Milky Way season in the Northern Hemisphere is finally here!
This was taken at Edisto Beach outside of Charleston, SC. I used a 14mm on my Pentax K5 and took several exposures for the waves pre-sunrise. I took one more shot with myself in it.
Next, I mounted my tracker and framed the scene the same. This Milky Way in this shot was a 6 minute exposure with ISO at 400 and f5.6. I then blended this Milky Way shot over the essentially non-visible stars from the 1.3 second image of the waves.
Yes, the shooting star is real. Had it happened toward the end of one of my 6 minute shots it likely would not have been visible as it would have been entirely washed out. Fortunately it happen only a few seconds in so I was able to stop the exposure. At the ISO and F stop I was shooting it was indeed faint but after matching the exposure to one of my 6 minute shots it turned out nicely!