How I Got the Shot: Lighting Studio Portrait With Photo Backdrop

We are not always fortunate to have the perfect background that matches the total vision of a shoot. The same goes for having a huge budget to build the set, which leaves a few options. Spend the time with compositions or use a printed backdrop to complete the scene. To save time, at least in my case, I opted to go with a printed backdrop for the shoot since there would be multiple images.

Instafail! Instagram Explains New Terms Of Service

Earlier I posted about Instagram's new terms of service. Instagram has now released a statement concerning their new terms of service that was under the scrutiny... of the entire internet. Following in the footsteps of sites like Twitpic it seems that Instagram either got ahead of themselves or didn't think that users would catch on to its confusing and/or misleading jargon on its TOS update announcement. In a statement entitled, 'Thank You, and we're listening...' on their blog, Instagram clears up some of the perplexing language on the new terms of service.

Harry Taylor Shoots Ambrotypes On Glass

Harry Taylor donated his time and talent to, an organization created to keep families connected while our military is serving abroad. In the video below Harry shoots 3 portraits which involve creating a positive image on a sheet of glass. This type of photography was created in the 1850s and if you are as interested in it as I was, you can learn more here.
[BTS Video] Dramatic Photography Portraits Lit With Black Lights

The videos keep coming in for our 2011 Fstoppers Behind The Scenes Contest as we enter the final month of submissions. Most photographers use either strobe, fluorescent, or incandescent light to mold and sculpt their subjects. German photographer Julius Ise went a completely different route and used UV blacklights along with some gelled lights for separation to produce extremely vivid images. The shoot has an overall tribal theme and I really think the blacklight look brings something to the overall vibe. I'd say this is one of my top 5 submissions so far but Julius will have to impress our judges. What do you guys think? Leave Julius your thoughts below in the comments. Also check out Julius Ise's full portfolio because it's pretty awesome as well.
Associated Press Announce New Exclusive Partnership With Sony Cameras

Sony and the Associated Press just announced a new exclusive partnership, giving Sony a firm lead in the race to be considered the industry standard for photography and videography. Sony will begin distributing equipment including the full frame mirrorless Alpha series, 4K XDCAM, and a wide variety of lenses and accessories to journalists around the world.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (May 2020): Teodora Dimitrova

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2020, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

What's the Advantage of Having Studio Setups Logged In Your Metadata?

Imagine you can open up Lightroom and browse through the lighting setup (a graphic from top down) that shows you what you did during your shoot, where each photo has its lights, and the setup of these lights, all embedded. Would that be beneficial?

[BTS Video]  What Do 50 Programmed Moblie Phones Sound Like?

This awesome installation made by James Theophane uses 50 programmed mobile phones, each with their assigned tone. So how'd they get all those phones to play the right tune at the right time? The program on the phone consisted of two parts: one registering with a web service - logging the fact that it was still alive and its current IP address, and two a User Datagram Protocol listener - listening for commands from the controller over the network. The controller was written to read the midi file of the Carol and send the individual notes to individual phones at the right time. Click the full post to see how they synced the phones to play Carol of the Bells.
One Day On Earth Begins Now! 12.12.12

For the past 3 years the One Day On Earth community has set out to capture video of the entire planet on triple digit days (10.10.10, 11.11.11, 12.12.12). In short the project is comprised of amateur and professional filmmakers from every country, background, technique, etc. and creates a beautiful, geotagged video archive of the day. If you have something to say to the world, or to ask of it now, is the time to do so. For more info, go to the ODOE website and find out how you can participate!

The Mysterious Disappearance of Louis Le Prince, Father of Cinematography

The race to conquer new frontiers of innovation is not a new event, but it is well known. What can be learnt from history about these types of competitions, however, is that it is not always to the winner go the spoils; the lightbulb and telephone are infamous examples, but the moving picture can be added to that list.

