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Below are the most bookmarked articles by our members.
How Good Is This Ultra-Affordable Lens?

TTArtisan has gained a reputation for creating some of the most affordable lenses out there, which makes their lineup intriguing for any creative who wants decent performance at prices that will not hurt their bank account. One of their latest such lenses is the 27mm f/2.8, which offers a common focal length and autofocus for only $149. Can it still offer good performance and image quality at that price? This excellent video review takes a look.

Four Useful Two-Light Portrait Photography Setups

It is important to start learning artificial light with a single source, as this will allow you to better understand the properties and fundamental behavior of light. Once you have mastered that, though, adding a second light will open up a lot of creative possibilities that simply would not be achievable otherwise. This fantastic video tutorial features an experienced studio photographer sharing four effective two-light setups for working with models.

Tips to Level Up Your Street Photography With Marion Mou

If you’re looking to level up your street photography techniques, check out some of the essential tips that we learned from our Sony Kando interview with renowned street photographer Marion Mou.
10 Fantastic Photoshop Features You Might Not Know About

Photoshop is a tremendously complex and multilayered program, and as such, there are some useful features that even seasoned users might not be aware of. If you would like to expand your photo-editing toolkit, check out this fantastic video tutorial that discusses 10 lesser-known Photoshop features and shows you how to use them to your advantage.

A Compact and Effective Portrait Lighting Setup

When you are working in a studio, you can have just about whatever lighting you want at your disposal, no matter how complex and cumbersome the setup. However, when you move to on-location shoots, simplicity and portability are the name of the game. This awesome video tutorial will show you an easy, compact, and effective lighting setup for on-location portraits.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Photos and Lightroom Catalog Safe

Imagine the moment your computer stops working. It contains thousands of photos and a Lightroom Classic catalog. Imagine if all the work and effort you put into it is gone. The risk can be minimized when you take care of four or five things.

How to Take Great Landscape Photos in Harsh Midday Light

When most people think of landscape photography, they think of images shot during golden hour, with warm, diffuse arcs of light bathing the land. And while those times can certainly make for fantastic photos, they do not mean you should avoid all others times of day. Even the notoriously harsh midday sun can make for compelling landscape images, and this excellent video tutorial will show you what you need to know to get the most from it.

11 Useful Sony Camera Settings You Didn't Know About!

Cameras have become increasingly more complicated of late, and with that comes a complexity of menus. They can be overwhelming to work through, but hidden inside are many options that can transform your quality of life when shooting.
That’s Why Your Camera Settings are Wrong

When we head out into the landscape to capture some epic bangers we should be full of hope and have some expectations about just what type of photos we will get and how we are going to capture them. What settings to use for each scenario can become second nature over time, however, it’s getting to that stage where most will find challenges.

How to Fix Bad Lighting in Lightroom

We have it drilled into us from the very start about the importance of good light in photos, and while that is certainly crucial, you are not always guaranteed the proper light when you press the shutter. In those situations where you know you have an image with potential, knowing how to manipulate the light a bit in post can make all the difference. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to do just that in Lightroom.

The 6 Most Valuable Smartphone Apps for Landscape Photographers

In today's digital age, there are numerous apps available that can significantly enhance your landscape photography experience. In this article, I want to take a look at the six apps that have proven invaluable for my own landscape photography.

The Dwarf II Smart Telescope Is One Amazing Gadget

I've been an amateur astronomer since I was around 11 years old. I had an uncle, a retired engineer, who had a small reflecting telescope, and when I saw Saturn for the first time I was hooked. Photography through a telescope came much later for me, and it was a very difficult undertaking in the film days. I remember taking some star shots to the drugstore for processing, and they told me they threw them away because there were just a bunch of white spots on them, and I should take better care to learn how to take pictures. Oh well.

Embracing the Magic of Fall: Your Guide to Nailing Fall Landscape Photography

Hey, fellow landscape photography enthusiast! Can you feel that slight chill in the air yet? Yep, fall is right around the corner, and you most likely already know what that means: it's prime time for capturing those breathtaking autumnal landscapes. The vibrant colors and the cozy vibes are a landscape photographer's dream come true. But, before you dash out with your camera, let's chat about how to get prepped for some epic fall photography.

3 Tips for Taking Better Portrait Photographs

Portrait photography is a challenging genre that requires not just a creative voice and technical command, but the ability to work with people at the same time. If you are new to the genre and would like to improve your portrait images, check out this helpful video tutorial that shares three tips that will put you on the track to better results.

