Álvaro Lamas's picture

Shoreline Mosaic

Delving into intricate details in Virxe do Porto.
This vertical capture presents a mesmerizing close-up of textured rocks and the residual tidal pool. The composition effortlessly guides the eye toward the hermitage, showcasing the interplay between land and sea.

In a moment frozen in time, the crashing waves paint the scene with a veil of droplets, adding a dynamic touch to the tranquil setting.

Part of my ongoing experimentation with the Irix 11mm Blackstone F4, this lens continues to surprise me. Despite initial concerns about the use of a polarizer, it hasn't hindered my photography. Instead, it challenged me to refine my compositions and post-processing workflow.
The result? Fresh perspectives from familiar locations, proving that even well-known spots can yield new and original photographic gems.

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