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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
Five Tips for Surviving a Bad Day as a Photographer

Yes, photographers can and do have bad days. Following your favorite photographers on Instagram, it might seem that all the photographers in the world are cruising along while you alone battle horrible days. And guess what, bad days are more common than you might think. So, it is important that we as a community learn and help each other survive bad days. I’ve created an action plan for myself that has helped me overcome difficult days and I hope this will help you as well.

How Critiquing the Photography of Others Improves Your Own

Asking for feedback on your own images is a healthy practice and can help improve your work. Learning how to give quality feedback to other photographers not only contributes to the community and helps fellow image makers, but it can also improve your own photography.

Reviewing the Four Laptops We Use at Fstoppers

Believe it or not, we work exclusively on Windows computers in the Fstoppers office. Normally, we work on desktops with dual monitors, but when we travel, we reach for one of four different laptops.

Fstoppers Reviews the WANDRD HEXAD 45L Duffel Bag

In every photographer’s ongoing search for the perfect bag, until recently it seemed there was a gaping hole: a 45-liter bag suitable as hand luggage on short-haul flights, offering the possibility to combine camera gear with a few days’ worth of clothes. The HEXAD Access Duffel from WANDRD fills that gap and does an incredibly good job of it.

Give the Lens Flare in Your Landscape Photo the Finger

Every landscape photographer will someday run into a situation when the bright light of the sun causes flares. Especially when using filters; the extra glass can increase reflections that results in the dreaded spots in a picture. However, there is a way to get rid of them, in most occasions.

Should Victoria's Secret Keep Their Signature Style of Model Selection?

After reading thoughts on Victoria's Secret getting negative feedback for their choice of models, I have some thoughts on the matter as well and how it affects our cultural view of models and of course, the style that we photographers shoot. There're some critics who feel that Victoria's Secret should include plus-size or transgender models in their fashion show.

Fstoppers Reviews the Advanced DVLOP Film Emulation Preset System

While there are plenty of companies that offer film emulation presets, not all of them are created equal. In order to get things perfect, DVLOP has teamed up with Jose Villa, one of the most popular film photographers in the industry.

Do Your Lenses Need MTF Testing?

LensRentals needs to trust that their customers don’t mess up a lens. How can they know for sure?

Tips for Reducing Event Day Anxiety

Experiencing bouts of anxiety when working fast paced events like a wedding is quite commonplace, clearly there is a lot riding on you the photographer. Truthfully a lot of that stress, we tend to create for ourselves. Let me explain how with thoughtful preparation ahead of time, I minimize to an extent those periods of uneasiness.

A Quick Look at Surf Photographer Ben Thouard's New Book: 'Surface'

Sometimes, it can feel really daunting to try to create original images like no one has ever seen before. With social media oversaturated with photography, it often seems like we have captured it all. So, when I came across surf photographer Ben Thouard’s tropical landscape images captured through the back of a breaking wave, I was a little jealous, but more so inspired and hopeful.

Landscape Photography Should Be About Adventure, Not Trophies

Landscape photography used to be about discovering new places and creating incredible images that no one had seen before. Nowadays, it feels like it's more about checking the location tag of something spotted on Instagram and photographing a scene that has already been shot to death.

When Your Photos Are Bland, Add Some Seasoning

Sometimes, you come upon a great scene, the light is beautiful, and everything seems right, and then, you take a photo that just seems to be lacking something you can't put your finger on. When that happens, try adding a bit of seasoning to it.

Sometimes, It's Not About Adding Light to a Scene, but Removing It

We talk all the time about how to properly add light to a scene, from where to place it, what power to set it at, how to modify it, and more. But just as important as the presence of light is the absence of it, and this great and quick video will give you an introduction to that concept.

A Comprehensive Look at Creating an Off-Camera Flash Shot

Off-camera flash can be a bit daunting when you first start out, especially when you're trying to balance it with ambient light. This great and informative video takes an in-depth look at building such a shot from the beginning.

The Power of Every Day in Photography and Beyond

As a photographer or a creative professional in any field, we all aspire to achieve big. We have big goals and bigger dreams. But how important are the little things that form part of this process? In this video, Chase Jarvis establishes a dialogue on this topic of the power of little things.

Building Your Own Photo Backdrop Wall

Seamless paper backdrops among other backdrops are great for photography backgrounds, but sometimes, you want a background with some real texture. While having several different walls painted different colors or having different textures sounds great, the space and size of a studio can put limits on what you can actually do.

