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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
7 Exercises Every Photographer Should Be Doing

Whether you’re a photographer who carries a heavy camera kit or an image editor that spends all day hunched over a laptop, these seven gentle exercises can help alleviate pain and keep you feeling fresher for longer.

What Do You Do When the Sky Is Blue and Boring?

For the normal person, blue skies make for a lovely day, but for the landscape photographer, they can be pretty drab and boring. That does not mean you can't take great shots, though; it just means you need to try for different images than you would otherwise. This great video discusses how you can turn monotonous blue skies into fantastic images.

Helpful Tips for Better Long Exposure Photography

Long exposure photography is a highly popular technique, one that is a ton of fun and an excellent way to create stunning images. If you want to improve your long exposure work, this fantastic video will give you lots of great tips for better images.

The Navy SEAL Technique All Photographers Should Be Doing

Many parallels can be drawn between being in the military and being a photographer. Both have their high pressured moments and require extreme concentration at times. Here's one technique that the Navy SEALs have adopted that photographers should too.

Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Outdoor Portraits

In this great video, Brandon Woelfel takes us through photographing with natural light at golden hour and dusk. Explaining his ISO, shutter speed and aperture options at every stage makes it nice and easy to grasp the secrets he's sharing.

An Even Faster Way to Remove Harsh Shadows Using Photoshop

Last year, Unmesh Dinda of PiXimperfect produced an excellent tutorial on how to remove harsh shadows from an image using Photoshop. In this new video, he reveals a much faster way to achieve equally good results.

Exploration Is Key to Making Unique Landscape Photos

Contemporary landscape photography is dominated by the same 20-50 locations. We have all seen specific locations being reproduced and reinterpreted repeatedly, and only a few stand out from the crowd. The key to making unique landscape photos is very simple: find something new to photograph.

How to Create Interesting Black and White Landscape Photos Using Lightroom

When you think of landscape photography, you likely think of vividly colorful images. However, there is an entirely different world of black and white landscapes that can be just as entrancing in their own way, and this great video will show you how you can create them using Lightroom.

Most Over and Under Rated Film Cameras in 2020

In a world of hundreds of film cameras to choose from, there is a continuum of value for cameras. In this article I list out cameras ranging from most overrated to most underrated.

Struggling to Find Landscape Photography Locations? Try This!

A lot of us struggle to find great landscape photography locations, and it can be frustrating trying to find opportunities, particularly during this time, when travel is very limited. If that is something you struggle with, this great video will show you how you can find better locations for shoots.

Do You Do These 5 Camera Checks Before Every Shoot?

It happens to all of us: you take some fantastic photographs, get home, and realize a camera setting was insane. Use these five checks every time you start a shoot, and you'll avoid making those mistakes.

How You Can Practice Lighting Without Ever Touching a Light

With many of us unable to work or even practice right now, it can be both difficult and frustrating trying to keep our skills sharp and the creative juices flowing. Would you practice lighting within a virtual studio? This fantastic video shows you how you can learn about lighting and create setups you can use in the future without ever touching a light.

How to Control Contrast With Lighting

One of the greatest tools you have at your disposal for creating mood within a portrait is controlling the contrast through your lighting setups. This excellent video will show you how you can use lighting to control the contrast in portraits and create more dynamic photos.

Consider Using a Flat Picture Profile When Shooting in Raw

I think it is always wise to shoot in raw. The raw file format will store the maximum amount of image information. This can even be optimized when shooting with exposure to the right to make full use of the dynamic range of the camera. Although intended for JPEG photographers, a flat picture profile can have a benefit or raw shooters also.

The Power of Local Adjustments in Lightroom

Most of the time, we think of Lightroom as a place for cataloging and global edits, but it also has some great local adjustment capabilities that can really put the finishing touches on an image. This excellent video will show you how to take advantage of those local adjustment features to improve your landscape images.

How to Take Stunning Indoor Portraits With Just Household Items

If you are currently stuck at home and looking for something to shoot, natural light portraits are a fantastic option, especially if you do not have any strobes or monolights in your house with you. This excellent video will show you how you can use items around your house and natural lighting techniques to take stunning portraits.

How to Edit a Video From Start to Finish in Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere Pro is a tremendously complicated program with a wide range of features, effects, and capabilities, and it can be a bit overwhelming when you are new to it and learning how to edit video. If you are struggling a bit, this excellent video will show you an eight-step process for editing a video from start to finish in Premiere Pro.

Do Camera Settings Actually Matter in Landscape Photography?

As a photographer with a decent following on both YouTube and Instagram, you start to see certain patterns in the comments and direct messages. One question I see repeatedly is about camera settings. “What is the EXIF data of X or Y photo?”. I always wonder why people want that information.

Recreating a Classic Hollywood Portrait

Recreating classic portraits can be both a fun creative exercise and a great way to sharpen your technical skills. This awesome video will take you behind the scenes of recreating a classic Audrey Hepburn portrait and adding a modern twist.

