Sennheiser Releases MKE 200 Ultracompact Mic for $100

Today, Sennheiser released a new lightweight and ultracompact microphone for cameras and phones. The MKE 200 is aimed at creators who aren’t carrying around bags of gear, but still want higher quality audio that built-in microphones can’t match.

[Video] Toshiba Sends A Chair Into Space With A Balloon

I am shocked that I've never seen this amazing commercial before. I actually overlooked it a few times because I thought it was fake. It wasn't until I saw this BTSV that I found out that this really did happen. The camera had to endure temperatures down to 90 degrees below 0 and a massive fall once the balloon finally popped. Luckily the gear survived with the help of a parachute and they were able to create this amazing commercial. Check out the finished commercial in the full post.
FAA Releases Long-Awaited Update for Commercial Drone Operators

Today brings great news for commercial drone operators. The FAA has finalized the Part 107 rules, which bring with them relaxed requirements. Experts estimate the new rules could generate $82 billion and 100,000 jobs for the U.S. economy in the next 10 years.

Creative Inginuity- No Visual Effects or Compositing Were Used For This Video

Calvin Frederick is an experimental animator who put some fantastic thought and creative talent into this trippy work called "Bermuda." By using an LED panel, a motion control rig, and a bunch of mirrors, Calvin managed to create this piece without any visual effects or compositing in post. Before you click play, brace yourself for the twilight zone.

Pentax K-01 Mirrorless Camera Review

The Pentax K-01 is certainly the most unique system I’ll be reviewing this month in terms of aesthetics. But I’m not a form over function kind of guy. So what does that mean for the performance of this mirrorless camera?

Simple GoPro Mounts That Give You So Many Options

Have you ever wished you had more GoPro mounts, because it was such a time-consuming operation to unscrew it to add to another and then missing the moment because of it? This solves that problem.

Fstoppers Reviews the Moment Sling Bag

Most of us have a camera bag or even several bags that we use depending on the shoot we’ve got to pack for. But it’s not every day a brand makes a bag that makes you think differently about your day out shooting.

Help A Photographer Build A Space Suit For His Road Trip Across The Country

Photographer Brian Braun is a dreamer. He has made plans to restore an Airstream trailer so he may travel the United States adventuring and capturing images for a new photo series, which you will learn more about in the video above. Several creatives will be joining Brian on part his road trip journey including myself as well as our new buddy Vincent LaForet. This is an exciting prospect and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all turns out!

Top 10 WeeklyFstop Photos: Green

I would never have guessed that a simple prompt like "green" could have produced such amazing results this week. Our readers really showed up with arguably the best top 10 list yet.

Mike Kelley's BTS Episode 3: How to Photograph From a Helicopter

The third episode of Mike Kelley's Behind the Scenes series from his architectural tutorial is now live. In this episode, Mike shows you how you can turn an overcast day into a sunny afternoon, how to photograph a resort from a helicopter, and also teaches you an effective way to make a hotel lobby look more inviting. You can also watch as the Fstoppers crew goes night diving with massive manta rays off the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii.

[BTS Video] Victorinox Fragrances's 360 Degree Underwater Ad Campaign

Now this is clever. Victorinox makes a few fragrances and wanted to create an interactive video that shows just how fresh their perfume makes you feel. So they sent a crew up to Cauma Lake in Flims/Laax, Switzerland to film a 360 degree video UNDERWATER! To capture 360 video footage they used the new Yellowbird camera which works a lot like the Google streetview car. After watching the behind the scenes video, click the full post to see the final interactive campaign and you yourself can smell like a clean lake from Switzerland.
Tips on How to Photograph Motocross

I love photographing actions sports like surfing, skateboarding, cycling, MTB, and of course motocross and Supercross. Motocross and its cousin Supercross are great sports to photograph and are easy for fans with cameras to get close to the action. Read this first article of a three article series to get some tips to make your first outing or your hundredth outing a little more rewarding.

Free Prints From Your Facebook and Instagram Feeds, Automatically!

