Pentax Plans to Keep Making DSLRs

Somewhat surprisingly, last year, Ricoh executives said they expected most users to return to DSLRs after a few years. That does not appear to be happening, but it has not lessened the company's strong commitment to DSLRs, something they just reaffirmed.

What Makes an Extraordinary Photo?

An image is eye catching when it's extraordinary. So why is it that the ordinary and banal can appear extraordinary? And if that really is the case, how can we go about achieving that?

What I Learned from Doing an Extensive Personal Project

A few months back, I explored the idea of asking for what you want, and the worst that can come from that. We talked about your desire to shoot, and the only thing really stopping you being yourself. The power of letting go of your insecurities, and stepping up to the plate is liberating and will drive changes in your photography that no shiny new piece of equipment can give you. Today, I would like to take that one step further, and explore what it takes to create a significantly large body of work.

Intrepid Camera Co. Launch a Lightweight and Affordable 5x7 Large Format Camera

One of the benefits of film, is the option to shoot with much larger formats. Currently, the largest and highest resolution commercially available sensor, is the 150mp system from Phase One. This camera offers some of the highest resolutions with the largest sensor currently on the market; however, film cameras still greater potential in this area.

[Funny] Canon 7D Versus Barbie Video Girl

Hola FS'ers! I would rather not lend this video any kind of explanation and just have you watch it, but I have to write some kind of intro, so here goes. When I first watched this I really wasn't sure what they were getting at, until the comparisons started coming. Then it became obvious. This is a funny video. I laughed a bit, and then my wife watched it and snorted (sorry honey, they have to know that you snorted). Enjoy!
A Behind the Scenes Look at "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

With the release of the next installment of Marvel's Captain America series "The Winter Soldier" less than two weeks away it's great to see a full sixteen minute behind the scenes video (b-roll) to prepare us for what's to be an action-packed, movie-going experience. The movie was shot with both the ARRI Alexa and RED Epic cameras with Panavision lenses.

How to Easily Time Sync Your Files in Lightroom

Have you ever been on a shoot in which you used two cameras or had an assistant shooting with you, imported the files into Lightroom and then realized they were not time synced properly? If so, this quick 5-minute video is for you. Lightroom makes it incredibly easy to time sync your files so they all line up perfectly in chronological order by capture time. I'll show you how it's done in the video and read on below for some additional quick tips.

Apple's Latest Ad Features Martin Scorsese, Thoughts on Creative Pursuits

For many of us, the weekend is our time to work on personal projects, try new processes, and get creatively refreshed after a week of the 9 to 5. If you're in need of come creative inspiration, Apple's newest iPad Air ad featuring legendary film director Martin Scorsese has got you covered. I highly encourage you to spend a minute checking this one out.

Why You Should Be Using Both Sessions and Catalogs In Capture One Pro

Capture One Pro is a behemoth of a raw converter. Its ability not only to bring out amazing detail in raw files but also to efficiently organize photos before, during, and after a shoot is truly impressive. If you haven't used Capture One before, or if you're just getting started, here are some suggestions for how to get the most out of the software's approach to organization.

Licensing News Photographs Off Twitter & Instagram, Is This The Future Of Instant Media?

When scooping other sources, being the first is king. Everyone knows that and the race is constantly moving faster and faster to do so.

There has been some buzz around companies like CrowdMedia, Scoopshot, Rawporter and Blotter whose sole purpose is to get imagery out to major news outlets that have been scraped off of Twitter and Instagram.

The Wednesday Rundown 2.16.11

Howdy, and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. Thanks for Remey and Jaren for sending in a gymnastic shoot and a really cool band shoot. We also have a indoor water shoot. Very solid final images on all the videos today. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.

How To Create a Portrait Composite

In various forms of photography, being able to composite several photos into one final image is an important skill set. In the world of portraiture, composites are often used to create group shots in which the lighting situation is difficult or not every subject of the photo is available at one given time. Here I’ll show my process for blending several shots of people into a final image.

Why You Should Prefer a Blog Over Social Media

We live in the social media era and it is the preferred the marketing channel. Why should we talk about blogs? Here are some thoughts on giving more emphasis on your blog than the social networks.

[Video] Canon 5DMkIII, 5DMkII, and Nikon D800 Low-Light Video Test -- Take 2

You may remember a while ago when we posted a candlelight video test by Joe Marine over at After seeing feedback from the video, Joe sent me a new one (thanks!). The beginning is almost the same, but adjusted since Nikon and Canon handle ISO differently. But later on in the video, Joe got some interesting results when adding noise reduction and color correcting...

Save 25% On Your Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription Plan

Creative Cloud has become a staple of nearly any photographer's workflow. The version of Creative Cloud designed specifically for photographers is a sensational deal in itself, offering access to both Lightroom and Photoshop for only $9.99 per month. Today you have an opportunity to drop a quarter off that price bringing it down to an impressive $7.50 per month. B&H Photo is offering a 25% discount on an Adobe Creative Cloud for Photographers one year subscription. Act immediately to take advantage of a great offer that expires at 11pm PST on December 1st, 2016.

The Right Tool for the Job

A few weeks back, we discussed the idea that you really need to know your gear so that it will get out of the way for you. The next step is to know what to use when. The old adage goes that you can't fit a square peg in a round hole. As much as this applies to misfits or carpenters, it also applies to the art and craft of making images. The idea that certain tools or ways of thinking are not a fit for the task at hand is a powerful one. It can help us make purchase decisions, technical choices, and even post-processing choices.

Amazing 5 Minute Gatorade Commercial Shot In 1 Take

A couple months back Patrick and I flew up to Chicago to film a BTS of a Gatorade commercial featuring Chaz Ortiz. We have still not completed our BTSV but someone just sent me ANOTHER Gatorade commercial shot at the very same school featuring Chaz Ortiz that has a killer BTSV. The video below was shot in one single take and it will blow your mind. Our video should be released soon but it will be hard (impossible) to top this one. Check out the full post to see the BTS.
Capture In-Action Portraits Using a Wide Angle Lens

Photographing a couple from up close can drastically change the way your image feels. Getting up close with a wide angle lens creates a sense of action and aliveness that draws the viewer in.

Is This Replacement for JPEG Going to Cause Controversy?

The JPEG file format is one of the most ubiquitous formats on the web, but the actual technology that powers the compression is old. A new method, based on machine learning, might change what photography really looks like.