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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
How to Shoot Portraits With a Clean, White Background

By far, one of the most common types of portraits you will be asked to shoot are those with a clean, white background. It is a simple, elegant, and versatile look that will never go out of style. If you struggle with artificial lighting, this excellent video tutorial will show you how you can easily shoot high-quality portraits with clean, white backgrounds.

The Photoshop Action I Wish I Knew When I Started

My most used Photoshop action is actually pretty simple and by following along, you can record it yourself in just about 30 seconds. If you’re new to Photoshop’s actions, it serves as a great introduction to their functionality, and I think it has a place in every photographer’s set of tools. Want to know what it is?

Learn How to Use Focus Stacking for Sharper Images

Landscape photographers often want to maximize their depth of field to get everything from front to back entirely in focus and sharp. If you want maximum sharpness, employing focus stacking can be the key, and this great video will show you how it works.

A Complete Astrophotography Workshop, for Free

There are a lot of good tutorial resources out there, some of them free, but for the most part if you want a high quality video tutorial, you'll need to pay. Well, this is a rare exception.

Three Lighting Setups Every Photographer Can Use

Being a good photographer often means knowing where to position your lights to create the desired effect. However, the placement of your lights is only part of the equation; sometimes, it's just as important to set the color of your lights as well. In today's video, I'll show you three different lighting setups that also use color to alter the final images.

Dramatically Speed up Lightroom Performance

If your copy of Lightroom Classic has been painfully slow, or you're having trouble with images and adjustments loading in the Develop module it could be down to a few crucial settings. Tweak these and you could dramatically improve the speed of Lightroom, and your workflow.

How to Photograph Comet NEOWISE in 8 Steps

Comet NEOWISE is one of the brightest comets to visit earth for some time and can be seen right now in skies throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Here are some of the best tips for photographing it successfully.

A Beginners Guide on Choosing the Right Neutral Density Filter

If you love shooting landscapes, you probably thought about using neutral density. Perhaps you already own a set of nice filters, but do you know which filter you need to use? This beginners guide can help you choosing the right neutral density filter.

7 Crucial Tips to Make Sure Your Portrait Shoot Goes Well

There are a deceptive number of moving parts in a portrait shoot, and it's easy to get overwhelmed and let some slip through the net before you have many shoots under your belt. Here are seven crucial tips to remind yourself of the key areas that need your attention.

5 Great Tips for More Powerful Reflections in Landscape Photos

Reflections are a fantastic way to create more visual interest in a photo or to add a pleasing symmetry that helps to balance the composition. They take a bit of technique and consideration, however, and this fantastic video will give you five helpful tips to make your reflection images more powerful.

How to Create Effective Rim Lighting for the Body

Rim lighting can be one of the most important aspects of creating a professionally lit shot, and it is something that can be easy to overlook when you are new to artificial lighting and focused on your key light. This fantastic video will show you how to create proper rim lighting for someone's body.

5 Important Tips to Instagram Growth and Some Dos and Don'ts

Instagram has been the go-to social media for many photographers for the past many years. It is getting old as a platform and has undergone many changes. I have used it daily for the past four and a half years and gone beyond 300,000 followers. Here, I share some tips on how I did it.

How to Understand Lightroom's Luminance Range Masks

Adobe introduced the Range Mask to Lightroom Classic a few years ago, and it’s a useful means for targeting an adjustment when the local tools — Adjustment Brush, Gradient Filter, and Radial Filter — are simply too clumsy. If you want a deeper understanding of how it functions in relation to Luminance, read on.

How to Make Beautiful Blue Water Using Lightroom's Color Brush Tool

Lightroom's color brush is an odd tool, but paired with a range mask, it can be a fantastic means of making water look far more appealing. Here's how I transformed the muddy brown of this lake into water so blue that you'll want to jump in and go for a swim.

5 Essentials for Long-Exposure Landscape Photography

Doing long exposures is the most fundamental trick up a landscape photographer's sleeve. But for effective use of its visual effects, there are a few essential steps that one must follow.