The Softest Light You Can Get: An Easy Guide

There are numerous applications for soft light, from portraiture to product photography, from macro to fashion. Soft light stands as one of the cornerstones of photographic expertise.

A Photographer's Guide to Pricing: Balancing Passion, Profit, and Personal Life

Photography is as much a business as it is an art. Amid the myriad choices that shape a photographer's journey, one pivotal decision looms large: pricing. For those straddling photography alongside another profession, striking the right pricing balance can be both an art and a science. Navigating my dual professional roles, I discovered that pricing isn't merely a reflection of an image's worth; it's a strategic tool, ensuring equilibrium between passion, profession, and personal moments.

How to Price Your Photography

There are no hard and fast set of rules for how to price your photography, which can make it difficult to know how to set your prices in order to make a decent profit without driving away too many potential clients. If you are new to the business of photography, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you some fantastic advice on pricing your work.

A Quick Tutorial on Using Lightroom's Masks for a Powerful Portrait Edit

In the last few iterations, Lightroom has taken some remarkable steps forward in its masking capabilities, offering powerful and precise tools in tandem with some of its classic features that allow you to not only make precise edits, but take images in entirely different creative directions. This awesome video tutorial will show you a quick walkthrough on using the new tools for adding creative lighting to a portrait.

How to Shoot Backlit Portraits

Backlighting in portraiture offers a huge range of creative possibilities, whether adding a bit of shimmer to your subject's hair, including a dramatic sunset in the frame, or one of many other options. However, the use of backlighting takes some special considerations to ensure you get the results you have in mind. This helpful video tutorial will show you what you need to know to maximize your image quality.

How to Create Compelling Waterfall Photos

Waterfalls are an extremely popular photography subject, particularly since they offer the chance to really flex our creative muscles and make dynamic, compelling shots. If you would like to take your waterfall images to the next level, check out this fantastic video tutorial by an experienced landscape photographer that walks you through his process and offers a range of helpful tips and advice along the way.

How to Use Editing to Add Depth to Landscape Photo

One of the classic challenges of photography is bringing a sense of depth to what is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional scene. Understanding how to manipulate both color and contrast in post-processing can go a long way in helping you achieve this. This awesome video tutorial will show you how to use tools in Lightroom to give your landscape images a sense of depth.

How to Slow Down and Capture Beautiful Landscapes

Do you find yourself arriving at a landscape photography location, getting the tripod set up, the camera out of the camera bag, and then walking away disappointed with your images? Something not quite right? I have some tips for finding your shot, whether it is a new location or one of your old favorites!

My 5 Early Landscape Photography Mistakes

As we consume social media, YouTube videos, and online articles, it is easy to think everyone else out there knows what they are doing. I made many mistakes early on in my landscape photography journey. I still make mistakes today! I’m going to share some of those early mistakes I made and things I wish I'd started doing sooner.

Should Professional Photographers Fear AI In Photography?

Photography is an art form that constantly evolves, and with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) software, many professional photographers now face a common question: Should they fear AI in photography?

What Is the Right Skill to Succeed in Photography?

In the world of photography today, it is pretty common that the relationship between creative concept and photography skill is intertwined and very much expected from a photographer. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into this discussion between these two relationships to see how photographers can unleash their artistic potential and bring their work to the next level and how one skill affects the other skill. Everything from the spark of inspiration from the basis of creative concepts to the technical skills required for project execution will be discussed in hopes of achieving balance between creativity and technical skill to push a photographer’s work to a greater height.

A Guide to Woodland Photography

Woodland photography can be tremendously rewarding, but it can also be a particularly challenging sub-genre of landscape photography. If you are interested in improving your forestry photos, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced landscape photographer sharing some of his best advice.

Are Strobes or Continuous Lights Better for Portrait Photography?

Even just five years ago, this would not even be a question. However, in recent years, continuous lighting has made some remarkable strides, and it is now a viable alternative to traditional strobes for a lot of work. So, which is right for your portrait photography? This excellent video comparison features an experienced portrait photographer sharing her thoughts.

A Guide to Long Exposure Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, few techniques are more popular and invite more creativity than long exposures. If you are new to the technique and would like you to get started, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you everything you need to be on your way.

You Can’t Be a Professional Photographer Without Having This

There are only a select few truly universal things that every photographer must have. While you may think of the obvious, such as cameras, lenses, bags, and other kit, we won't talk about any of these in this particular article. Instead, we will talk more about a service that every photographer must use in order to be a real pro.

