Green plus one

I took these today (Thursday) while out with Harry. Lately, I carry a lengthy zoom, because I don't want to wander into...

A Question of Toning

Once again inspired by Alan Brown, I have edited several different tones of this ICM photo. Now what I'm looking for is...


An early morning in winter. The COLD, CALM and CONNECTION is still remembered. A year old image through old crop gear...

Odd ones out

I came across these trees while scouting on a camping trip and was struck by the two colored trees that stood out...

Moody sunset ICM's

Just practicing ICM skills, trying to capture a sunset over the lake. The low cloud did little to help the color but I...

Over the Field

This is my first experiment with black and white ICM. It was a handheld exposure of 1/10 s, at 70 mm. My favorite part...


I took the original (1st photo) of this photo with no intention of editing it this way, but my Disney brain got the...

Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Though the saying is generally in the negative, I find that removing the "not" makes it work especially well for ICM...

An evening at fog harbor - feedback requested

This is an image I have been working on and not sure it is the best it can be. I'd love to hear feedback from members,...

Burning Woods

This was a rather extreme edit, but I do like the way it came out. The HSL I did on it was a departure from my...

Border Collie Eye

I have been beginning to play with compositing, and this is my second attempt to make a photo, but my first real...

The next door hotel

Taken through a hotel window so the image isn't super clear. I think leaving the little strip on the right of the "...

Sunset ICM

This is a newer edit of an ICM photo I had previously posted here. I noticed there was banding and exporting artifacts...


Any thoughts or CC are welcome. I was just experimenting one day while I was supposed to be taking cow photos, you can...


I have been thinking about the difference between color and B&W images, specifically about when one works better...

Border Collie Eye Experiment

While playing around with my dog one afternoon, I had the idea that maybe I could make a cool photo from her face and...

Queen Anne's Lace

I found a n example of Queen Anne's Lace with a much lighter and center than normal also has two colored flowers...

Light bulb

Simple but amazing

a soft snow cover on trees

Just a little snow powder on trees. A nice rounded and symetric shape. Is it enough to be interesting? This photography...

Monochrome ICM Preview

These two images are the first two of my recent bout of ICM photos. They haven't actually been edited with any real...