How to Fix a Badly Lit Portrait in Adobe Lightroom

As photographers, we come across many different scenarios, and it might not be possible to get the perfect shot with the perfect lighting 100% of the time. It could've been that we didn't have the right gear with us or that we were in a rush. Either way, that shouldn't be a reason to shy away from trying to get the best possible shot and bringing it to life in post-production. In this video and article, I'll be showing you how to fix a portrait with bad lighting in post using Adobe Lightroom.

Natural Talent Is a Made-Up Excuse to Not Move Forward

Natural talent is something often attributed left and right to people. Talent is quite mysterious; no one can put their finger on what it is. If it’s there, you can make it, but if it’s not, you cant. But is it all a made-up excuse? It might be.

DxO Announces Nik Collection 4.2

Nik Tools (now called the Nik collection) has been around since 1995 as an Adobe plugin. Google bought the tools, then dropped them, and DXO rescued the popular photo-editing aids in 2017. They've undergone continuous upgrades since then, and this new version will please Mac users with the new M1 chips.

Elia Locardi's New Eight-Part Long Exposure Tutorial Series Is Here

Today, Fstoppers has teamed up with NiSi filters to launch a brand new, free tutorial series with landscape photographer Elia Locardi. Not only are we releasing new video lessons every week, but we are also giving away over $600 worth of free gear with every video. Welcome to our long exposure adventure in Puerto Rico!

How to Make a Product Video Shot on a Tripod More Dynamic

Daniel Schiffer is an editing master. In this video, he walks us through his editing to make a video shot completely on a tripod more dynamic. He does this by adding movement, scaling the video using keyframes, masking, and then ultimately adding some effects to complete the video.

Did an APS-C Canon EOS R7 Just Get Another Step Closer?

Canon enthusiasts are waiting patiently to find out if the manufacturer will add APS-C sensors to its R-series cameras and a new rumor brings the possibility of a model such as an R7 — perfect for action and wildlife photography — another step closer.

Incredible Beach Photos on the Leica M6

Leica branded cameras have very few ‘features.’ Instead, they favor craftsmanship and quality and the Leica M6 is no exception to this.

When Should You Give Up on Your Photography?

Creative entrepreneurs have a different hill to climb compared to other professions. Other professions have a set path to follow. Sign up for the right classes, then pass the predetermined tests, and qualify for a piece of paper that tells the market you are good enough.

3 Helpful Tips for Better Colors in Your Fall Photos

Few events bring more photographers out with their cameras than the leaves changing in fall, and no matter what you shoot, it is a fantastic opportunity to capture beautiful shots of dramatic colors and landscapes. Of course, managing and editing color properly is of the utmost importance with such photos, and this great video tutorial will give you three helpful tips to make sure you are creating the best edits possible.

A Review of the Sony FE 50mm f/1.2 GM Lens

A wide-aperture 50mm lens is one of the most versatile optics a photographer can own, suitable for everything from portraiture to low-light events work. For Sony shooters, the FE 50mm f/1.2 GM offers an extremely wide maximum aperture and features geared toward professional use, and this awesome video review takes a look at the sort of image quality and performance you can expect from it in practice.

A Review of the Fujifilm GFX 50S II for Portrait and Wedding Photographers

Fujifilm's GFX medium format mirrorless cameras have turned industry paradigms on their respective heads, modernizing medium format with newer features normally reserved for smaller cameras and bringing prices into direct competition with the upper levels of full frame bodies. This excellent video review takes a look at the camera for portrait and wedding photography and what you can expect from it.

This Is the Worst Photography Advice I’ve Ever Had

When it comes to photography and the quest to improve, there is no shortage of advice out there. Some of it's great, some of it is rather questionable, and some of it is utter nonsense. Here's some of the worst advice I've received over the years.

3 Techniques for Creating Amazing Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs can be a great and unique medium for showing your work, but they are tricky to get right, particularly if you want a seamless loop. In this tutorial, learn three different techniques for creating the best looking cinemagraphs you can.

Canon Vs Sony: Could You Tell the Difference and Win $10,000?

The ongoing battle between Canon and Sony when it comes to video performance can stir up some heated debates. Check out how seven well-known YouTubers fare when trying to spot the difference between all-but-identical footage with a prize of $10,000 on the line.

