Photographer and Pilot Chase the Sunset Around the World

Can you imagine having the unlimited golden hour for a photo shoot? In this incredible video project created by photographer Simon Roberts and NATO pilot Jonathan Nicol they were able to exactly that. By exact calculation and plenty of research they made the sunset last as long as possible, here is how they did it.

Photographing Dan Gable for Sports Illustrated

Last spring, I got a dream call from one of the photo editors at Sports Illustrated to photograph the legendary Dan Gable, a wrestler from Iowa, and one of the most winning athletes of all time. From winning gold in Munich during the 1972 Olympics, to having coached other U.S. teams to gold after, this guy oozes excellence and passion in everything he does. I’m not one to be intimidated by people because of their status in life, but people who work as hard as he does definitely stand out to me.

Watch Every Episode of Photographing The World: Japan BTS for Free

We recently wrapped up filming our newest landscape photography tutorial with Elia Locardi, Photographing The World: Japan. As always, we filmed an entire behind-the-scenes series of our adventure, and now, you can watch every episode for free.
The Very Best Posts On Fstoppers From 2011

The whole gang here at truly appreciates your support, "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks. They've all helped us know which were our best posts in 2011. And I gotta say, the numbers don't lie. You guys gravitated towards some stellar content this past year and your tastes are impeccable. So what post brought in the biggest numbers? Why tell you when we can show you?

Use A Monopod To Film Super Smooth Video On Your HDSLR

The guys from StillMotion have been featured on Fstoppers a few times for their incredible wedding videography. What many people don't know is that most of the really complicated looking shots that they get were filmed with a Manfrotto 561 Monopod. Sometimes the most expensive option isn't always the best.
[News] Pre-Order The New Nikon D4 and The Nikon D800

Last night the Nikon D4 went on sale at Amazon for about an hour before it sold out. The only other store that we know of that is currently taking pre-orders is Adorama. Head over to their site and put down just $250 to reserve your camera today.
The World's First Wearable Cinematic Light

Spiffy Gear has made a name for itself by creating unique lighting products such as Spekular and the Light Blaster. They are now adding a third exciting solution to their range of products with Lumee.

Flickr Spotlight - Faceless Portraits

No, relax, you're not going to see photos from recent zombie attacks (maybe next week?). Its just awesome looking faceless portraits. A face without eyes, mouth or a nose is not just weird, it also takes away any personality from the photographed person, which makes the photos even more special and unique. So, which is your favorite?

Fstoppers Reviews the Asus Zen AIO 24 PC

Nowadays, post processing images is becoming an entirely new discipline on its own. Every photographer needs a reliable machine to work on.

The Art of Photography Podcast: Ted Forbes Hates the Idea of Working for Free

Everyone's been there. A friend of a friend asks you to take their family portrait, a cousin wants you to shoot their wedding, a local business would really like some event photos — but nobody has a budget. Working for free is something every working professional gets faced with frequently. In this video Ted Forbes from The Art of Photography talks about the pros and cons of free work.

Facebook Threatens to Quit Europe Over Data Privacy Ban

For many photographers and videographers, social media is a great way to not only present their work, but also to communicate with current and potential clients. Instagram individually is the largest photo-sharing site in the world, and what happens to these platforms has far-reaching implications for our industry.

How You Can Use Squarespace to Manage eCommerce

So a few months ago I wrote about how much I love my Squarespace account, and you would not believe the overwhelming chorus of "Me too!" I experienced in the comments, on Facebook and on Twitter. I'm happy to see that I wasn't alone in my adoration for the website company. As easy as it is to set up my photo site on Squarespace, it might be even easier to add eCommerce to it. If you want to sell product, including prints, you can manage it all from Squarespace extremely easily.

The Wednesday Rundown 12.7.11

Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have a BTS video from a group that took a beautiful trip to Zion National Park. They capture their trip and the breath taking views in a well documented video. It will make you want to skip your morning commute tomorrow and head outdoors. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.

