If the Olympics Are Rescheduled, How Will the Photographic Industry Respond?

It looks like the worldwide pandemic has finally hit the biggest sports and photography event of the year, as the international Olympic Committee is looking at rescheduling the 2020 Summer Olympics. With this news, the big camera and lens companies may be looking at their newly announced, but as yet unreleased models, and could be wondering if waiting out the economic ramifications of the COVID-19 virus is the most viable idea.

10 Tips for Taking Stunning Landscape Photos With a Drone

Drone photography is becoming increasingly popular for landscape photographers and for good reason. Drones offer a unique perspective of the world we live in that can be used to capture stunning landscape imagery. If you're new to drone photography or if you're looking to improve your skills, here are 10 tips to help you take stunning landscape photos with your drone alongside equipment and accessories to consider.

Critique the Community: Submit Your Lifestyle Images Now (Also, Win a Bag)

Fstoppers is adding a little something extra to this week's episode of "Critique the Community." We are inviting everyone to submit your lifestyle photography images for review. This means your images shouldn't just be portraits of people, they need to be images of people in action or living some sort of life. Like we've done in the past, we will be choosing 20 images give our thoughts and feedback to. In addition to our normal critique, we will also be giving away two camera bags to two individuals who will be randomly chosen from the critiqued image pool. Submissions must be made by Sunday, December 13th.

The Wednesday Rundown 11.10.10

Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. Sorry for the delay in the post this morning. Last night I got the chance to see some of the best lighting I have ever seen. I went and saw the opening of the Radio City Rockettes. The light and venue blew me away before the girls even made it on stage. It is insane how much lighting really affects our eyes and images. Lighting, natural or strobed, it is what makes our photos. Check out the videos we have today.contactfstoppers@gmail.com
iPhoneographers Rejoice: Easily License and Sell Your Photos

Have you been wondering how to make money with the thousands of photos sitting on your iPhone? Well, if you don't want to print them out, you can always sell the license and try and make a few bucks. That's the goal behind the iPhone app Foap, an online marketplace in iStock/Getty style.

Is FilmConvert the Most Efficient Way to Artistically Grade Video for Beginners?

So you’ve decided to transfer your skills as a photographer to shoot video and have quickly found that some skills, such as composition, transfer well to motion pictures; but some do not, such as color grading. The main issue is that photographers get used to the amount of data in the raw format that can be saved and manipulated in post. In video, the data rates of almost all consumer DSLRs give you limited room to grade video without the image falling apart. Using the tool set of FilmConvert is an incredibly easy and efficient way to get to a cinematic look with almost any DSLR video file.

Nearly 8% of All Instagram Accounts Are Fake

According to a group of Italian security researchers roughly 8% of all Instagram accounts are actually fake. Not a huge shock and slightly lower than other social networks like Twitter from their research. The real question is if it truly matters or effects engagement on an individuals account, that is where their data shows real value.

Watch Googles App Translate Text With Your Phone's Camera

The future is here. The free Google Translate app can now translate text in real time using your phones built in camera. This means you can hold your phone up to a sign and read the text in your native language on the phone.

The New Pageant Photography

When I think of pageant photography I often think of those glamor shot booths in the mall with the crazy hair, makeup, and horrendous props and backgrounds. Well times have changed and most young women competing in pageants around the world are taking much more fashion and beauty style portraits of themselves. In this video Justin Grant shows us what it's like shooting the images used by both the reigning Miss and Teen Miss Utah and Arizona. Watching this video really changed my perception of what "pageant photography" is and should look like! Be sure to check out Justin Grant's portfolio which features some really amazing advertising, fitness, and beauty images.

2011 Miss Arizona and Miss Utah from JG|ORI on Vimeo.

5 Tips for Taking Great Shots of Cities at Night

Taking photographs of cities at night can be a veritable feast of colors, reflections, and light, but it can also be tricky. Here are my five best tips for taking shots of cities at night.

Photojournalism Is Still (Mostly) for White Men, as Revealed by a Stunning Getty Images Photograph

There’s no question that photographs from this week's Republican National Convention, merely days after an assassination attempt on former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump, are going to define the narrative of this tumultuous time in U.S. history. There’s also no question about who overwhelmingly seems to dominate the photojournalism field based on this photo that I've linked to below: white men.

