Recent Post Production Articles

How To Create Your Own Fog Brush in Photoshop

Atmosphere in images is both important and difficult to attain, particularly when the weather isn't obeying your desires for interesting conditions. Here is a tutorial on how to create your own fog brush for Photoshop and turn a bland image into something more moody.

Everything You Need to Know About Sky Replacement in Luminar AI

One of the neatest capabilities of modern editing software is the ability to automatically replace skies in a convincing manner with just a few clicks, something that used to be a rather tedious and involved process. Nonetheless, there is still a lot of creative control over the process and things you can do to improve the final result. If you are using Luminar AI, this excellent video tutorial will show you everything you need to know.

It's All About the Details: A Couple of Photo Processing Tips

Anyone familiar with Karl Shakur's work is aware of his creativity, extreme attention to detail, and recognizable style. This video he produced during the COVID shutdown takes a quick dive into how he achieves his consistent color grading and clean aesthetic using Lightroom and Photoshop (although I was able to accomplish all of these things using Capture One Pro).

A Quick Tutorial on How To Replace a Sky in Photoshop

If you've ever left a shoot a little disappointed with how the weather panned out — and I imagine this is a feeling we're all familiar with — perhaps changing the sky in post-production might salvage your images.

How to Edit Stunning Portraits Using Luminar AI

Luminar AI offers a very different workflow when compared to Lightroom and Capture One, and one of the biggest differences is probably the speed at which changes can be made, thanks to some intelligent automation. This short video gives you insights into simple techniques that deliver great results.

7 Creative Color Grading Tricks for Adobe Premiere Pro CC

A master color grader can take forgettable footage and make it memorable; they can set the mood and feel of a scene, add or remove drama, and introduce themes. So, if you're a videographer, it's a great skill to work on.

How To Use Textures To Improve Your Photos

Overlaying textures on top of your photographs is an underused way of adding real interest and creative flair to a final image. This tutorial on exactly that might be the best one I have seen to date.

Do Photographers Need a Graphics Tablet for Editing Photos?

The short answer is no, you don't need one; however, they do make some jobs not just easier but more enjoyable. Not all tablets are created equal, though, so this photographer gives his take on a brand you might not have heard of before.

This Windows Laptop Challenges the Speed of Apple's M1 MacBook Pros

The Apple MacBook Pro M1 has shown impressive results. With the latest round of software optimizations for the M1 processor, it seemed to be unbeatable. However, Gigabyte is demonstrating incredible results. The combination of Intel and Nvidia seems to be offering better performance than a top-spec Apple MacBook Pro M1.

Five Tips for Mastering the Pen Tool in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as Dean Samed shows you his top five tips on how to use the pen tool in Photoshop. It is the sharpest and most precise way to cut out anything.

Three Ways to Sharper Photos With Adobe Lightroom

Creating sharp photographs can be challenging, a vast array of camera settings and subject matter can make it tricky. But there are three ways to successfully enhance the sharpness of images using Lightroom.

8 Tips for Panoramic Landscape Photography

As a landscape photographer, one of the things I prefer is a wide or panoramic photograph. Creating a panoramic image isn't as difficult as many might think.

Photon for Mac and Windows Is a Very Unique Color Grading Editor

I understand what color grading and LUTs (Color Lookup Tables) are and how they can improve a photo or video. But a new application for Mac and Windows has a rather revolutionary interface that helps you visualize what your image values are and lets you modify them to your heart's content.

The Most Important Photo Editing Tools

Post-production on images is a deep and varied process with no one way to do any task. So what are the most important tools and in which order should you use them?

How To Create Seamless Backdrops in Photoshop

There are times where you just don't have enough space, time, or material to cover your entire scene with an infinite backdrop. One workaround that you can do is to use as much as you have, and then extend it across the rest of the image in Photoshop.

A Simple Trick To Improve Your Final Image

There is a wealth of information for every step of the photographic process, but one area that drastically improved my work some years ago is also one of the areas discussed the least.

2 Easy Ways To Extend Backgrounds in Photos Using Photoshop

Extending backgrounds is sometimes needed when you have a great shot, but the composition was a little off or the backdrop was just slightly too small. In this tutorial I'll show you two ways you can extend the backdrop in Photoshop CC with clean results.

The Top Paid-for AI Photo Editing Softwares for 2021

Artificial intelligence is fast becoming one of the most sought after features for image editing software, but which one is right for you? We've rounded up the five best AI image editing software for you to choose from.

Save a Portrait in Lightroom When the Light Isn't Right

What happens when you take a shot and you just love the expression of your subject, but the light lets you down? You take it into Lightroom and sprinkle some magic dust all over it, and in this tutorial, I'll show you exactly how I do that.

How To Cut Out Figures in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as Dean Samed shows you how to cut-out figures for composite in Photoshop. This is Samed's preferred method which he says gives the sharpest results.

How To Create Before and After Animated GIFs for Your Images in Photoshop

Where once editing was a sly activity most people wanted to hide, creating the illusion that the images came straight from the camera, now it's a generally accepted part of the process (even if it always has been part of the process!) A great way to engage with your followers and show just what can be done with a photo is to show before and after images, so you may as well do it properly.

How To Create Snow in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as Redouane Naouri shows you how to create snow in Photoshop. There are many ways to do this, but this technique is one I have not seen before.

Post-Processing Cat's Eyes in Lightroom Classic

If you've been into photography for very long at all, you know how critical the eye is. I'm not speaking of the artistic eye, but the physical eye as shown in a photograph.

Eliminate High ISO Noise Fast With Lightroom

Nobody wants a noisy photo, that's why in this tutorial you'll find out how to remove high ISO noise fast using some helpful tools in Lightroom.

Printing Nikon D850 Iceland Landscape Photos the Size of a House

How often have you pixel peeped at another camera to see if you could print the images large enough to fit on your wall? I bet you've never considered printing it the size of your entire house, but that's exactly what this photography duo did in Iceland.