The Wednesday Rundown 11.7.12

Howdy everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have another great BTS video from Dave Kai Piper, also check out Fstopper's reader Ben Bernschneider's Gold Flash BTS video. If you have a great and informative video you want to see in the Wednesday Rundown please shoot me an email .

Samyang Optics' Unusual Three-Brand Market Testing

Market testing happens all the time. It's not uncommon for brands to test identical products under different names in different markets or cultures. It is rare, however, to see one company brand three competing products against each other in the same industry in the same country/culture. That is what Samyang Optics appears to be doing in the United States with their Bower, Samyang and Rokinon brands.

A Quick Landscape Photography Tutorial From Alaska

We are currently locked down in Puerto Rico, and it's literally illegal for us to go outside to take photos, but we found an old lesson we filmed in Alaska that was never released.

Using Clone Tool Blend Modes To Better Preserve Desirable Skin Texture When Retouching Skin

Often when retouching skin we want to clone away high contrast blemishes without also cloning the texture surrounding it. Advanced techniques such as using frequency separation can be a great help to make this sort of thing easier by separating detail from broader tones. One often overlooked technique that does a great job of preserving mid-tone detail while cloning is to leverage the power of blend modes to target only bright tones or dark tones when cloning.

The Ultimate Gimbal Review Part 2

If you're in the market for a new gimbal you're probably overwhelmed with options. In today's video, I will compare the five most popular gimbals and let you know which one you should buy.

XQD Card Format: Do They Have a Chance?

XQ-What? Okay, so most of you have heard of the Nikon D4's new card slot and the XQD card that goes with it. But that still leaves the question: What are they good for? Lexar apparently knows the answer, as they announced they're introducing XQD cards due out third quarter of this year. So what is the hype? Should we get ready for an XQD revolution?

How to Set Goals That Will Improve Your Photography in 2020

Setting goals is a great idea with anything you want to improve at. However, setting the wrong sort of goals can impact your chances of attaining them. Here is a guide to setting goals that will definitely improve your work.

Bullet Time Camera Technology In MLB And NFL

Bullet Time added to Major League Baseball and the National Football League is as cool as it sounds.

Replay Technologies has put together what they are calling FreeD aka free dimensional video which installs and sets up a number of cameras along the ballparks and captures footage from all angles compiling them into a smooth, almost 360-degree pan.

Vincent Laforet’s "Directing Motion" Workshop Review

Vincent Laforet’s Directing Motion workshop has done what every workshop should do – it’s challenged my current way of working and given me clarity on how I can improve my work. Less than 24 hours after the workshop, I was working differently, shooting differently and thinking differently. This might just be the best workshop for those shooting (or with an interest in shooting) motion work, ever.

We Review the MSI Prestige PS341WU 34" 21:9 5K IPS Monitor

There is a lot of new tech showing up in monitors the last few years higher. With higher resolutions, HDR support, multiple color spaces, and ultra-wide panels, it can be difficult to find the monitor that meets your specific needs. If you're looking for productivity and a clean look, the MSI Prestige PS341W 34" WUHD IPS 5K2K might be worth checking out.

Why Teaching Has Made Me a Better Photographer

In any creative field, there seems to always be a tipping point — one that when you reach it, you suddenly yearn to help others learn your craft. Photography is no different. What's interesting is that at one point in time, photography was more like any other skilled labor, such as being a carpenter, electrician, or blacksmith, where you had to first pay your dues as a apprentice for years before ever being able to perform said craft on your own.

[Video] Shooting The Ad Campaign For Discovery's River Monsters

Our good friend Blair Bunting is at it again. This time Blair was hired to shoot the ad campaign for The Discovery Channels hit show River Monsters. The concept was relatively simple; to have the show’s host Jeremy Wade wrestling a giant fish in the shallow waters near South Beach, Florida. To do this Blair's team used a fake fish that was then replaced in post. To freeze the water with a quick flash duration and stay portable Blair used the new Photoflex Tritons.