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Helpful Advice for Beginner Landscape Photographers

When you are new to landscape photography, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to learn how to combine all the technical elements with your creative instincts to produce successful images. This helpful video will go over some of the most useful advice new landscape photographers can hear.

Fstoppers Reviews the Hasselblad X1D II

For those of you who haven't heard of Hasselblad, they were one of the first cameras used to shoot from space and are known today to be one of the top medium format companies around. With a recent release of their X1D II and a unique digital back for their v-system, what is it like to shoot with one of these cameras?

What Is Lens Sharpness and How Is It Measured?

If you’ve ever wondered how to assess the sharpness of a lens or perhaps read an MTF chart and been curious as to how it’s made, check out this short video that quickly runs you through the basics.

Learn How to Post Process a Desert Landscape

As we enter the winter photography season for the northern hemisphere it’s the best time to get out to the desert or arid areas to shoot landscapes. Cooler day time temperatures and some interesting areas in the national parks make for a great trip especially in places like Death Valley with its ubiquitous sand dunes, but how do you edit those images to really make them stand out?

3 Ways to Set Up an Overhead Camera Rig

Big flat lays are very much in trend both commercially and with social media. Here are three ways that I set up the camera on an overhead rig as well as their pros and cons.

How to Shoot Slow Motion Boudoir Videos

Have you started to dabble into creating videos simultaneously with your photoshoots? Having the capability and provide your clients with the option to include a slow motion boudoir video along with their photos could help set you apart from the rest. So, where do you begin?

How the Table Affects Your Image in Product Photography

Product photography is a highly intricate and precise genre in which you have to be able to control every last angle and reflection. This helpful video discusses how the table on which you are shooting can affect the results while demonstrating on a wine bottle.

How to Create High-Contrast Portraits

In this video, Mark Wallace explains how to take high-contrast images. He also explains some key terms that you should think about when you shoot this type of portraits.

Filmmaking: Much More Complex Than You Might Think

Today, many transition or expand their career from photography to videography, relying on the advanced technology we already have in our hands. However, most of them aren't aware that they are entering a whole new universe that's vastly unknown by stills photographers.

Five Helpful Tips for Retouching Portraits in Photoshop

Retouching portraits in Photoshop is a complicated and nuanced task, and it is important to be proficient with every step in the process to produce a top-quality result. This great video shares five tips and tricks for retouching portraits in Photoshop.

A Quick Tip for Finding Models to Work With

When traveling to new places, you may not have a solid network established to find talent to work with. Perhaps you are just starting and looking to local talent to work with. Where do you search to find potential models for your portfolio?

The Clever Way James Cameron Dealt With an Interesting Problem in 'Titanic'

If you know your Titanic history well, the thumbnail for this article should look very strange to you. This is because "Titanic" director James Cameron had to deal with an interesting issue during filming, and this neat behind the scenes video takes a look at how he solved it.

How to Evaluate Yourself to Stay on Track

One task all photographers should take from the professional office environment is quarterly reviews. How do you know where you've gone if you haven't looked back? How do you keep track of progress without setting goals for yourself? Self-evaluations are an important part of the growth process.

Why Did Canon Release Intentionally Soft Cinema Lenses?

You may not have heard it yet, but there's a line of Canon cinema lenses that have been manufactured with a flaw by design, affecting the sharpness of the glass. The new gear has been out for a few months. In this article, you can see demo footage and an explanation for the peculiar release.

The Making of a Composite With Mario Olvera

Mario Olvera is a photographer, digital artist, and friend from Mexico. He creates surreal conceptual composite images and commercial works.

Recovering Noisy and Blurry, Out of Focus Photos Is Possible

Topaz Labs software has more recently been talk of the town in the wildlife photography community, and for good reason. Just like the needs for wildlife gear can get extreme with the 500mm and 600mm uber-expensive lenses and hyper-fast cameras, the demands for software that can squeeze every bit of fine feather or fur detail out of images is equally desired. Many people, myself included, have now been turned onto Topaz DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI to achieve this.

8 Ways to Adjust Color in Lightroom and ACR: Compared and Contrasted

One of the things that I enjoy about Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw is that there is often more than one way to perform the same task. Perhaps the most flexible of these ways are all the different methods you can use to adjust for colors and tones.

What Should You Look for in a Monitor?

The holiday season is the best time to buy a new monitor; with Black Friday right around the corner, now is the perfect time to update your most important tool for editing. But do you know what to look for? Let's discuss what important qualities you should be watching for and go over some highly rated monitors for photo editing.

How to Get a Photography Agent

This is a question that I get asked all of the time. Getting a photography agent can really help you career, but getting one can be very tricky and there isn't that much information out there to help.

How to Negotiate a Shot List

We have all been there, a client stating how long they need you to do a job with no real understanding of whats required. In this video I go over how to work around this.

Shooting Street Photography With a Super-Telephoto Zoom Lens

Most street photographers prefer wide angle or normal focal length lenses for shooting, but of course, that does not mean you can't ever shoot with longer lenses. This fun video follows a photographer as he shoots with a super-telephoto zoom lens for street photography.

Multi-Minute-Long Exposures With the New Summit Filter System

Of course, it's possible to capture great landscape photographs without multiple filters, but purists like getting things right in camera. To do that, you're going to need not just a single filter, but a filter system.

Using a Single Speedlight and Modifier to Achieve Five Different Looks

When just starting out, It's easy to think that we need more gear, different gear, or just one more modifier that will let us achieve our goals. I challenged myself to try and shoot five different looks in my humble home studio with a single modifier and light to show just a few ideas of what you can do with them.

Five Tips to Record Better Audio With a Shotgun Mic

Of course, it is vitally important to have a good understanding of how to create a strong video, but without good audio to match, the final product is not going to be that great. This helpful video will show you five great tips to improve the quality of your audio when using a shotgun mic.

How Much Camera Do You Really Need?

Are you looking to buy a new camera this year? Perhaps you are hoping that the holiday season will bring you a fantastic new camera as a gift. I bet you already know which camera you would like to have next. But what is wrong with your current camera?

Helpful Tips for Autumn Photography

Autumn is in full swing across much of the country, and with it comes an opportunity unlike any other time of the year for photographers. If you are looking to get the most of this colorful time of year, this great video will give you lots of helpful tips for autumn landscape photography.

Here Comes Adobe Photoshop 2020: Faster and More Efficient in More Ways Than One

One of the chief complaints of Adobe’s software across the board is performance. While many are angry about Adobe’s performance updates not living up to their standards for apps such as Photoshop and, more notoriously, Lightroom, some changes are coming. Additionally, it may also be time to shift the way we think about performance. Here's what's new in Photoshop 2020. Give it a shot.

Insights on Retouching With Kelly Robitaille

Recently, I had the good fortune to interview high-end retoucher Kelly Robitaille to get her insights on retouching and learn how she’s built her career and skills as a high-end retoucher as well as getting her advice to those who want to build a similar career.

What Is Bit Depth and Does It Even Matter?

Bit depth is one of those camera specs that is confusing for a lot of newer and even some experienced photographers. From capture, to file format, and even editing mode, this video gives a quick introduction to what bit depth is.

Fstoppers Reviews the New AI-Powered Infinite Texture Panel

One of the most useful tools I've been using for the last year has been the Infinite Color Panel. This is my most used add-on in Photoshop and it consistently produces fantastic results. Recently a new tool was released called Infinite Texture Panel and I wanted to see what it was all about.