10 Helpful Tips for Working With a Wide Angle Lens for Landscape Photography

A wide angle lens is one of the most common pieces of gear in any landscape photographer's bag, but such focal lengths come with their own unique challenges. If you struggle with creating effective images with your wide angle lens, this excellent video will give you 10 helpful tips for working with it.

10 Fun and Creative Photo Ideas You Can Try at Home

With most of us stuck at home at the moment, it can be a bit frustrating trying to exercise your creativity and keep your skills sharp. If you are looking for something to do with your camera during this downtime, this fantastic video will give you 10 great ideas for fun photos you can set up and try at home.

The Two Filters You Actually Have to Have

With Photoshop, there’s not much need to carry around a book of physical filters anymore, but there are still two that you have to make sure you have. Want to know why?

Why Photographers Hate My Images

I recently shot a new portfolio and every photographer I have shown it to thinks it is rubbish. But every art director, buyer, agent, and creative director loves it. Let's look into why this is.

How to Use the Power of Color Properly in Landscape Photography

Color is one of the most powerful triggers in life, and in photography, it is no different. We are irresistibly drawn to warm colors, sunrises and sunsets, the golden haze of dawn in a fall woodland, or the luster of summer strawberries.

The Power of Selective Color Adjustments in Photoshop

When you hear about selective color, you probably think of aesthetically questionable decisions involving a partially black and white image, but that is not what we are talking about in this case. The selective color adjustment layer is one of the most powerful to ways to make highly precise adjustments to color in Photoshop, and this excellent video tutorial will show you what you can accomplish with it.

Helpful Tips for Introverted Photographers

Watch any successful photographer work, and you will notice that they are either an extrovert or very good at playing the part of one. The simple truth is that many of us are introverts, however, and it can be very difficult for us to work with people. This great video will give you some helpful tips for being a photographer as an introvert.

A Complete Guide to Retouching Portraits in Photoshop

Lighting and shooting a good portrait is only half the work; after you have taken the winning shot, you still have to edit the image, which is where the other half of the magic happens. This excellent video tutorial will give you a comprehensive lesson on retouching a portrait using Photoshop.

Photography Marketing Plan for the Recession

Hard times ahead? It's likely and while no one knows for sure, it's inevitable that the current quarantines will affect everyone's business in the coming months. How will you change your marketing methods? Here's something that worked for me and I want to share it with you.

Clever Indoor Photography Tips for Beginners

For those of you with a neglected DSLR camera gathering dust on the shelf this is the perfect time to learn some new techniques, like a few basics of still-life photography. Whether you have a dusty DSLR or just a smartphone, this video has some great tips to help beat the self-isolation blues.

What Can Photographers Do During This Coronavirus Downtime?

These are tough times, and they're likely to get tougher. The virus has been spreading quickly, affecting countries around the world and causing the cancellation of many events. This article isn’t intended to be doom and gloom or alarmist for the sake of it, but rather to help.

6 Ways to Import Photos Into Lightroom Classic

One of the attributes of great software is that it has multiple ways to accomplish a single task. Lightroom Classic is one of those in that it has various ways to import files.

How to Shoot and Edit Your Concert Photos

Concerts and events can either be exciting and fun or quite challenging for us photographers due to the low-lit environment and having to share the space with other photographers, all while being crammed into a tight space. Luckily, a little bit of planning and preparation can go a long way to avoid any disasters while shooting.

Five Steps to Preserve as Much Information as Possible in Your Images

Ever wanted to correct a mistake with your exposure or try a cool post-processing technique, only to find that the results weren’t all that you’d hoped? Image data may have inadvertently been lost in your workflow. These five steps can help ensure you have the best chance for technical greatness!

The Apps You Need to Plan Photos

Whether you’re looking to plan a perfect landscape shot to coincide with an astronomical event or just want to previsualize some potential viewpoints before a trip, there are a number of free or inexpensive apps that can help you create your best images.

TFP and Model Photographers: The Truth Behind the Fake Profession

The internet has sold photographers the lie that there is a profession to be had photographing models, "model photography." After reading the comments section in a recent article, I thought I would try to shed some light on the matter.

What to Do When Landscape Photography Goes Wrong

What does it take to create an amazing landscape photograph? So many photographers, me included, have been guilty of creating beautiful content that portrays only the successes of landscape photography. In today's free landscape tutorial, I'm going to share some of the failures.

A Comprehensive Guide to Traveling as a Photographer

Traveling with photography gear can be rather nerve-wracking and a bit of a logistical nightmare. Fstoppers alumni Clay Cook wrote an ultra-comprehensive guide based on his extensive experience traveling for work, and he offers numerous tips and guidelines for helping you get to your destination and enjoy your trip as much as possible, while accomplishing all your professional goals.