Álvaro Lamas's picture

Shoreline Beacon

Last weekend, we had a blast exploring the Bergantiños region, and our adventure led us to the renowned Punta Nariga for sunset photography. This place is a treasure trove of textures and shapes, offering endless opportunities for captivating shots. As soon as I spotted these intriguing little holes among the rocks, I knew I had found my spot for the session. Despite the challenging conditions – including gusty winds and wobbly tripod setups – I was determined to capture the beauty of this unique landscape.

Balancing precariously among the rocks, I searched for the perfect composition, adjusting my camera settings with each passing moment. While some shots ended up a bit shaky due to the blustery winds, the sky treated us to a show-stopping display of colors as the sun dipped below the horizon. It was a magical sight, one that reminded me of the wonders of nature and the joy of exploring nice places. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience, and I'm thrilled to share a glimpse of it with you all.

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