Video In Photoshop

While in Las Vegas for WPPI, I met Rob Adams and Vanessa Joy who are two talented videographers and photographers respectively. They are both at the top of the wedding market and often speak to photographers about how they can incorporate video into their businesses (something we have been preaching here for years). To help photographers make the video transition easier, Rob and Vanessa have designed PhVusion video editing software which allows you to trim and color correct video directly in Photoshop.

Red Bull's Illume Photo Exhibit Is Itself Art

Yesterday I got an email from one of the Red Bull brand managers inviting me out to 2010 Illume Photo Exhibit here in Charleston, South Carolina. Illume is a traveling exhibit where dozens of images from the world's best action and extreme sports photographers are displayed on huge 6'x6' backlit panels. I have to say it was one of the most interesting photo displays I have ever seen, and the winning photos are nothing short of spectacular. The next stop on the tour is Miami, Florida but you can check out the images and future tour dates at Red Bull Illume Online. Also, check out this BTS video we posted last year of one of the winning images.
HAZMAT Surfing Video Predicts a Dangerous Future for Our Oceans

Earlier in the week, we shared Michael Dyrlands, HAZMAT Surfing photo series. To recap, HAZMAT Surfing is a photo series that gives a futuristic look at what surfing could be like twenty to twenty-five years down the road and spreads awareness of our oceans contamination. Dyrland came up with the idea after he was unable to enter the water on a trip to LA because of ten billion gallons of run off that had polluted the ocean after an evening of heavy rain. Dyrland has now released a video version of HAZMAT Surfing, which continues to spread awareness of the contamination of our oceans.

Layar Creator Merges Print and Digital Media

It's becoming more evident that print media must innovate to survive in our increasingly digital world. The makers of Layar Creator are trying to bridge that gap. With their augmented reality app, users can experience print media with the dynamics of digital media. This means you can instantly download, buy, like, and share things you find in print. And this is the part that I can't really wrap my head around - Layar allows you to turn still photos into video. What do you think? Is this useful technology?

Douglas Sonders Shoots In A Sunflower Field

Douglas Sonders just sent over this really quick BTS of a photoshoot he just did in a field of sunflowers. I think he does a great job of lighting his model and balancing the harsh sunlight with the strobes. Check out more about this shoot here.

Sunflowers & The Model Photoshoot from Douglas Sonders on Vimeo.

Take a Tour of My Cooking Shoot

I recently shot some cooking tutorials. They were budget-friendly, easy to follow, and there were 50 of them. Here’s how we did it.

Looking for a Great Photo Event in the UK? The Photography Show is This March!

I'm a big fan of shows like Photo Plus, Gulf Photo Plus and WPPI Las Vegas, so when my good friend (and amazing photographer in his own right) David Kai-Piper told me about an event he's helping orchestrate in the United Kingdom this year, I thought you all would be interested to hear about it. Introducing The Photography Show, a new show and home for professional and hobbyists to come together to enjoy all things photographic.

Running Your Photography Business: Podcast with Lindsey Pantaleo

The nice folks at TogTools are continuing their Fstoppers series with Lindsey Pantaleo! Giving new and emerging photographers the chance to hear it from the pros on all aspects of the fast growing photography industry, these podcasts are a bevy of information. In addition to Lee Morris and now Lindsey, many of the Fstoppers staff writers and contributers will be interviewed in this series by the wonderful TogTools founders Stephen and Jess Robertson over the next couple months.

8 Tips for Taking Photos at the End of the Earth

I recently wrote a piece for Bradt Guides' Travel Club offering tips on how to get the most out of a trip to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. I, for one, am feeling serious withdrawal from travel. If you're planning a trip to Antarctica or love landscapes and wildlife, climb aboard.

I Used the Same Modifier for These Images, or Did I?

Getting new modifiers is exciting. My first one was a simple umbrella with diffusion. As I progressed into my career, I invested more and more into various light shaping tools. The one I was most reluctant to try turned out to be the modifier I am currently in love with. And here is why.

Music Video: 2000 Stills Held by Strangers

For his music video for the song Rivers and Homes, J.Viewz shot a 'normal' music video, had 2000 of its frames printed out, and re-shot and -animated together shots of several hundred fans holding those stills for the final piece -- and the fans can tag themselves, too. While time-consuming, this is an elegantly simple idea with a great end result...

Scott McClellan Blows Up A Kitchen

Tobi, one of our readers, just pointed me to this video. This is a fantastic example of a great concept for a photo shoot. After you check out the video you can see Scott's website here. ><
Breaking Through Creative Doldrums: Tips for Photographers

Creative blocks and lack of motivation for picking up the camera happen to the best of us. While there are times it is best to just embrace the downtime and wait for inspiration to strike, more frequently, it is better to take active steps to push past the doldrums. It's important to find methods that work best for you, but there are a handful of tricks that I have found to be successful over the years.

500px Launches New Statistics App-"500px Insights"

500px is today launching a new iOS app called "500px Insights," which will give users access to all the valuable statistics on their 500px pages and allow them to better promote their work and strategically engage with their audience. This is a great step to getting more information about what is likely a huge networking tool for many photographers.

The Joy of Seeing the World in Full Color for the First Time

As photographers, we appreciate the importance and the simple joy of experiencing the world in full color. However, for about five percent of the population, color blindness prevents that experience and affects their everyday lives. One company is hoping to change that, and I was lucky enough to witness firsthand the way they are improving people's lives.

Watch Discovery's Final Launch From An Airplane

Okay I admit there is nothing really "behind the scenes" in this video but it is just too cool not to post. On Feb 24th, NASA's Discovery space shuttle launched for the final time and created a lot of media buzz. Most people travel down to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral to watch these amazing launches, but a few lucky passengers flying out of Orlando, Florida experienced the launch like few have ever seen it: 35,000 feet high in a commercial airline! Check out our previous post on NASA's video coverage of their shuttle launches if you want to see more amazing video of the space program.
Exposure or Exploitation? The Problem With Working for Free as a Photographer

Being asked to work for free can be a frustrating experience for photographers who have invested years of hard work and dedication to master their craft. In a time where equipment and running costs are so high, it has never been so important to politely decline requests to work for free.