Recent Music Articles

Lighting a Band in the Mountains

Guest writer Brandon Cawood is the owner and head photographer at Flash Light Productions. He primarily shoot weddings as well as commercial and product photography. He spent most of his teens and early 20's playing in bands and touring the country. After he became a photographer, naturally one of his favorite type of shoots is band promos.

Removing Distractions From Your Photographs

So, how do you shoot at the legendary Disney Concert Hall without breaking their rule of 'No Professional Photography'? You do it with finesse. Benjamin Von Wong was faced with the task of shooting the Trio Dinicu at the location without looking like a professional photographer. In this behind the scenes video he shows you how he accomplished that and also walks you through cleaning any distractions from your photo using Photoshop.

Beyoncé’s Publicist Wants To Erase Super Bowl Photos From The Internet

It's been 3 days since the Super Bowl ended. 110 Million people (in the US only) watched the game, the commercials, and of course Beyoncé taking over the world. Her performance was truly amazing, and she proved to all those who doubted - she can sing live, and do it like a champion. But apparently, her Super Bowl gig is now causing some people in the photo industry to raise some eyebrows.

Slow Motion Music Video Shot In One Take

The guys over at FROKOST FILM / FEIL FILM put together this awesome music video for While You Slept. Watch the behind the scenes video on how they shot this epic video in one take. The shot took 18 second to film, which translates into three and a half minutes in slow motion. "Havoc" was shot in one take at 300 fps using a Red Epic with a 75mm master prime. It takes a lot of comunication and planning to get this right, and the end result is quite impressive.

Using GoPro Camera Arrays For A Live Bullet-Time Effect

Marc Donahue from Permagrin Films has been busy since his production of Dream Music, which got over 2 million views on YouTube. Most recently, Marc has been experimenting with GoPro camera arrays for a unique effect, most similar to bullet-time like in the Matrix. Click on to see the final video and read an interview with the man behind the lens.

Awesome Live Concert Photos

Shooting live performances is not always easy. Sometimes the lighting is bad (sometimes its much worse than that), sometimes your angle is not too interesting, and sometimes people in the crowd can get in the frame and kill a good catch. But sometimes you're exactly in the right spot with the right lens; and with the right timing you can capture a perfect action shot of the performer, or of his fans. Check out these great live concert photos found on Flickr and let us know which are your favorites.

Hilarious Instagram Song (To the Tune of Dated Nickelback)

UPDATE: Apparently video was removed from Youtube. Link to original CollegeHumor video is here.
Taking a break from any serious discussion about whether or not Instagram is a good thing, let's all take a moment to appreciate the hilarity that is this video, which pokes fun at Instagram to the tune of Nickelback. I remember when I actually liked this song... a lot.

Comprehensive Behind the Scenes of The Hobbit Post Production

I've been a fan of all of the Lord of the Rings movies and am very much looking forward to the release of The Hobbit this December. I always knew that a lot of work went into the film industry beyond the actors and cameras, but after seeing this behind the scenes of the upcoming Hobbit movie, it makes me realize how extensive the work is after all the filming is said and done.

Go Behind The Scenes With Dubstep Violinist Lindsey Stirling As She Edits Her Own Music Video

Known best for her dazzling performances that have mixed a dubstep beat with violin playing, Lindsey Stirling has gathered quite a following with her fantastic music videos. In her latest video, "Elements", Lindsey shot footage behind the scenes that shows her picking up supplies, working with Director Devin Graham, and then talking about how she event does the editing herself as a self-proclaimed video nerd.

Oops Olympus! Justin Bieber's New Music Video Was Also Shot With GoPros [UPDATED]

A couple of nights ago a close friend of mine, Jesse, gushed over Justin Bieber's new music video, 'Beauty and A Beat'. How it was entirely shot with the new Olympus TG-1 (a point-and-shoot camera) and how I should write a post about it for the site. So, taking his lead I went ahead and did some research on Justin's new music video.

Behind The Scenes: Shooting JB And The Moonshine Band

Matthew Hogan, a talented photographer and videographer from Tyler, Texas, shot country band, JB and the Mooonshine band. He not only shot the band for a promotional photoshoot, but for their music video, as well. Using Alienbee lighting, a Nikon D700 and a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens he composited the individual band members together for the final image.

The Barclays Center Will Use Your Photos Without Paying, Or Asking You

The Barclays Center opened 2 weeks ago in Brooklyn, and it's one of the most beautiful and exciting arenas in the world to date. It's a huge project that will make that part of Brooklyn very attractive, and will bring many sporting and music events to the area. But for fans and photographers, their Facebook policy might cause some anger.

BTS Of Lana Del Rey's Blue Velvet Music Video

The first time I heard Lana Del Rey was watching her music video for "Video Games" last year. I thought it was just a tribute video to some old songstress I had never heard of. Little did I know this "gangster Nancy Sinatra" was about to be the next big thing in music. Her videos are always visually stunning, so when I found this behind the scenes video from her music video for her cover of "Blue Velvet," I had to share it. "Blue Velvet" was recorded and released in conjunction with H&M's 2012 Autumn Campaign in which Lana Del Rey modeled in. The BTS video lacks dialog but still gives a very good insight into the production process.