The Lark 150 Microphone System Reviewed: Effortless Wireless Audio

Getting good audio is essential to creating a quality video. The Lark 150 from Hollyland is positioned as a turnkey solution for easily recording two subjects without the need for a tangle of wires. Whether you’re just getting started with video or are looking for a competent wireless option, you’ve got to hear what this piece of kit can do! Is Hiring More Staff For 2012

We're looking to hire several creative professionals to work for If you enjoy our site and think that you may have something to offer please send us a message. The only prerequisite is that you are at least a part time professional photographer or videographer. If you have any writing experience that is a plus but not required. We have a lot of positions available but we are also open to new ideas if you have suggestions. If you're interested in writing for us, send us an email with a link to your portfolio at and write "Fstoppers Job Opening" in the subject line. Include a few sentences about yourself and how you can contribute to the Fstoppers team. Please do not send us a resume.
BTS Of VW's Black Beetle Commercial

When I saw this commercial I assumed that it was all CGI. Surprisingly, most of the footage was shot on film and then the bugs were added later. I have absolutely no understanding of motion graphics but I still enjoy watching how it was done.
Apple Announces New iPad Air

Today's Apple event brought a ton of exciting new devices for photographers and filmmakers, including a new version of the thin and powerful iPad Air that brings the company's M1 chip to the device along with a lot of other new features and upgrades. Let's take a look.

The Faces Behind The Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen

Fstoppers was created in part to help show the faces of the photographers behind the lens and also to give insight on how they approach their photography. But have you ever wondered who the people are behind some of tools and software we use day in an day out? Well Adobe recently released this video featuring many of the names behind their industry standard software Photoshop CS5 as they explained some of the difficulties they faced in the newest update. I've always wondered why it often takes longer for the mac version to appear on store shelves than it does the PC version and now I know why. via PetaPixel
Fstoppers Reviews Rocky Nook's 'The Art, Science, and Craft of Great Landscape Photography' Plus Free Book Giveaway

As mentioned in my previous article reviewing “Street Photography: The Art of Capturing the Candid Moment” by Gordon Lewis, the digital photography book publisher Rocky Nook has recently released some new titles that I was eager to check out. In this article, I take a look at “The Art, Science, and Craft of Great Landscape Photography” by Glenn Randall which offers an interesting take on the classic genre. In addition to the review, we are giving away two copies of this book to two lucky Fstoppers readers.

Through The Eyes Of A Firefighter: The Contour ROAM On A Firefighters Helmet

Since the increased availability of small, high quality video cameras, we've seen some truly amazing footage. But this video from Scott Ziegler gives us a first hand look at what firefighters deal with on a call! It's pretty intense! The music on the video might be NSFW in places so you might want to turn your sound down.

Fstoppers Is Hiring Staff Writers

Are you a photographer or videographer who loves to write? It's that time again! Fstoppers is looking to hire several creative professionals to write for us. If you enjoy reading Fstoppers and think you may have something to offer, we want to hear from you!

[Video] Sony NEX-FS700 Hands on Video Overview

This week the Fstop Academy released some BTS footage and a short film shot with the new Sony NEX-FS700. On their site they also have a great write up as well as a complete video overview reviewing Sony's new 4k Super 35mm toy for the video boys. Enjoy!

From the Gridiron to the Photo Studio: Lessons From the Huddle

Whether you live in a football-crazed nation like America, or are beholden to the whim as another sport, nothing is more exciting than the start of a new season. As the kickoffs are underway, I think today I’ll take it from the gridiron to the studio with a few lessons I learned in the huddle.

Relax to John Eklund's "Art of Timelapse"

Stressed at work or need a break? Seriously, put your feet up and enjoy. There's nothing that will relax you quite like some gorgeous scenes of nature put to some dulcet piano notes. John Eklund took this series of time lapses at multiple locations throughout the pacific northwest shooting around 260,000 images.

Jay P. Morgan Photographs Darren McMullen Trashing A Hotel Room

In Jay P Morgan's newest video he is shooting MTV's Darren McMullen. The concept is simple; create a hotel room set and photograph Darren as he destroys every inch of it. As we have come to expect, Jay P. gives us an inside look at his lighting diagram.
How To Remove A Hiss And Hum From Your Video's Audio

Have you ever recorded a video with a cheap mic or maybe just with bad settings and got a hiss or faint high end distortion? What about a low pitched hum like the sound of an A/C unit or heavy traffic outside the window. Well have no fear, in this video the guys at VideoMaker show you some handy tips for correcting hisses and hums using high and low pass filters, notch filters and automated tasks. Enjoy!

Fuji X-Pro 1 and X-E1 Firmware Updates Now Available!

Fuji previously released firmware updates that upgraded the X-Pro 1's autofocus performance, among other things, turning it into another kind of beast. Now, they again promise AF accuracy improvements and more for the X-Pro 1, X-E1, and XF 35mm f1.4 lens.

Cyanotype Printing: Is It Photography, and How Do You Do It?

Explore the Art of the Cyanotype. In this article, we examine the step-by-step process of cyanotype printing and its place within the realm of photography. You can decide for yourself if you agree whether this is a photographic medium or not.