Canon to the Rescue for COVID-19 Tests?

Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical) has announced that it is developing a rapid genetic testing system for novel Coronavirus, COVID-19. Working alongside Nagasaki University on the project, developing diagnostic testing kits, it falls under the COVID-19 research program headed by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).

Helpful Money-Saving Tips for Surviving the Coronavirus Economic Downturn

As the world essentially stops moving due to the widespread Coronavirus, many photographers and creatives are left with canceled jobs and nothing on the horizon. While we wait for businesses to open back up, we need to find ways to survive these stressful times. Here are a few helpful tips to get you through this event.

How to Choose the Right Lights for Your Photography

Photography equipment can be pretty daunting at times, especially with such variety and costs attached to it, but out of all of the gear, lighting is perhaps the most confusing area to buy into.

Advanced Editing Techniques in Lightroom

Photographers generally think of Lightroom as the place to catalog their images and perform basic edits, while leaving Photoshop for the more advanced work. And while that is certainly a good general guideline, you might be surprised by just how much you can do in Lightroom. This great video will show you a range of more advanced editing techniques in Lightroom.

Filling Income Gaps for Wedding Photographers During COVID-19

Wedding photographers are being hit hard during COVID-19/coronavirus shutdowns. With events anywhere from 100, to 50, to 10 people being shut down, dependent on the city, couples and photographers alike are scrambling to pick up the pieces. With the coronavirus switching things up for the peak of wedding season in many markets, it has left wedding photographers wondering how to fill the gap. Until it’s safe to resume with events, there are other ways to fill it.

What Do You Get When You Buy a GoPro Knock-Off?

GoPro’s dominance has shifted slightly in recent years but when it comes to dedicated action cams with incredible stabilization, it’s hard to beat. That performance comes at a price, however, so what do you get when you buy yourself a budget option?

Ideas for Wedding Photographers During COVID-19

COVID-19 is causing lots of uncertainty, especially for wedding photographers. Wedding photography often puts you in a room with 100, 200, even 300 people who have often been traveling. It’s no surprise that this pandemic has had a major effect on the weddings industry. Many photographers are facing postponements, cancellations, and halted bookings. In a time where no one is certain on the next steps, let’s talk about keeping your wedding photography business moving.

Some of My Favorite Photos Are Perfectly Imperfect

Sometimes, there are camera misfires or shots that just barely missed focus. Other times, there are other incidents where an image falls short of technical perfection but still finds a way to my list of favorites.

How to Shoot Street Photography in Quiet Areas

I’m sure we’ve all read enough about how the world has been changing in recent months. But unless you’re in Antarctica, you’re probably wanting to get away from the crowded areas for a while.

Should You Begin Photography as an Assistant?

Every once in a while, I receive a request from a beginner photographer who want to become my assistant. I usually decline their application, and in the following article, I'm going to explain why. This information is also useful for those who'd like to become apprentices of established professional photographers.

Large Format Is Still Completely Unrivaled: 8x10 Versus Fuji GFX 100 (5DS R & X1D II)

Previously, we compared a 4x5 film camera to the Canon 5DS R, and the film camera was able to produce incredible results. We mostly focused on the differences in depth of field for that comparison. With 4x5, you're able to produce beautiful bokeh and extremely shallow depth of field. In this latest video, we decided to look at the differences in resolution.

Fstoppers Reviews Joel Grimes Beauty Brushes

It's always best to get it right in camera, but sometimes, there are cases where subtle things may go unnoticed but become visible later during the retouching process. Having the right set of tools is crucial.

Is Landscape Photography the Hardest Genre to Vlog?

Vlogging is a common marketing tool or additional creative outlet for many photographers, and perhaps for none more so than landscape photographers. In this video, cinematographer and photographer Mikey McManus takes a more objective approach to analyzing a landscape photography vlog.

A Quick Way to Figure Out Which Gear You Should Sell

Your eye is on a new piece of kit, but your partner, accountant, or guilt won't let you make another acquisition before you sell off some deadwood. Well, here's a (very) quick way to help with that decision.

Predicting the Future of Fashion Photography if COVID 19 Isn’t Beaten

We’ve heard the news, and we’re all a bit paranoid. It’s understandable. But, the economy is suffering, and so are our jobs and projects. Our clients aren’t calling, because the industry has come to a standstill. It’s said that we should (hopefully) have a vaccine by the end of next year, so for the immediate future, we will need to adapt.

Photokina: Not Cancelled Yet?

Merriam Webster defines tone-deaf as: "having or showing an obtuse insensitivity or lack of perception, particularly in matters of public sentiment, opinion, or taste." I thought they'd have illustrated the definition with photokina by now.

Fujifilm Stocks Jump 15% Overnight Because of Drug Used to Treat Influenza

Shareholders at Fujifilm have had a little break from the global economic woes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as a drug made by a subsidiary arm of their company has been found to be effective in helping patients recover from the virus. Patients, no doubt, have even more to celebrate.

What Is Your Photography Horror Story?

Spend enough time as a photographer, and you are likely to encounter situations that range from strange, to cringeworthy, to downright scary. In this article, Fstoppers writers share their personal horror stories. Be sure to tell us yours as well!

How to Quickly Edit a Car Photo Using Photoshop

It is believed that good images in car photography are often achieved by using complex techniques and compositing, but you can still get good result by working on a single image in Photoshop.

Think It’s Time to Upgrade Your Gear? Here’s How to Choose the Right Stuff

There’s a constant stream of new technology on the horizon, new features and capabilities that are undoubtedly valuable to someone. But how do we know if that someone is us? How do we know what’s worth investing in and what’s worth passing up? Here are three questions to help us figure that out.

New Company Aims to Make 360 Mainstream

If the new announcement from Vecnos, a new 360-imaging unit spun out from from Ricoh’s Theta division, is any indication, things could get very interesting for the portable 360 camera market.

Sigma Is Focusing on Mirrorless Lenses From Now On

Sigma remade their image as a lens manufacturer by creating high quality, sharp DSLR lenses that undercut the prices of equivalent first party offerings. They have expanded into the mirrorless space with similar success, and now, the company has confirmed it will be focusing the majority of its attention on mirrorless developments in the future.

Canon's High-Resolution Mirrorless Camera Is Being Tested by Select Photographers

Recently, with rumors of the Canon 5DS and 5DS R being discontinued, there was talk around the industry of Canon possibly bringing a 150-megapixel monster to the market. More news has emerged that the high-resolution camera is being tested by a chosen few photographers, and while it is not 150 megapixels, it will certainly bring buckets of detail.

Fujifilm X-E4 Dead in the Water?

The Fujifilm X-E4 (set to replace the older Fujifilm X-E3 this year) seems to have been axed, according to reports on Fujirumors. However, it's not just the X-E4 that's finished before it's begun, the entire X-E line seems to be cast to the wayside as the X-E3, now discontinued, might be the last of its generation.

An Eighth Grader Takes on a Professional Photographer

We often see videos that pit amateur photographers against professionals, but the twist of this one is showing what a photographer in eighth grade can accomplish when shooting against a professional. It is quite impressive!

What Is Exposure Compensation and How Does It Work?

A fundamental function that you can find on pretty much any camera is exposure compensation, and depending on how you shoot, it can be a crucial aspect of your workflow. This excellent video will introduce you to exposure compensation, explaining what it is and how you can use it in your own work.

What Can Photographers Do During This Coronavirus Downtime?

These are tough times, and they're likely to get tougher. The virus has been spreading quickly, affecting countries around the world and causing the cancellation of many events. This article isn’t intended to be doom and gloom or alarmist for the sake of it, but rather to help.