Adobe Updates Photoshop and Solves the Liquify Issue

A little over two weeks ago, Adobe released CC 2015.1 for most of its apps. The updates looked great on paper, but for photographers, there were a couple of glitches in the new Photoshop that turned out to quite be annoying. Yesterday, Adobe released a new update, CC 2015.1.1, meant to correct most of the issues.

Looking Back At Our Photographic Inspirations - Part One

When each of us picks up our camera, whether it be for the first time or the ten-thousandth time, our finished work is a product of everything which has inspired us. Everything we've seen, everything we've done, everything we've learned and grown from can be seen in our work in at least some small part. That's why, I believe, it's important to not only look back at our work on a regular basis with an eye critical to how technically proficient we've become, but to look back at our work from an influence-based standpoint to see how much of ourselves we can find into our work.

Modular Camera Concept Allows Sensor Switching

Most cameras are not designed to be any more modular than switching a lens out. They are next to impossible to user-service or upgrade, and if you want to use a different lens system and there isn't an adapter...too bad. That's where Korean designers Dae jin Ahn and Chun hyun Park come in. Their modular camera concept envisions a future where the user can upgrade or completely change key aspects of their system with ease.

The Wednesday Rundown 2.9.11

Howdy, and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. We have a great assortment of videos today. Rob sent us in a good collection, Thanks! Check out the streampunk and male underwear shoot. Yep the underwear shoot one turns out pretty good. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.

Aputure Releases New Pocket-Sized LED

Aputure has released their latest LED panel, and it’s nothing like what they’ve created before. The panel is tiny, cheap, and looks like a very handy gadget to have on set.

The 2011 Subaru WRX STI Commercial

It's to easy to do things in post these days. If you can think it, someone can do it on a computer. To stand out, we are beginning to see a trend in TV commercials where directors do it "the old fashion way". So far on Fstoppers we have posted BTSVs for Old Spice, Lexus, Nissan, and Levi's commercials. Subaru didn't want to be left out so they decided to film an animation in a single take using a perfectly timed car. Check out the finished product in the full post. Keep'em coming!<
[iPhoneography] Schneider Optics Will Soon Offer The "iPro Lens System"

Today at iWorld/MacWorld, a tradeshow in San Francisco, CA, Schneider Lenses debuted their new iPhone series lenses. We've seen third party adapters for Nikon and Canon lenses, but Schneider is taking a leap and developing the glass specifically for the popular mobile. Click the full post to read more.
Is this the Sigma 24-105mm f/4?

Canon Rumors is reporting an image of what appears to be a legit image of the rumored 24-105mm f/4 that Sigma has purportedly been working on. It will supposedly be heavier and larger than the Canon 24-105, but that's not unexpected given the build of the previous pro lenses Sigma has released.

The Three Best Photo Spots in Lisbon

Not only is Lisbon the capital of Portugal, its largest city, and a major tourist destination in Europe, it's also a great location for cityscape photography. Its hilly profile offers beautiful views of the narrow streets and Mediterranean architecture. All across the city, you'll find interesting photo spots, and in this article, I show you three of the best in Lisbon's center.

Chris Miele Photographs Beautiful Futuristic Buildings in Detroit, Not the Typical Urbex Ruins

I’m a fan of Detroit. I love its history, its people, and the current fight within the city to bring it back to its former glory. There’s a movement going on in Detroit that’s often left out of the typical conversation. There’s an art scene. There’s music. There’s life. Chris Miele captured one specific part of Detroit that has become convenient to forget about in a time now popular for abandoned building urbexing. He’s an outdoor photographer who focused on the good still left in the city of Detroit, Michigan. Shying away from the usual "rubble porn", Miele showcases the awesome structures within a city's futuristic past.

Recognizing and Managing Stress and Trauma as a Photographer

No matter how long you’ve been shooting, there’s always been a kind of base level of stress that hangs in the background for every photographer, just out of sight. It’s one of those things that’s always there, even if you don’t notice it.

What Does the Future Hold for Canon APS-C DSLR Shooters?