Interview with Beto O'Rourke's Photographer

While Beto O'Rourke and Ted Cruz face off for Texas' Senate seat in one of the fiercest battles of the midterm elections, one man has been able to photograph Rep. O'Rourke throughout the campaign.

PhotoPlus Expo 2018 Roundup

Ten years ago, I attended my first PhotoPlus Expo at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. No other event each year brings as much opportunity to learn, check out new gear, speak with other photographers, editors, manufacturers, meeting folks outside of the matrix of social media. Here's a brief round-up of the 2018 PhotoPlus Expo from a different take than simply the latest gear.

Photographers and Writers: Step up Your Audio Game

Are you a photographer or writer looking to upgrade your on-camera audio for basic video clips and interviews? Check out some basic hardware and software essentials to improve your basic audio workflow for transcribing interviews and simple video clips.

Take Your Videos to the Next Level with Musicbed

It's a well-worn but true adage that audio can make or break a video. Musicbed is a new subscription service that hopes to revolutionize the way filmmakers access and use songs in their video productions.

The History of 70mm Film in Cinema

There's something in film stock everyone recognizes but cannot always explain. Even today, we still happen to see modern movies shot on 70mm film, and they don't look vintage. They just look organic. In this short documentary, you will go down memory lane and see how the 70mm film was invented.

Create a Haunting Image in a Small Studio

It's the time of year to get creepy and creative with your photography. And no better man to put shivers down your spine than Adorama TV's, Gavin Hoey.

How a Filmmaker Packs 66 Lbs. of Gear in Carry-on Baggage

Air travel with photo and video gear is the stuff of nightmares for a lot of creatives, as the game of trying to avoid checking anything fragile but still take everything you need is a tough one. This great video shows how one filmmaker manages to carry 66 lbs. of gear all in carry-on baggage.

How to Get the Correct Exposure When Shooting Film

When you're shooting film, you don't have the benefit of being able to check that you got the correct exposure after you take a shot like you do with digital. This great video will give you a couple common methods to ensure you get the exposure just right when you're shooting film.

A Reminder of Who Decides Your Photos Are Good

It's easier than ever to get feedback on your photos (whether you like it or not), but the degree to which you internalize that feedback and how you incorporate it is something you should consider to ensure you're being true to your artistic self.

Wine Country Camera Releases Their First Circular Neutral Density Filters

Wine Country Camera is a company that produces some of the best 100mm neutral density filters currently available. The minimal color shifts and detail rendering capabilities make them the ideal choice; even with high resolution cameras. Wine Country has now released circular ND filters using the same high-quality glass that's found in their 100mm set.

How To Make a Good Travel Video

This video shares an overview of what you need to shoot when you are planning to shoot a travel video. If you're going to a new destination soon, these tips will surely come in handy once you get there.

Would You Delete a Photo of Someone if They Asked You To?

It's a situation every street photographer (and some others) will encounter at some point: you'll take a picture of someone, they'll see you do it, and they'll ask (or demand) that you delete it. Would you delete the picture?

Stop Dodging: Five Alternatives to Bumping Local Exposure

Since the film days, photographers have used dodge and burn to infuse drama into their images. Unfortunately, local exposure adjustments don’t always stack well and can produce the opposite effect.

Originality Is Dead: Long Live Instagram

Instagram is awash with copycat images, from yellow jackets in front of waterfalls to feet dangling off rooftops. But given that we supposedly value originality so highly, why does mimicry proliferate across social media, and why is it so successful? More importantly, is it killing our capacity for new ideas?

Discovering Your Personal Style as a Photographer

How does one discover his or her personal style? It is always a debatable question, and it is interesting to hear the opinions coming from people from different walks of life. In this video, Chase Jarvis strikes a dialogue with Alex Strohl on the journey of discovering one's style.

Mirrorless Cameras Versus DSLRs for Beginners

This past weekend, I was running around shooting a half-marathon race for charity with my Nikon D5 and Fujifilm X-T2. Whenever I'm touting a huge and a small camera like that, the questions start pouring in about the differences between the two, so I thought this video from Jared Polin going back to the basics about mirrorless and DSLR cameras would be a good one to share.

The Lighting Breakdown: Just a Flashlight

Who knew you could get beautifully lit images with nothing but a flashlight? In this week's lighting breakdown, I'm going to show you how I created this series with nothing but a flashlight and a bit of crafting know-how.

Leave The iPad at Home, Print Your Portfolio

Every photographer today has a digital portfolio of some kind but only a very few have spent the time to create a printed book. In this video, we look into three very differently designed printed portfolios.