Recent Fashion Articles

Mick Gleissner Takes Us Underwater

Mick Gleissner has been featured in Elle, Maxim, Seaster, and Photo Magazine with his surreal underwater fashion images. This is one of the coolest videos I've personally watched and hope you guys enjoy it as well. Maybe our own Fstoppers writer Lee Morris can take a note or two out of MG's book of tricks.

Mick Gleissner's Underwater Photography from Mick Gleissner on Vimeo.

Glen Bowden Shoots Amanda Klaassen For Veve Swimwear

In this Video Glen Bowden knocks his Veve photoshoot out of the park. The video itself isn't extremely technical but it doesn't need to be because most of his shots were done completely with natural light! View the full post to read a message from Glen himself. View the finished shots at his website:

Behind the Scenes footage of the Veve Swimwear photoshoot from Glen Bowden on Vimeo.

Kesler Tran Builds A Set Out In The Desert

Some photographers think taking a pretty model out to a remote location will result in a great photograph. Others know they need to build a studio on location to create something even better. Watch what Kesler Tran does when out on a dried lake bed!<
Ramón Gellida's shoot was so long his model passed out 3 times

I was just given 2 video submissions from the fantastic fashion photographer Ramón Gellida. Check one out below and view the full post to see the second video and read a message from Ramón himself that includes techinical details and info about his 14 hour work day and fainting model.

Making of Wonderies - Lingerie from ramón gellida on Vimeo.

Jason Koontz shoots fashion photographer James Weber behind the scenes

Here is an example of a behind the scenes video that puts ours to shame. We love the editing as much as we love the final images. Check out the photographers unbelievable portfolio here and check out Jason's video portfolio reel here. Fashion Shoot: Behind the Scenes from Jason Koontz on Vimeo.
Simon Gerzina Shoots Ford Models

I just ran across Simon's website and was extremely impressed with his work. I got my hands on a behind the scenes video of one of his fashion shoots and since it doesn't have much technical info I asked Simon to write a few paragraphs about it. View the full post to read more about the technical side of what he does.

Fashion shoot with Ford Models from Simon Gerzina on Vimeo.

Eric Bradshaw Goes All Out With His Island Fashion Shoot

Our good friend Eric Bradshaw told us about a shoot he had in the works and we knew that we had to document it. An island, a team of 15, and 5 beautiful models... What more could you ask for. More info and a youtube version after the jump. ><
Patrick And I go to Las Vegas/Shoot In A $15,000 Per Night Penthouse

I am not a rich man, and even if I was I never see myself dropping $15,000 to stay in a hotel room for one night. However, if I happened to meet someone that wanted to give it to me for free you better believe I would stay there, and set up a photoshoot. And that is exactly what happened. Click on this post to see a second video of us talking about the shoot afterwards.
Behind The Mask Photography:  Glasspass Behind the Scenes

Marie-Louise Cadosch of Behind the Mask Photography is not your average run of the mill photographer. Her background as a fashion stylist seems to play a huge roll in creating a classy mood in her photographs. In her Glasspass behind the sceens video, Marie-Louise spares no effort on the production end and the images are great because of it. I love photographers who work with a large team of creative professionals, and you can really tell they add so much to overall mood of these images. It also looks like she gives a little Ode to the Kill Bill / Sin City movies without making it too obvious. Very cool shoot!

Glasspass Shooting - Behind The Scenes from Behind The Mask Photography on Vimeo.

Danica Patrick shoot for Shape Magazine

If you are like me you may have first come across Danica Patrick during the Superbowl for one of those ads. Most people probably know her best as an Indy Car racer or Nascar driver. Here she is in a behind the scenes video for the cover of Shape Magazine. This video has it all: Girls in bikinis, classic rock, large scrims, infinity pools, and lots of behind the scenes footage! Now only if we could have heard a little from the photographer during this really fun photoshoot.