Recent Education Articles

Seven Lesser Known Lightroom Shortcuts

I've seen a lot of Lightroom tutorials and tips videos; most seem to cover the same few shortcuts. Mark Denney covers some great lesser known features in this video, including a tip for changing the spot removal selection I've never seen before.

Why Makeup Matters in a Portrait Shoot

When shooting a portrait, we focus on the lighting, the model, the equipment, and the accessories, but one factor often overlooked is the importance of a professional makeup artist. Quality makeup elevates the output. In this video, Gavin Hoey emphasizes how a professional makeup artist brings a difference to a portrait shoot.

When and Where to Get a Model for a Photoshoot and How Much to Pay

When you're getting into genres of photography that require working with models, navigating the landscape of who to hire, when to pay, and more can be a bit confusing. This great video will tell you exactly when you should pay for a model, when you should offer a trade, and where to find them.

Understanding the Differences Between Raw and JPEG

You have likely heard that you should capture your images in raw rather than JPEG, but do you understand why? Here is an explanation of the advantages of shooting in each mode and why raw is the way to go for an amateur photographer.

When to Not Use a Polarizer in Landscape Photography

Using a polarizer in landscape photography is often advised. And with reason: colors will be enhanced, reflections in water and on the leaves can be removed, and skies can turn deep blue. But it is not advisable to use a polarizer as a standard filter, because there are situations when it can turn against you.

How to Make the Jump From Amateur to Professional Photographer

Making the jump from amateur to professional photographer can be both an exciting and scary thing, and it’s important to know how to do everything correctly. Make sure you do all these things before you open for business.

How to Take Horrible Landscape Photographs

One of the best ways to know how to take good photos is to know what makes for a terrible photo. This hilarious video will show you how to take terrible landscape photos so you know what makes for a good landscape photo.

Five Steps to Photography Greatness

A chilly September morning. The crispness in the air added weight to the solemn moment. My composition was all figured out. I patiently waited for the final elements to come into place.

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Camera Gear?

Photographers and videographers tend to pay a lot of attention to their gear and what new and exciting products are on the market, but knowing if it's time to upgrade is a different matter. This great video examines that topic and how you'll know if it's that time.

Ansel Adams: Photographing With Intention

When you get beyond shutter speed, f-stop, ISO, and the other settings that distracts you from focusing on the photograph, there is a “next step” in all photographers' journeys.

Why Instagram is Crucial to Lead Generation for Photographers

There is a lot of debate within the photo community on the importance of a social media presence. As social media has increasingly evolved as an essential in daily life, it’s time for photographers to stop fighting against the current. No matter your niche, there is value in participating in an online presence. Instagram is a particularly important tool for photographers to generate leads.

Why Shooting in the Rain Can Give You Great Landscape Photos

Most people would rather not spend a cold, rainy day standing outside in the elements, but then again, photographers aren't most people. This great video shows why grabbing your camera and heading out into the rain will help you get some great shots.

When Your Photos Are Bland, Add Some Seasoning

Sometimes, you come upon a great scene, the light is beautiful, and everything seems right, and then, you take a photo that just seems to be lacking something you can't put your finger on. When that happens, try adding a bit of seasoning to it.

Sometimes, It's Not About Adding Light to a Scene, but Removing It

We talk all the time about how to properly add light to a scene, from where to place it, what power to set it at, how to modify it, and more. But just as important as the presence of light is the absence of it, and this great and quick video will give you an introduction to that concept.

Print Your Photography: Part Three

It turns out that every different kind of paper out there isn't going to be the right choice for every shot that you have. Sometimes, you'll make the wrong choice and the content won't make sense on the type of paper.

The Power of Every Day in Photography and Beyond

As a photographer or a creative professional in any field, we all aspire to achieve big. We have big goals and bigger dreams. But how important are the little things that form part of this process? In this video, Chase Jarvis establishes a dialogue on this topic of the power of little things.

Meet the DJI Simulator

For the past three years I've been flying, I found the only way to really advance my skills with the drone is to go out and actually fly. Sometimes, it's tough to get out there every day for whatever reason, which is where I see the simulator becoming very beneficial for pilots looking to increase their skill level.

Financial Risks of a Photography Business

Running a business always entails risk, and photography businesses are no exception. Let's explore the various financial challenges we face and ways we can protect ourselves and our livelihood.

A Comprehensive Look at Creating an Off-Camera Flash Shot

Off-camera flash can be a bit daunting when you first start out, especially when you're trying to balance it with ambient light. This great and informative video takes an in-depth look at building such a shot from the beginning.

Six Investments To Level-Up Your Commercial Photography Business

Throughout the course of my creative career, I’ve overdrawn my bank account a lot, shed tears over stress, and stared in the mirror for hours in dejection. I’ve made my share of professional and personal mistakes and certainly learned the hard way from all of those choices. I’ve lost, I’ve won, I’ve sacrificed, and I’m blessed to have earned.

