Nathan McCreery's picture

Wings of Stone, Bisti Flightline

A buddy of mine and I were camped at one of the Bisti trailheads - there are several. We had started hiking very early one morning, and since there are no official maps of the area, and no established trails, it's one of those places where you can just wander... which we did. Mark had gotten interested in something so I thought I'd just walk around to the other side of the little mesa. I looked up and saw this. Amazing things, you just have to get out and go for a walk. Toyo 45A camera, 150mm Sinaron lens with a #61 Dark Green filter. Kodak T-Max 100 film rated at an ASA of 50. You can view more of my work at nathanmccreery.com

Toyo 45A camera
150 Sinaron · f/45 · 50 seconds · ISO 50
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