How I Shot This Rock Climbing Photograph and Got a Lesson in Humility

I recently returned from 10 days of camping in the Swiss mountains, having just taken one of my favorite climbing images. As is often the case, it was another lesson in humility: sometimes, you need the person in your photograph to tell you what you’re doing wrong. Here’s how it came about.

Every RF Zoom Lens Compared: Which Canon RF Lens Is Best for You?

The Canon EOS R is a camera that may have split the crowd a little. In my view, it's not the best release from Canon for a number of reasons. The lenses for this system, however, are a very different case. In typical Canon form, the latest RF lenses are fantastic, and if you're having difficulty picking between them all, then this video might be of help.

What Is the Right Camera for You?

It is great just how many cameras are on the market right now, but at the same time, the number of options can be a bit overwhelming. If you are looking to invest in a camera and a bit unsure of what is right for you, this helpful video will run you through a range of things you should consider and understand before you pull out your credit card for that shiny new toy.

How Many Strangers Could You Get to Agree to a Portrait in 10 Minutes?

Street photography can be a difficult genre when it comes to the interactions, and it definitely takes a certain brave personality to approach strangers and ask them to take their portrait. If given 10 minutes, how many portraits do you think you would be able to take? This fun video follows a couple photographers as they take that exact challenge.

Could You Shoot Portraits at 16mm?

Ask any photographer what their preferred focal length for portraiture work is, and they will probably say 85mm or maybe 135mm. Certainly, few will say 35mm or something even wider. Do you think you could shoot portraits at 16mm? This fun video follows photographers as they challenge themselves to shoot a variety of subjects at an ultra-wide focal length.

How I Shot This Pastel Beauty Spread for Female Malaysia

One thing I love the most about my job is to be able to work with hugely talented people in my team. It’s always so inspirational to be around them and never fails to serve as an outstanding learning opportunity.

How Focusing on Storytelling Can Improve Your Photography

While strolling aimlessly along downtown streets this weekend, doing a bit of photography just for fun, I was reminded of one of the reasons I fell in love with photography in the first place. I was also reminded that this simple reason still provides benefits, both professionally and personally.

The Joy of Seeing the World in Full Color for the First Time

As photographers, we appreciate the importance and the simple joy of experiencing the world in full color. However, for about five percent of the population, color blindness prevents that experience and affects their everyday lives. One company is hoping to change that, and I was lucky enough to witness firsthand the way they are improving people's lives.

What Is It That Makes a Good Landscape Photo?

If you are new to landscape photography, it can be tricky trying to bring together all the elements that make a good image. This excellent video discusses the process behind making a wide variety of landscape photos and everything that makes them successful images.

A First Look at the New Tamron 70-180mm F/2.8 DI III VXD Lens

Tamron's recent zoom lenses for Sony have been highly popular, and many photographers are waiting for the 70-180mm F/2.8 DI III VXD to hit the market. This video takes a quick first look at the new lens and what you can expect from it.

3 Lesser Known But Useful Lightroom Features

Lightroom is an intricate program full of lots of capabilities, and it can be easy to overlook some features. This great video discusses three lesser known capabilities in the program that will help you take your edits further and make your workflow more efficient.

Nikon D6 Delayed Due to Coronavirus

In a statement released today by Nikon, it has been revealed that the COVID-19 Coronavirus is having a knock-on effect on camera production. Due to the virus, Nikon is experiencing delays in receiving parts from a third party, and that has meant a delay to their upcoming flagship DSLR, the D6.

f/1.2 for Cheap: Using Vintage Canon Lenses on the EOS R

Canon's new RF lenses are spectacular, but they are also very expensive, and you might not want to drop thousands of dollars on just one. The great thing is that the company has a very rich history of quality optics, and you can adapt pretty much any older Canon lens to their newer cameras. This video shows you what you can expect when adapting the FD 50mm f/1.2L lens to the EOS R.

Five Steps to Preserve as Much Information as Possible in Your Images

Ever wanted to correct a mistake with your exposure or try a cool post-processing technique, only to find that the results weren’t all that you’d hoped? Image data may have inadvertently been lost in your workflow. These five steps can help ensure you have the best chance for technical greatness!

A Great Bit of Photography Advice I Wish I Had Heard as a Beginner

The internet is absolutely inundated with advice on how to be a better photographer, and that is a great thing for the most part. Nonetheless, this great video told me something that I never heard as a beginner, and I would have progressed a lot quicker as a photographer if I had.

What Are the Best Things About Being a Photographer?