Photographers and Writers: Step up Your Audio Game

Are you a photographer or writer looking to upgrade your on-camera audio for basic video clips and interviews? Check out some basic hardware and software essentials to improve your basic audio workflow for transcribing interviews and simple video clips.

5 Star Images - Lee and Patrick Critique the Best from the Community

Every couple weeks we release a new episode of Critique the Community where Fstoppers members can submit their best images to a genre specific contest for a chance to receive feedback and win a free Fstoppers original tutorial. This week, we changed things up and selected only 5 star images to discuss.

PhotoPlus Expo 2018 Roundup

Ten years ago, I attended my first PhotoPlus Expo at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. No other event each year brings as much opportunity to learn, check out new gear, speak with other photographers, editors, manufacturers, meeting folks outside of the matrix of social media. Here's a brief round-up of the 2018 PhotoPlus Expo from a different take than simply the latest gear.

How to Avoid Lowball Offers as a Photographer

It doesn't matter what industry you work in, there are very few clients that won't try to squeeze you on your price. Here's how to spot the signs and the psychological strategy you can employ to make sure you get the amount you deserve each and every time.

How to Make Your Squarespace Site Look Less Like a Squarespace Site

Squarespace is a popular platform for artists, photographers, entrepreneurs, and more. While it’s very easy to make a nice-looking website, I’ve noticed that really make a site scream: “I made this on Squarespace!” Having your website seem more bespoke than it actually is will always seem more professional.

Got a Huge Editing Backlog? Check This Out

Almost all of us have been there at one time or another. The folders of unedited shoots start to quietly pile up in Lightroom, and all of a sudden, you're staring at a veritable mountain of work. This great video talks about what you should do when you hit that point.

A Humorous and Informative Look at How a Landscape Photo Is Made

Landscape photography can be a quirky genre in which you're by yourself, braving the elements in search of that elusive shot. This great video takes a lighthearted but educational look at everything that goes into creating a landscape photo.

What Is Bit Depth and Why Does It Matter to Your Photography?

Bit depth is one of the most fundamental and important parameters you're likely to come across in photography and videography. This great video will give you a quick introduction to what bit depth is and why it matters to your work.

The Biggest Dangers Photographers Face

We all know the dangerous jobs out there: law enforcement, firefighting, the list goes on. But have you ever stopped to think about the risks that come with our profession?

How to Mount a Small Canvas Backdrop on a C-Stand

Have you ever seen a small backdrop placed in the middle of an open field or exotic location and wondered how that was possible? In this quick video, learn an easy way you can mount a small canvas backdrop to a C-stand.

How Composition Can Make or Break a Photo

We all have our unique styles in photography, and we get to choose how we express ourselves in our images. However, poor composition is one of the easiest ways to ruin an image and can take away from what you want to communicate in your photo.

How a Filmmaker Packs 66 Lbs. of Gear in Carry-on Baggage

Air travel with photo and video gear is the stuff of nightmares for a lot of creatives, as the game of trying to avoid checking anything fragile but still take everything you need is a tough one. This great video shows how one filmmaker manages to carry 66 lbs. of gear all in carry-on baggage.

Elevate Your Macro Photography With These Great Tips

Just about every photographer tries their hand at macro photography at some point in their life. Follow some of the tips in this great little video, and you just might be able to get the kind of shots you've always dreamed of.

How to Get the Correct Exposure When Shooting Film

When you're shooting film, you don't have the benefit of being able to check that you got the correct exposure after you take a shot like you do with digital. This great video will give you a couple common methods to ensure you get the exposure just right when you're shooting film.

Creating Studio Portraits Using Just Speedlights

If you're new to strobes, buying a couple of speedlights and modifiers can be a cheap but effective way to learn the ins and outs of artificial lighting. This awesome video will show you how to create classic studio portraits using just speedlights.

A Reminder of Who Decides Your Photos Are Good

It's easier than ever to get feedback on your photos (whether you like it or not), but the degree to which you internalize that feedback and how you incorporate it is something you should consider to ensure you're being true to your artistic self.

How to Color Correct Skin Using Photoshop

You can do all sorts of creative things to portraits, but if you don't get the skin tones right, chances are your viewer will notice something off. This great video will show you a quick and effective method for color correcting skin in Photoshop.

Breaking the Myths about Social Media Marketing

Needless to say how important social media is to the growth of your business. It is always good to have a clear and focused strategy when it comes to social media management.

What Is 'Color Science' and Should It Actually Matter to Photographers?

"Color science" is a term that gets thrown around quite a bit as a catch-all for some things that are actually under the umbrella of science and many that aren't at all. This excellent video unpacks all the baggage that comes along with the term "color science."