Following a recent interview with one of Canon’s senior executives, we’re getting more of an insight into what the Japanese giant has in mind for its vast range of cameras: EOS M is the most likely future of APS-C mirrorless, with no suggestion that there will ever be mirrorless versions of the large array of crop-sensor DSLRs.

Manfrotto Announces a New Line of Pro Bags and Apparel

When looking for a professional gear bag the main question seems to be Lowepro or ThinkTank. But now Manfrotto has thrown their hat into the ring by announcing it's new pro line series of bags and apparel. The Lino line has feature packed bags, jackets, vests, gloves and more. It all seems incredibly functional, with pockets that expand to hold strobes and lenses and gloves that store memory cards. I'm not so sure about the style of the clothes yet but hey, they're Italian, who am I to judge their fashion sense? To see product photos take a look at the full post.

William Albert Allard Talks About the Making of His Iconic Photo

thinkTank's ongoing series, "About A Photo," is a tremendous peek into the process of some amazing photographers. The series has the featured photographer narrate the story of one of their images. In this episode, William Albert Allard speaks about his photograph of a cowboy named Stan and why he doesn't take a photo of someone - but into them.

When Marketing Your Photography, Always Keep the Audience in Mind

These days, there are endless ways to get your images in front of clients, and it is more important than ever to put your best foot forward at all times. A tight and well curated portfolio is absolutely essential; trimming the fat and staying true to your brand. But keeping a consistent brand and level of presentation isn’t the same as duplicating your presentation, and to best reach your intended audience requires consideration of the end-user experience.

Behind The Scenes With Peter Coulson As He Shoots A Model In The Streets Of Melbourne

Australian Fashion and Commercial Photographer Peter Coulson with Arterium Creations put together this video from one of his fashion shoots in Melbourne. Not your typical studio setup, Peter is out with his crew shooting in the open streets, complete with the public watching and potentially ruining some of his shots. See as he works with his model and they have a great time creating some stunning street-fashion images.

Why TTL is Joe McNally's Default Flash System Over Radio

Here is a 13 minute video of Joe McNally testing out the range and application of the built-in and SB-900 flashes. If your knee jerk reaction to TTL is that it's too limited and too problematic watching this demonstration by Joe may just have you giving TTL transmission use a second look.

[Photos] These Puddle Portraits By Photographer Ira Fox Are Unbelievable

If you thought Jasper James's City Silhouettes were crazy wait until you see Ira Fox's Puddle Portraits. Using the natural reflections caused by rain puddles, Ira has captured the world in an interesting yet pyschodelic way. The results are one of a kind, and it just goes to show how thinking outside the box can pay off in a big way! [Full Post]
Creating Over-Under Water Images

I never tire of creating over-under water images, a technique advanced and popularized by National Geographic photographer David Doubilet. The over-under or half and half image provides a window into two very different worlds in a single frame, and if done well can be a powerful tool in fostering a greater appreciation for the other 71 percent of our planet.

Fstoppers Exclusive - On Location With Dan Holdsworth and Audemars Piguet (BTS and Interview)

When you combine an amazing landscape photographer, a stunningly beautiful location, the brilliance of a strong team of film makers and a luxury brand that is synonymous with craftsmanship and excellence, magic does indeed happen. Welcome to the ‘Defining Moment’ by Audemars Piguet - and a redefining of what it means to "shoot a “commercial".

[Video] The Biggest Surf Competition Ever, Filmed On The Phantom

"The French Navy labeled this day a double code red prohibiting and threatening to arrest anyone that entered the water. Kelly Slater described the day by saying "witnessing this was a draining feeling being terrified for other people's lives all day long, it's life or death. Letting go of that rope one time can change your life and not many people will ever experience that in their life.""
5 Unconventional Tips to Improve Your Editing and Managing Post-Processing Workload

In today's fast-paced world of photography, managing the post-processing workload efficiently is almost a non-negotiable skill, especially when we are all guilty of shooting too much, only to suffer when dealing with large quantities of images. In this article, we will discuss several unconventional tips that I have learned throughout my career, including back-to-back assignments and trips, to address the challenges of editing fatigue and compromised post-processing.