Pro Results With a Low Budget: Gear Beginners Should Buy Today

Being a photographer can be a very expensive endeavor. Seeing pros on the internet have the latest and greatest gear in large quantities makes you wonder if this is what you need to be one of them. The truth is, no. Here is our list of basic gear that you need to start a business.

Incredible Bird Photographer Shares Her Secret Tips

Bird photography is one of the most beloved subgenres of the craft and one of the most difficult. In this video, a professional bird photographer goes through her best tips on how you can capture some beautiful images of our feathery friends.
10 Tips for Taking Stunning Landscape Photos With a Drone

Drone photography is becoming increasingly popular for landscape photographers and for good reason. Drones offer a unique perspective of the world we live in that can be used to capture stunning landscape imagery. If you're new to drone photography or if you're looking to improve your skills, here are 10 tips to help you take stunning landscape photos with your drone alongside equipment and accessories to consider.

How to Find Your Creativity in Landscape Photography

One of the trickiest aspects of landscape photography is that, unlike many other genres, you have no control over the elements in the frame, and as such, it can be tricky to find your individual voice and sense of creativity. It is not impossible, though. This great video tutorial discusses the topic and offers a range of helpful advice on how to find your creative voice in the genre.

A Guide to Editing an Image in Lightroom From Start to Finish

If you are new to editing your images, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the dozens of sliders and adjustments available to you in Lightroom. They are not too difficult once you get the hang of them, though. This great video tutorial features an experienced photographer sharing his Lightroom editing work to get you on your way.

The Fun of Shooting Portraits With a Supertelephoto Lens

When it comes to portrait photography, most people will reach for a lens with a focal length between about 85mm and 135mm, maybe a little longer or wider for certain applications or creative exploration. But there is no rule that says portrait photography has to be shot at those focal lengths; you can easily push into more extreme options for a bit of fun and creative invigoration. This short video will show you some of what you can create when shooting portraits with a supertelephoto zoom lens.

10 Tips for Capturing Stunning Star Trails

Photographing star trails is more than just taking pictures. It takes time to shoot on location, and it takes even more time to edit the images afterward. I have ten tips that can help you get amazing star trails.

An Important Reminder of What Matters in Landscape Photography

For many people, landscape photography has become a popularity contest, chasing likes and adulation over creative inspiration and an individual voice. And that is a shame for many reasons, both individual and collective. This important video essay features an experienced landscape photographer discussing the issue and what really matters in the craft.

Adapt or Perish: AI Is to Digital What Digital Was to Analog

AI this, AI that. I know, we're all getting a bit fatigued with the conversation. But, the truth is, it is looking as if it will be the next major evolution in many industries, photography included. And so, it's worth reminding ourselves that we must adapt or perish.
Top Creative Photographers Have 10 Things in Common: Part One

Do you struggle with creativity? In the first of this two-part series, we will look at what science and psychology have discovered about people who are creative. The good news is that they are habits that you can learn. Here are some exercises to help you with that.

3 Easy and Creative One-light Portrait Photography Setups

When you look at the work of professional portrait photographers, you might think that you need complex multi-light setups in order to produce top-level images. And while it is true that two- or three- light setups are common, you might be surprised by what you can accomplish with just a single light. This great video tutorial will show you three easy and creative one-light portrait photography setups.

Why You Should Use Presets as a Pro Photographer (I Was Wrong)

My first-ever article on Fstoppers condemned the use of presets and inspired photographers to focus on creating their own color grades and styles. Looking back, I still stand by some of those points, but not all of them. You see, while using presets is bad, creating your own presets might actually be beneficial to your photography and editing workflow.

6 Common Wildlife Photography Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Wildlife photography is a challenging genre that requires sound technique, specialized equipment, particular knowledge, and heaps of patience, often for just a few seconds of prime opportunity for a shot. Whether you are new to the genre or a seasoned pro, this helpful video tutorial will show you six common mistakes wildlife photographers make and how to fix them or avoid them in the first place.

What Is Art?

We all know what art is, right? Or maybe not.

A Start-to-Finish Edit in Lightroom of a Beautiful Shot in Bali

If you want to improve your post-production skills, there are few better ways than to watch experienced photographers editing their raw images. In this video, Mark Denney edits a stunning landscape in Bali, walking you through each step.
Amazing Black and White Fine Art Photo Editing

I've long been fascinated by the work of Joel Tjintjelaar and Julia Anna Gospodarou. Those two are among the pioneers of a popular editing style for black and white architecture photos that is very graphical and introduces strong contrasts and lighting that feel surreal. In this fantastic video by Ben Harvey, you learn how such images are created.