How to Create Great Self Portraits While at Home

While stuck at home, self portraits are a great way to practice photography and editing. So watch this video by a grand master of those two thing, Brooke Shaden, for some insight and a glance at her workflow.

Goodbye Adobe Premiere, Hello Da Vinci Resolve

If you’re a video editor working on Adobe’s Premiere Pro, you’re probably well aware of all the frustrations that come with using Adobe’s answer to video editing daily. The sluggish playback, the generic error issues, random crashes, and in some cases corrupted project files. We’re all well aware of how bloated and buggy this once prized piece of software had become, especially as of late.

Photography Pricing for Beginners

Many visual artists have extreme talent, but no idea how to even charge. What's too much? What's too little? In too many cases, they stop the debate and don't charge for their services altogether. My goal is to start the wheel and get your business in motion. This post and video will give you a starting point.

Three Things You Shouldn't Do in Lightroom

There are many articles and videos on how to do certain things in Lightroom, but how often do you read about something that you shouldn't do? Let's cover a few of them.

Five Techniques to Add Drama to Your Photos Using Lightroom

Post-processing is your chance to really add your personal signature to a photo, and one of the most common styles photographers like to embrace is adding drama to their images. This excellent video tutorial will show you five ways to add more drama to your photos using Lightroom.

File Formats Demystified: What to Use When Editing and Sharing

Whether you’ve shot raw or JPEG, the choice of what format to use when editing is very important. There are key differences in the capabilities inherent to PSD, PSB, DNG, TIFF, and more. Want to know which format to choose next time you open Photoshop?

4 Marketing Mistakes I Made in Photography

Getting photography clients is never easy and there are a host of videos and articles out there claiming certain strategies to be king. I thought it might be useful to learn from my mistakes instead. Here are 5 marketing mistakes I’ve Made.

How to Get Your First Ad Campaign

Photography is a tough profession to get into. Just knowing how to get from A to B can be half of the battle. In this article I go over 3 tips to help get your first ad campaign.

Helpful Tips for Posing Men

Posing is one of the subtlest and trickiest things for photographers to master, and it can take a lot of work to master it. This excellent video will give you lots of helpful tips for learning how to pose men.

How to Build a Three-Light Setup for Portrait Photography

When you are new to working with artificial lighting, it can all seem a bit overwhelming and foreign, but it does not have to remain mysterious forever. This excellent video tutorial will teach you a clean three-light setup that you can use for commercial portraits and more.

Improve Your Photography with this Simple Exercise

You can improve your photography dramatically by merely practicing a little product photography. And no, you don’t have to be a product photographer to benefit from this practice. Portrait, architecture, macro, and even landscape photographers can all benefit from a little product photography practice.

Falling in Love With Your Backyard and Getting Fantastic Photos You Want to Hang on Your Wall

The best analogy for photographing well-photographed locations is to make covers of famous pieces of music. Just like a musician practices his guitar skills with “Nothing Else Matters” and makes his own version, a landscape photographer might do the same at Skogafoss in Iceland or Mesa Arch in Utah. When you are done practicing, or made enough covers of the same location, you might want to make your own original pieces.

Get More out of Your Tablet When Editing in Photoshop or Lightroom

Are you using a tablet for your Photoshop and Lightroom editing? Yes? But are you getting the most out of your Wacom tablet? Probably not if you are like most photographers. You probably set it up on the first day and haven’t gone back to activate all those remaining features.

How to Deal With Reflective Items in Product Photography

Product photography is a tricky genre that takes a multitude of different techniques and problem-solving skills to be successful in. One of the most difficult situations to deal with is a product that has a lot of reflections. This great video tutorial will show you how to deal with reflections and take better product images.

Advice for Shooting Black and White Photos

We look at the world in color, even when we want to shoot black and white photos. Color can be very distracting in that case. Thanks to digital photography it is possible to change the world into black and white before you take the picture.