Nathan McCreery's picture

Yucca Tree and Dunes, White Sands, New Mexico

I have been to White Sands numerous times and it is, for me, a very difficult place to work for a couple of reasons. First they gate is only open from 8:00 in the morning till an hour before sunset, so the times I really prefer to work are not available, and I have only been there a couple of times when there was a great sky. Next, those fine gypsum grains get in everything. When I go to White Sands to work there will be those dang grains in everything; even inside my cameras and believe me they are a pain to get out. But a few times everything worked!, though I still had those nasty white grains in everything. Toyo 45A camera, Sinaron 90mm, #21 Dark Orange filter, Kodak T-Max 100 film.

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