Check Out These Fantastic Single-Take Live Performance Music Videos

SerialBox Presents is a live music project created by Texas photog and all-around creative, Ryan Booth. Serial Box produces music videos that are shot entirely on a few 5Dmk2s with audio tracked into ProTools. There are no overdubs, no cut-ins, and no pick-ups. What you see and hear is one time through, mistakes and all.

This Song Makes Fun Of All You Instagram Users

This funny video created by Julia Mattison is probably the best thing that came out of the invention of Instagram. If you're addicted to Instagram, this song will make you feel ashamed. If you're a friend of someone who's addicted, this video will remind you how much your friend can be annoying. Happy watching everyone!

This Music Video Was Shot On 16 Rolls Of 35mm Film

In a day and age where DSLR HD video is all the rage with indie film makers, Scotty Liberatore decided to take a different route. Using only a Lomography LomoKino 35mm Film Camera and a few different film stocks Scotty made a very interesting and unique video for rapper Diatribe.

Behind The Scenes... Gangnam Style!

This past week I have been bombarded with this poppy, silly and downright hilarious song. My co-workers play it nonstop, my two daughters won't stop singing along to it and the other night while at a local bar a group of very happy drunk people attempted to dance the signature pony-style dance. If you haven't seen South Korea's PSY's quirky 'Gangnam Style', then you must be living under an interweb rock.

Behind The Scenes Of 'Dream Music' Is As Awesome As The Original

A while ago we posted the video Dream Music Part 2, which has since blown up and become a huge hit online. Marc Donahue, one of the co-creators along with Sean Michael Williams, shot me a link to their behind the scenes reel, which shows timelapses of timelapses, using various setups with their Dynamic Perception Dolly kit.

Matching Image With Sound For "The Dark Knight Rises"

One of the greatest experiences in watching films is when the sound and image work together in a cohesive unit that drives the intended emotions home for the viewers. Creating that experience takes the work of highly skilled professionals, like Hans Zimmer and Richard King. In this video, they discuss their workflow on the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises", talk about Bane's voice, creating effects for the Bat, and give viewers a taste of what it's like to work on a project of such scale.

Robert John's Documentary On Photographing Guns N Roses

Guns N Roses was one of my favorite bands growing up. I recently read Slash's biography and realized that his friend Robert John had not only shot all of those iconic album images, but he also documented the band's entire road to stardom. Of course I had order Robert's book Guns N Roses, The Photographic History. If you enjoy band photography check out this interesting documentary on how he made the book, and what it's like photographing the most dangerous band in the world.

7 Misconceptions About Licensing Music Legally Vs. Stealing

Admit it, we have all done it. Whether you used Napster to download music illegally when you were in highschool, made a mixed tape for a friend, or put music behind your last Youtube video, none of us have paid for music properly in every instance. In most cases we know what is right and wrong but there are still many misconceptions about licensing music. In this article Matt Thompson of goes through 7 legal and moral misconceptions when it comes to using popular music.

The Art Of Motion Mixing: BTS With V Energy Drink

Music and visual components have always been used together as a form of art, most famously in the music video. As technology expands so does the way we use it for expression. The people over at Frucor (V Energy Drinks) recently challenged Joel Little, lead singer of Goodnight Nurse, to create a single track that could be played (mixed) live using only a body's movements in this unique musical and visual journey of a marketing campaign.

This Is Probably The Best Projection Mapping Video Ever Created

Projection Mapping became a big hit in the past few years, and many brands use it for making cool looking ads outside over big buildings. Basically they all use the same shticks: Changing what you see in windows, making bricks fall down, or making part of the building explode. This is why AntiVJ's "Omicron" is so different.

299 Hours Of Guitar Making Condensed Into 3 Beautiful Minutes

Film makers Deep Green Sea follow guitar maker Vassilis Lazarides through the entire process of making one of his beautiful handcrafted classical guitars. A lot of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work are condensed into this 3 minute film. Enjoy!

Music Video: 2000 Stills Held by Strangers

For his music video for the song Rivers and Homes, J.Viewz shot a 'normal' music video, had 2000 of its frames printed out, and re-shot and -animated together shots of several hundred fans holding those stills for the final piece -- and the fans can tag themselves, too. While time-consuming, this is an elegantly simple idea with a great end result...

[Video] Benga's Timelapse Waveform Music Video

My buddy Paul Mckelvie in the UK just showed me this music video for Benga that he worked on a while back as a runner for the video's directors, Us. The concept is fantastic and the execution turned out great. Once Us had the idea for the video, the next problem was trying to figure out how to actually do it. There was a lot of math homework, calculating the number of records per second against the frame rate. It worked out to be that 960 records would be the equivalent of 1 minute and 20 seconds worth of wave form.