Multiple Lighting Options in Studio

Working in studio presents a ton of lighting options, so how do you choose? Here are some examples of different light set ups that will give you variety in your work.

Photos of Rumored Nikon D780 Leak Online

The first images of Nikon’s anticipated D780 have appeared online. Ahead of the official announcement, expected sometime this week, photos showing every angle of the new model have surfaced.

Paolo Roversi Directs Pirelli’s 2020 Calendar

The esteemed Italian editorial photographer Paolo Roversi, known for shooting on 8x10 Polaroid, directed the Pirelli's 2020 Calendar. Past calendars have been shot by iconic photographers like Annie Leibovitz, Tim Walker, and Albert Watson.

Man Uses Nothing but Camera and Television to Create Mesmerizing Visuals

At one point or another we’ve all most likely played around between two mirrors facing each other, dancing and ducking as our reflection appears to repeat infinitely. As most of us know, the same effect can be achieved by pointing a camera at a live feed of its own image. While this phenomenon is certainly nothing new, YouTuber Jong Chool Do has taken this classic illusion to the next level by incorporating tilts, pans, zooms, and even some finger movement to make for quite the orchestrated performance. What may seem like child’s play at first could have you breaking out the HDMI cable by the time you’re finished watching.

Broken Night: Short Made Entirely on Nikon D800 Now Available

Nikon, who is responsible for making the film, Broken Night, to promote the Nikon D800, has now finally made it available online. The film shows off some of the low-light and shallow depth of field capabilities of the D800's full frame sensor. You can see the 10-minute short and behind-the-scenes clips online at

Avoiding Catastrophe While Flying a Drone

I’ve had a change of heart about how I feel about the law and operating a drone. A few months ago, I would have done a basic risk assessment and then flown, even if it was illegal. These days, I will only fly if I can operate entirely within the law. In this article, I’ll explain why.

Leica Introduces Tripod, Camera Mounts

Ideal for mounting Leica X- and M-system cameras, Leica's new 24/38 ball heads and new carbon tripod provide the same high-quality precision engineering typical of the storied German brand. Well suited for travel and location work, the 2.6-pound carbon fiber tripod when matched with one of the ball heads extends to five feet high and collapse to 1.7 feet when packed.

Landscape Photography With a Skydio 2 Drone

I've been an avid landscape photographer for many years, and I've been a drone flyer for almost 4 years. I liked the idea of getting landscape shots from angles I simply couldn't get to from the ground. Living in Arizona, there's a lot of opportunities to get some lovely images from the air.

Here's How to Pick Your New Video Camera

"Which camera should I buy?" This is one of the most common questions I hear. Whether the question comes from an aspiring indie filmmaker, a television production student, or a parent wanting to capture some memories of their children, the answer is never that simple. It’s the equivalent of someone asking what kind of car they should buy. Do you want to carry your kids to soccer practice? Drift around tight corners in a parking garage? Save on fuel costs? The point is that this question leads to more questions. Here are a few things to ask when you’re deciding on a new camera.

Here’s What I Learned From Not Judging My Work

A problem that many photographers face is being unhappy with their photos. This ends up running shoots and makes matters even worse. Some never fully experience the joy of creating that photography can bring.

Fstoppers Is Hiring Staff Writers

Are you a photographer or videographer who loves to write? is looking to hire several creative professionals to write for us. If you enjoy reading Fstoppers, and think you may have something to offer, we want to hear from you!

How to Create and Use Your Own Presets

If you haven’t taken the time to create presets for editing your photos, you need to. Here is a complete guide to creating and organizing your own presets in Lightroom.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (October 2017): Mikeila Borgia

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2017, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

The Panasonic Varicam 35 - A Low-Light Monster for All Your Filmmaking Needs

The Panasonic Varicam 35 was announced earlier this year along with what feels like a million other 4K cameras claiming to better than one another. With this much competition it is hard to stay a head of the pack. RED has been attempting to do this for years with the resolution game, but recently there has been a shift towards low-light performance. This is where the Varicam 35 shines.

Hearing Tarantino: The Brilliant Impact of Sound in Quentin Tarantino Films

Movies are something we can all thoroughly enjoy. Whether it be a hilarious comedy or an action adventure, they take us places we don't normally see or experience. Films all have the same goal, to capture and engage us within their world and to evoke feelings of excitement or even fear. The guys over at Movie Pilot have found something so simple that it screams brilliance in films by Quentin Tarantino: the sound!

Why It Is So Important to Try New Things as a Photographer

I'm a portrait photographer. I think that is pretty obvious by my portfolio being completely full of people photos. The nature of the portraits I shoot varies from time to time, but ultimately I make images of humans almost exclusively. Being specialized is great, and even critical, according to many, in regards to creating a photography career. There really isn't any doubt it in that. However, don't let that specialization bar you from ever trying out other types of photography.

Seven Stunning Films Added to Apple's iPhone 6 World Gallery Collection Worth Checking Out

The Shot on iPhone 6 World Gallery launched at the beginning of March and features some of Apple's favorite customer photos in a global outdoor and print campaign that spans 70 cities in 24 countries. It is a truly transformative year for videography and filmmaking, and we are now more than ever seeing more filmmakers achieve their vision by using the iPhone 6 as their weapon of choice to produce films. For example, "Modern Family" producer Steve Levitan shot an entire episode on iPhone and iPad earlier this year, opening the doors to more possibilities shooting with our mobile devices in a creative way.

How to Make Your Instagram Feed More Enjoyable and Useful

About 1 billion people use Instagram each month, that’s 1/8th of the world population. The top four countries other than the United Sates are Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Russia. That’s a huge variety of languages, cultures and perspectives, yet the most followed people on Instagram are celebrities.

Photographer Agustín Nieto and Stylist Anna Keville Joyce Play With Their Food

Argentina-based food stylist and illustrator Anna Keville Joyce has managed to take the art of food styling to a whole new level, for her recent creations are true culinary masterpieces (so what if they’re not made to eat?). While food photographer Agustín Nieto had quite the task of doing justice to these mouthwatering works, he managed to capture them perfectly, but as he readily admits, it didn’t come easy.

Here’s Why I (Almost) Always Ignore My Light Meter

My first camera was a Minolta SRT-101. I loved that camera. It was an excellent tool for learning about photography and manual exposure. As it was completely manual in operation, the internal meter was my only guide for achieving correct exposure, outside of using an external source or just guessing. Fast forward 20-plus years and the way I use an internal light meter has remained largely unchanged. That all changed recently.

Silica Gel-Pack Lens Caps Keep Fungus and Moisture Out

Dust and moisture are the enemies of your equipment's longevity. I'm sure most of us have experienced the annoyance of a foggy lens when moving from one environment to the next, but what about when that fog turns to fungus? Every lens eventually gets some dust in it, even the wonderfully expensive weather sealed professional lines.

[BTS Video] Creative Shootsac Commercial Shot With The Red Epic

The guys over at stillmotion have always got their hands in something new and creative. This time, they teamed with up Shootsac to film a short commercial showing the point of view of their Tote & Shoot bag. Click the full post to watch the behind the scenes video.
Sekonic's Newest Meter Gets a Little Touchy

Sekonic will have a new meter series for Photokina, including the L-478D and L-478DR. What's new about these? These are the first meters with a beautiful color touch screen. Supposedly, there's never been an easier light meter to use...