How to Use the New Photoshop Sky Replacement Features

Earlier this month, Adobe updated the sky replacement features in Photoshop CC. This feature can make an image pop or make it look over-processed and fake. Make sure you know how to get the best out of this powerful Photoshop feature and create strong, realistic images.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (September 2021): James Quantz Jr

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2021, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Helpful Composition Advice for Landscape Photography

Effective compositions are something we all struggle with at one time or another, and with so many ways to construct a frame, it can be tough to know how to fix things. If you are struggling with your landscape compositions, this excellent video tutorial will offer some useful advice that is sure to improve your work.

How to Edit Vacation Photos

Most of us love to take our cameras on a trip, but on the other hand, when you get home from a long vacation and are feeling tired, it can feel daunting to sit down to a few thousand photos. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to quickly and effectively edit vacation photos.

5 Ways to Increase Your Business

We are always looking for more ways to increase our photo and video business, but given the nature of creative pursuits, the road to more success is not always clear. If you are looking to increase your business, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will give you five tips to get more clients and increase your income.

The 7 Mistakes to Avoid That Can Destroy Your Photography Business

Let’s address the elephant in the room: there are probably 1.2 trillion pieces of content about running a business. I’ve read maybe half of them myself, and there’s some outstanding information available, but let’s set a goal to create the top mistakes to avoid when you decide to go from hobbyist to professional.

How to Take Photos Like Albert Watson

Few photographers are more well known and respected than Albert Watson, and even those who do not know him by name have likely seen his work before. His distinctive style is the envy of a lot of photographers, and this excellent video tutorial will show you how to create that look in your own images.

Who Cares Who Likes Your Photography?

Popularity is a weird thing. It can be a gratifying thing to achieve widespread acclaim for your work, but if you are not careful, it can turn on you, making you create work to please others instead of yourself. So, who cares who likes your photos? This important video essay discusses the topic and one photographer's experience.

On the Art of Composing a Photograph

In some sense, it is easier to learn some things in photography than it is others. For example, camera settings are objective quantities that can be rigorously defined with regard to different scenarios. Others are a bit more nebulous and difficult to nail down, composition being one of the most notorious. This fantastic video dives into the subject and discusses a famous example.

Is the Fujifilm GFX 100S the Ultimate Studio Camera?

The Fujifilm GFX series of mirrorless cameras has turned a lot of industry paradigms on their heads, bringing medium format capabilities into the same price range as the upper levels of full frame cameras. With all of its resolution and dynamic range, is the GFX 100S the ultimate camera for photographers working in a studio? This great video review takes a look.

Who is the Nikon Z fc For?

With the kit lens, this looks like Nikon is trying to do what Fujifilm did with their X cameras. Making things look vintage might be the opinion, but perhaps that is what a camera is supposed to be like. Not all the images are as sharp as what's possible today with the eye- or face-tracking technology we have, but perhaps that's the point: to enjoy shooting.

What Is the Best Camera and Lens Combination for Portraits?

If you’re pondering the perfect combination of camera body and lens for shooting portraits, check out this series of suggestions for budgets ranging from $1,000 all the way through to $10,000. What would you go for?

What About Photography Hooked You? What Gripped Me Is Unusual

After nearly 15 years of being a photographer — or rather, actively practicing the craft — I had a sudden realization as to what drew me into photography in the first place. It may not be the most common attraction, but I doubt I am alone.

How Well Does the Canon R5 Work With EF Lenses?

With many photographers making the switch from DSLR to mirrorless systems, there are a lot of us wondering if all those old lenses we've acquired over the years will still work as well on new cameras, or whether we'll have to swallow the expense of all new lenses too.

We Review The Sony ZV-E10: What Can It Do and Who Was It Made For?

Sony recently released the ZV-E10, an entry-level interchangeable lens APS-C camera that supposedly expands the capabilities for beginning photographers, videographers, and vloggers. What can it do, and who was this camera made for?

