Trending Posts in Landscape and Nature Photography

Manhattan Bridge

From many pictures I've clicked of Manhattan Bridge, this was the one I liked. This was shot from Brooklyn bridge...

Boat in Penang Malaysia

I was trying to make the best of a cloudy afternoon in Penang when I got a break in the rain. I had to leave the next...

Sunset Shots

Any thoughts. There was a really beautiful sunset the other night. I just had to capture it. I'd like input on the post...

Zenith Beach Sunrise

This was taken a couple of years ago at a beach called Zenith Beach on the mid north coast of New South Wales, Australia


I had the perfect morning conditions here, but I feel like I failed to make the most of them and produce a great shot...


just got this into another edit I'm way happier with it and some how..... i got a 1star rating??? oh well let me know...

Spider webs in nature

Spiders cast their webs after torrential Texas flooding to catch the first rays of sunlight.

People in photos?

Just wanted to ask does adding a person into a photo improve the image or not? I personally added myself into this shot...

Foot Bridge in the Woods

While taking a walk in a nearby state nature preserve I came across this foot bridge that spans a small brook. I was...

Learning luminosity masks, Tips?

I've been trying to get better at learning to edit my photography. This was the first time I have tried using...


Travel at Hell's Gate National Park lies south of Lake Naivasha in Kenya, north west of Nairobi. Hell's Gate National...

A shrine in Honor

With rain on the forecast I still took the risk and ventured into Melbourne’s botanical gardens, the clouds covered...

Help me please?

I need to know what more I can do to get this a higher rating, everyone says needs more work,but won't comment on what!!

2nd catch of the weekend

today i gained experience in the realization that you can't photograph in the dark too well i tried setting my iso to...

Cardinal in the shadows

I shot this cardinal in Virginia. It was competing with a squirrel for food from the feeder hanging from the hook on...

Kiliney Hill CC welcome

Looking for some feedback on this image. CC welcome.

editing check

old way vs new top is original edit bottom is new way... better, worse, same?

Lunch Break

I shot this image during lunch break - glad I take my camera everywhere, you never know when you'll bump into something...

Greeting the morning

My first real attempt at exposure blending. It was a beautiful morning in the Arava desert. The first beautiful morning...

Oz Adventure

I just finished a 3.5 week tour through Australia. We drove over 7,500 km from Darwin to Adelaide then back to Sydney...