There are a lot of downsides to being a photographer: a shrinking industry, companies that do not respect copyright, demanding clients, etc. And while it can be therapeutic to vent about all those things, sometimes, it is also a good idea to take a moment to appreciate all the good things about being a photographer. This great video examines five of the best aspects of the job.

The Unique Joys of Landscape Photography in a Snowstorm

Snowstorms can be pretty unpleasant to work in, but they can also give you rather unique photographic opportunities. If you have never shot in one, this great video will show what it is like and the sort of images you can create.

How to Use Focus Stacking for the Sharpest Photos Possible

Landscape photographers often aim to get everything from the foreground of a scene to the most distant elements in focus. Focus stacking is one of the most effective ways to accomplish this, and this helpful video will show you how to use it for your own work.

A Look at a Famous Lens: The Canon 50mm f/1.0L USM

Few lenses hold a more legendary status among photographers than the 50mm f/1.0L. Even 31 years after it hit the market, it still commands around $4,000 on the used market. What makes it so special? This great video takes a look at the lens affectionately known as the "bokeh beast."

Six Steps to Sharper Selfies

So, you want to photograph yourself but don’t have anyone to stand in to get your focus set? No problem, all you need is a tripod and a coin for sharp selfies, every time.

Is the Fujifilm X100V the Perfect Travel, Documentary, and Street Camera?

With the long-awaited release of the Fujifilm X100V — the fifth generation of the X100 series — it is fair to say that this is now a pretty mature camera system. The question is whether the improvement brought with this latest iteration makes the X100V the perfect camera for travel, documentary, and street photographers.

A Review of the Sony FE 24mm f/1.4 GM Lens

The 24mm f/1.4 prime is a favorite lens of many photographers, offering a useful wide angle focal length with a large maximum aperture. How does Sony's version of the classic lens hold up in practice? This great video review takes a look at the FE 24mm f/1.4 GM lens.

Spend Less Time Culling With the Help of AI

Depending on how many photoshoots you've had, or how long the event was for, you could end up with an abundance of photos to cull through. What if you could use artificial intelligence to help you speed through culling your photos?

Images of the Upcoming Canon EOS R5 Mirrorless Camera Emerge

The Canon EOS R5 has made quite the splash, with features like 8K video and 20 fps shooting showing that Canon is getting very serious about mirrorless cameras. Nonetheless, we do not know that much about the camera or its design yet. Thankfully, a gallery of images recently emerged, and it shows some of what we can expect from the forthcoming body.

What Do You Want to See in the Sony a7S III?

Few cameras are more highly anticipated than the Sony a7S III, and Sony users are hoping it will leapfrog the current crop of highly capable cameras and reestablish the S line as a leader in video. What are you hoping to see in the camera? This great video discusses what creatives would like to see and what we can actually expect in the camera.

Search for This Information Before You Buy a New Lens

More and more people get infected every day, and I’m a victim of it, too. Yes, I’m talking about GAS, which usually hits me when spring is coming. For this reason, I am focusing a little on purchase decisions lately.

Here’s Why You Don’t Need a Macro Lens

Macro photography has such a draw for beginner photographers because it opens up a world we can’t see with the naked eye. Most camera stores will tell you that you need a macro lens to do this kind of work, but don’t believe the hype. There are plenty of ways to do macro with the kit you already have.

How Much Should You Charge When Licensing Your Photographs?

Sometimes, knowing how much to quote a potential client can seem impossible. Both sides know what they want, but finding something that works perfectly in each direction is often hard work. This excellent video from Evan Ranft gives a detailed guide on how to go about things, with a ton of bonus material tacked on the end for good measure.

Portraits of Senior Citizens
Critique the Community

Portraits of Senior Citizens

Submit Your Best Portraits of Senior Citizens For Critique

For this critique, we want to see your best "portrait over 60 years old."  In our last critique, we asked you to post images of "Senior Portraits" or images of teenagers graduating high school.

This contest has ended.
Tips to Improve Your Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography can be a profitable extension of your existing company, or you can become a specialist in the area. If you are just starting out, Brad Filliponi has a few tips to get you on the right track.

What Does 'Unique' Mean in Regards to Photography And Videography?

How important is it to be unique when creating your work and building upon that? What does it even mean to be unique when talking about something subjective like artwork? To what degree is standing out tied to one's ability to show uniqueness?

What is the Best Way to Fire the Shutter?

It is surely the simplest of operations — instructing the camera when to take a photo. Surprisingly, for such a straight forward task, there are a myriad of ways to actuate the shutter. What are they and what is the best?