10 Helpful Tips for Woodland Photography

If you are used to creating landscape images of wide-open views that stretch for miles, stepping into a forest for the first time can be a bit daunting and tough to tackle. Nonetheless, it is well worth taking the time to learn, as you can create fantastic, compelling, and unique photos in the forest. This excellent video tutorial will give you 10 helpful tips to start you on your way.

An Easy One-Light Studio Portrait Photography Setup

When you are new to artificial lighting, it can be a bit tricky to try to take in all the terminology, techniques, and creative practices at the same time, and as such, it is important to make sure you start out the right way. The best way to begin learning is by working with a single light, and this great video tutorial will show you an effective one-light setup for creating compelling portraits.

Is a Canon EOS R7 APS-C Mirrorless Camera Finally Coming Next Year?

Canon has done a pretty impressive job quickly building out the RF mirrorless system to provide equivalent cameras and lenses for their EF counterparts, but one item that has been conspicuously missing is a high-level APS-C camera akin to the popular 7D series. It seems that will likely change next year, though, with at least one RF mount APS-C camera coming to the market.

A Filmmaker's Review of the Apple iPhone 13 and Its Cinematic Mode

The video specs, both software and hardware, of the new iPhone have caused a bit of a stir as we have seen some impressive upgrades. It is clearly gearing more towards, if not professional videographers, then professional quality and features. But, how good is it really?

Genius, Madness, and Obsession: How the Instant Camera Was Invented

You could be forgiven for believing that the requirement for instant gratification is a rather new affliction. However, it's more likely that swift results were gated behind technology and that the few inventions that provided it were well placed for unprecedented success, like the instant camera.

A Review of the Leica Q2 Camera

A compact camera with a fixed lens designed specifically for its sensor can be a fantastic tool for things like street photography, documentary work, or simply your daily walk. One of the top options in this category is the Leica Q2, and this awesome video review discusses the camera and the sort of experience and performance you can expect from it in practice.

The End of the Strobe? We Review Viltrox's Weeylite Ninja 300

Viltrox has released a new single-color LED continuous light under their Weeylite brand. At $179 for the base package, it's a compelling option. So, is this the end of the strobe? Find out in this exclusive Fstoppers review.

5 Ideas to Help You Break Free From the Same Old Landscape Photos

We all have certain types of images we like to shoot and specific ways of crafting them, and while having a recognizable personal style is a good thing, we can all sometimes end up habitually creating the same images over and over. If you are feeling like you have been doing the same thing over and over in your landscape work lately, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will give you five ideas to breathe some new life into your photos.

Four Methods for Replacing a Sky in Photoshop

Replacing a sky is one of the most common and useful skills a Photoshop user can have, and there are several ways to go about it. If you are beginning to learn the technique, this awesome video tutorial will show you four different ways to go about it using Photoshop.

Is Film Making a Comeback Because We Are Lazy Photographers?

Film photography has been making a steady, slightly unexpected comeback for the past few years. In this article, I break down some of the reasons why that is happening, as well as say why it may be slightly dangerous for creatives.

Can You Compose Landscape Images by Feel?

Landscape images are often composed according to some sort of established method, such as the rule of thirds, the golden spiral, or some other rule. And while those rules exist because they can help you, certainly, they are not the only way to work. In fact, sometimes, composing by intuition and feel is the way to go, and this great video tutorial discusses why that can be such a good thing.

7 Simple Tips for Creating More Impactful Photographs

There is nothing worse than seeing an attractive scene, creating a photograph of it, and then when you sit down at your computer, you realize it's boring. This can be the result of a number of mistakes and this video offers seven actionable tips to make sure your images grab viewers' attention.

That New Camera Won’t Make You a Better Photographer

Let's face it, we photographers like shiny objects. Especially when first starting out, it’s always tempting to find some new camera, lens, or other tool we can put in our tool belt that is going to help us be a better photographer. Sadly, that cool new piece of gear is not really going to make you a better photographer, but here are a few things that might.

A Brief History of Photography

As camera technology continues to advance at stomach-churning speed, it might be wise to remind ourselves of just how far we've come, as it's so easy to get caught up in the never-ending lust for the next shiny new toy. Sometimes, our focus on processors and edge-to-edge sharpness make us forget about the art, the craft, and the photographers that came before us, so sit back and enjoy this short hop through the history of photography.