The other day my brother told me about 2 of his friends, Stephen Potter and Jackson Stephens, that have created a very cool service called Prints Forever. Prints Forever sends you prints from your Facebook and/or Instagram feed and mails them to you automatically! For the next few months the service is in beta mode and they are sending out prints free of charge to everyone that signs up, no strings attached. Click through to the post for the registration link. Enjoy!

Useful Photography Tips For Shooting Pets

Some of our readers work in a unique genre of photography called Pet Photography. I've always found it a bit ridiculous when my friends dress up their pets for photos but I guess if there is a market then there is money to be made. In this video, Julie Johnson gives some pretty useful tips for working with animals in a studio setting, and I must admit I was really impressed with her images. If you've ever had to work with pets then you know how difficult they can be at times. Even if pet photography isn't really your thing, you still may enjoy the ridiculous video in the Full Post. Have any of our readers built a business around this sort of thing?
Canon Announces Firmware Update For The 5D Mark III Coming In April

Canon recently announced that their 5DMIII will be getting a firmware update, which will give it clean HDMI out without having to use Magic Lantern. Unfortunately it won't be made available until April of 2013, but it will give these cameras the ability to send a clean 4:2:2 8-bit image out the HDMI port for external recording systems like the Atomos Ninja.

BTS With Forever 21

Ever been curious about what goes into making the pictures for fashion ads like Forever 21? Check out these behind the scenes videos from Chris Hunt. There definitely is a lot that goes into these photographs, from set builders to make up artists and stylists. For the first video the light set up seem relatively simple, with what appears to be a 3 alien bees( two large umbrellas and a grided beauty dish). For the second video it appears they are using natural light with some big reflectors.

[Gear] Back From The Dead: FW800 Compact Flash Card Readers!

It's safe to say that a large percentage of photographers are Apple users. I believe that a lot of those same users don't enjoy importing their photos using USB 2.0 card readers. Making matters worse is having to hear their PC friends brag about their USB 3.0 card readers. Granted, if funding isn't an issue, this could all be solved by buying a Mac Pro and adding in a USB 3.0 PCI card. Read about a cheaper solution.
Top 10 WeeklyFstop Photos: Happiness

This week's top 10 list is sure to bring a smile to your face. We challenged our readers to show us photos displaying happiness, and the results should help to brighten your day.

Create Cinematic Cosplay Photos in Seven Steps

Taking inspiration from cinema can lead to evocative images that also strike a nostalgic chord with movie lovers. Take full advantage of that power to create cinematic photographs that will charm viewers.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (January 2018): Josh Borup

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2017, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Finding The Beauty In Air Pollution

Man-made air pollution is everywhere and it's woeful. There is no one we can blame for it. we all contribute to the destruction of our world - if its by using cars, smoking or using different kinds of sprays. But as any bad thing, man-made air pollution can help creating striking images that are both beautiful and sad. Check out these great images of air pollution found on Flickr and think of what Michael Jackson once sang: "What have we done to the world"?

Brian Andrew's Blurs The Line Between Human and Animal

Using salvaged x-ray films and a somewhat disturbing design sense, Brian Andrews video "Hominid" has blurred the lines between human and animal anatomy. The resulting video is the result of a year of work with Ex'pression College of Digital Arts, mapping the movements of different animals to create a realistic blend between the two or more species being represented.

[Woops] The Easiest Way To Lose $2400 In 24 Seconds

I'll always remember a friend of mine saying that he loved the Canon 5D Mark II for film making because it was expendable and cheap compared to "real" video cameras (he crashed a lot of them). For most of us, having any piece of gear break is heartbreaking especially when it comes from our own stupidity lack of foresight. Such was the case for filmmaker and 3D Animator Kurtis Hough as he was doing a little beach videography. While on set for what appears to be The Goonies II, Kurtis encountered something pretty scary. After watching the video below you might want to reconsider not insuring your photo gear.
This Is How You Prepare for a Wedding Shoot

Avoid the rookie mistakes that other amateurs make and jump ahead with some professional preparation for your first, or your next wedding photoshoot. You'll be surprised how often these steps are overlooked.

The Wednesday Rundown 12.21.11

Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week have a couple of BTS video contest entries. As most of you know the deadline is quickly approaching as this year comes to a close. So take a quick break and check out the competition in this weeks rundown. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.