Nathan McCreery's picture

Windstone Arch, Nevada

One of my very favorite places, and an excellent illustration of why I don't divulge locations anymore to anyone I don't know very well. I used to go to this little arch a couple of times every year, and always got something new. The last time I was there, was the last time it was in existence. Shortly after I was there some unthinking idiot crept in and kicked this sandstone leg, if you will, until it broke off, so the structure no longer exists. Everywhere I go in the back country now I see evidence of human destruction, and it is so senseless, and so stupid. Very frustrating. To see more of my work go to nathanmccreery.com

Toyo 45A camera
47XL, #61 Grn Filte · f/22 · Four Minutes · ISO 50
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