Fstoppers Workshops 2015 Dates Announced

We are currently finalizing all of the instructors for Fstoppers Workshops 2015 which will be held once again at Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. The next event will take place from May 13-17 2015. Check out our quick promo to see a glimpse of this years event.

YouTube Video Editor is Being Discontinued

According to a recent post in the Google product forum made by YouTube Community Manager Marissa, the company will be shutting down its Video Editor and Photo Slideshows on September 20th, 2017 due to low usage.
Instagram's New Profile Pages Worth Checking Out

This week Instagram rolled out new web based profile pages for it's users making it easy to view a history of their photos, likes and comments. To access your new profile page just open any web browser on your computer and type, www.instagram.com/*username*. What do you think of the new profiles? Let us know in the comments. Read on to see screen shots and links to some of my favorite Instagram users.

Elusive Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art Back in Stock

Let's face it, the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art is hard to find. I've been getting barraged with questions from fellow photographers asking me when they could buy the 50mm, or if I have some sort of mystical connection that will allow me an unlimited supply of the lenses for them to tap. The popular lens has been nearly perpetually sold out since the lenses came to the market. I just got word that B&H got a new shipment of Canon mounts for the lens in, so if you've been waiting to buy, you can get the lens right now.

Music Bed is a Time Saver

Licensing music for a video or multimedia project can often make or break a final edit. With tight deadlines and the multitasking so common to being a professional photographer, you need to use your time effectively. Enter the Music Bed app, an iOS mobile resource providing access to Music Bed’s library of available music for your next project.

Doug Menuez' Never-Before-Seen Photographs Chronicle Silicon Valley's Golden Age in "Fearless Genius"

In the 1980s, Doug Menuez was given unprecedented access to photograph Steve Jobs after his ousting at Apple while he started NeXT. The project eventually expanded as Menuez photographed countless, top, tech-sector executives including John Warnock at Adobe, John Sculley at Apple, Bill Gates at Microsoft, John Doerr at Kleiner Perkins, Marc Andreessen at Netscape over the course of 15 years. These images and the stories behind them are now published in "Fearless Genius."

Sunday In Rio:  Behind The Scenes Of A MINI Coupe Commercial

What could be more fun than drifting a MINI Coupé around Rio, Brasil during Carnival? Director Paulo Martins takes you behind the scenes in the latest MINI commercial from the Another Day, Another Adventure campaign. Instead of filming the commercial during the annual Carnival in February, Paulo recreated the festival months later so he could drive the car directly into the parade. I have to admit I was a bit nervous watching the stunt drivers weave in an out of the city but it does make me envy one of these small cars.. Click the full post to watch the final commercial and head over to the MINI Youtube Channel to watch other commercials in the series from Honk Kong and Iceland.
Fstoppers Reviews the Garmin VIRB 360: Cream of a Very Small Crop

Garmin, the same manufacturer who probably made your first GPS unit that’s now collecting dust in the glove box of your car, also makes cameras. I didn't know this until I cruised the 360-degree video section of B&H Photo looking for something to replace my 2017 Samsung Gear 360 that I was not so happy with (note to Samsung: a stitch line that moves is a dealbreaker). There it was, sitting under a glass case, the Garmin VIRB 360.

AI Turns Sketches Into Photorealistic Landscapes

Do you need to put together a mood board or share some ideas with regards to the location you're looking for? Soon, it'll be possible to draw some lines and have it generated by AI. This video shows what's to come.

The Wednesday Rundown 10.6.10

Hello everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. I have been playing around with my flash a bit this week and forgot about the sync speed for a second (just a split second). I know of the 1/250 sync speed and understand the basic idea, but do you? We have a great video that goes into detail of how the camera and flash sync. Also we have a video sent in by Julien from Canada, thanks again for the videos! contactfstoppers@gmail.com
Mindset: Can Skill Alone Bring Success?

At this point in our lives, the majority of us have come to understand our capabilities and our limitations. If we were never good at sports, we have come to accept this as truth. If we are great at math, we have likely received this "gift" and possibly moved into a career field where we can maximize the ease of which numbers have come to us. As photographers, you have the "eye" for it, or you don't. Are these established beliefs, based likely on past evidence in reality, or are they limitations we have placed upon ourselves?