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10 Ways to Make Colors Pop in Lightroom

Photos often lack a real punch when we import them for editing, this is especially apparent when importing raw files to Lightroom because it strips the shot of the overriding camera settings making them seem lackluster. Luckily, there are 10 simple ways you can make your colors pop once again.

Do You Know All of These Lightroom Shortcuts for Faster Edits?

Lightroom obviously is a powerful editor with the highest level of user-friendliness. It’s made to help beginners and advanced photographers edit their photographs within the blink of an eye. Its shortcuts can speed up your edits. Here are my favorite ones and a description of when and how I use them.

How to Use Focus Stacking for Sharper Photos

When you need a photo with deep depth of field that is sharp across the entire frame, it might not be possible to do so in just one shot. Focus stacking is a technique that allows you to get sharper images with deeper depth of field. It is a relatively easy and straightforward technique, and this fantastic video tutorial will show you everything you need to know to use it for your own work.

A Beginner's Guide To Removing Backgrounds in Photoshop

There are few tasks in Adobe Photoshop that are more irritating to do, and as a beginner, that irritation is increased tenfold when you need to cut a subject out from an image. Well, if you're a beginner who wants to add this skill to their repertoire, start here.

Tone Curve is the Most Powerful Tool in Lightroom

Whether you're just starting out or are a professional photographer, knowing how to properly use a tone curve is one of the most important editing techniques you can learn. In this video and article I'll show you everything you need to get started in less than 5 minutes.

How to Retouch a Double Chin Using Photoshop

A double chin is one of the most common cosmetic issues a client is likely to want you to correct, but once you understand how to retouch it, it is not particularly difficult to do. This great video tutorial will show you how to use Photoshop to retouch a double chin.

10 Steps to Your First $20,000 in Fine Art Sales in 2020

Spending your Covid-19 isolation time working on your business now could mean art sales later. Seattle-based Fine Art Photographer Jason Matias, who runs a program that helps artists sell their art, has a few tips for how to go about snagging those sales.

The Secrets of Hidden Lightroom Keywords

Many photographers live and breathe by keywording their photos in Lightroom. Keywords can be used both for describing images, as well as combined with other features of Lightroom for organizing, searching, publishing, and exporting photos.

I Let My Clients Pay What They Wanted and the Results Amazed Me

My business is about 90 percent dealing with individuals, and about 10 percent working with brands. I just moved into a new live/work studio and, to help break it in, I decided to hold a "Pay What You Can" sale and the results made me change my entire business model.

Everything You Need to Know About Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom

Perhaps one of the most underutilized areas of Lightroom is the Detail panel. Nonetheless, it offers some very useful functions that can make a large difference in the final look of your photos, and it's well worth getting to know how all the features work. This helpful video will show you all you need to know.

Some Helpful Tips for Shooting in Harsh Midday Sun

We all know about golden hour and how it can offer you warm, soft, and flattering light for your photos, but if you're only working with natural light, restricting yourself to only golden hour can make it quite difficult to get shoots done. This great video will give you some helpful tips for dealing with harsher midday sun.

Create Striking Rays of Light Easily in Photoshop

Rays of light pouring through trees or a window can enhance the moodiness of an image, but if there aren't enough particles in the air to reflect and diffuse the light, you may not be able to achieve the look you want in camera. With a little help from PiXimperfect's Unmesh Dinda, it's easy to achieve that effect in Photoshop.

Using Long Exposures Without the Help of Neutral Density Filters

You can get cool results when photographing water or cloudy skies with long exposures. For that you often need a filter that reduces the amount of light that enters the lens: a neutral density filter. But what if you don’t have such a filter? In that case there is another way to retrieve almost the same results. In this article I will explain how to shoot long exposures without the help of a neutral density filter.

The Instagram 'Tricks' You Should and Shouldn't Be Doing

If you're struggling to get the likes, followers, and comments you'd hope for on Instagram then there may be a few things you're doing wrong on the social network. There are definitely a few tricks that can help you grow but also a few things you should avoid at all costs.

Faking a High End Portrait Backdrop With Texture Overlays

Do you crave the look of a high-end, hand-painted portrait backdrop for your studio, but don't want to shell out the bucks for such a luxury? Why not grab your favorite roll of seamless paper and fake it ‘til you make it?

10 Helpful Photoshop Tricks and Techniques for Editing Portraits

There are tons and tons of techniques and tricks for editing portraits in Photoshop depending on what you shoot, your aesthetic preferences, and more. This helpful video will show you 10 subtle techniques that can add up to big differences in your portrait edits.

Seven Lesser Known Lightroom Shortcuts

I've seen a lot of Lightroom tutorials and tips videos; most seem to cover the same few shortcuts. Mark Denney covers some great lesser known features in this video, including a tip for changing the spot removal selection I've never seen before.

Print Your Photography: Part Three

It turns out that every different kind of paper out there isn't going to be the right choice for every shot that you have. Sometimes, you'll make the wrong choice and the content won't make sense on the type of paper.

How to Make Your Car Photography Look Like This

Car photography is a sharp learning curve, with the incline coming primarily in post-production. A tutorial like this can save you incredible amounts of time learning techniques.

How to Match Colors for Photoshop Composites

Realism is imperative when creating composite photography. This great video shows you how to check and match colors perfectly when making composites in Photoshop.

How to Create Beautiful Photos in Boring Locations

Having a perfect background is one of the most overrated factors in photography. Here are several tips for getting amazing shots when your session restricts you to shooting in a boring area.

Seven Landscape Photography Tips I Wish I Knew in the Beginning

When I started landscape photography many years ago I thought my images were great, but looking back at them now I can easily see the many errors I made. Over time I improved but it was a slow and organic process. Check out these seven tips and don't make the same mistakes I did.

Five Techniques to Remove Anything From an Image Using Photoshop

One of the most useful things you can do in Photoshop is remove an object from a photo, whether that's a building ruining your landscape shot or that person that wandered into a shot of the bride and groom. This great video will show you five techniques for removing anything from a photo using Photoshop.

Want to Get Your Photos Published in Magazines? Here's How

Seeing your photos you've worked hard on on a screen is great, but opening a magazine to see them in print provides a very different, tangible sense of pride and satisfaction. This great video will walk you through the process of getting your photos published.

Outdoor Boudoir: It's a Thing [NSFW]

That's right you boudoir photographers, if you haven't tried shooting boudoir outside before then you are seriously missing out. There really are quite a few reasons why you should give it a try here are a few of my favorite reasons why I shoot boudoir outside instead of in a studio.

Print Your Photography: Part Two

Welcome to the second official entry in my exploration of fine art printing, paper, and why we're meant for more than cell phone screens. In this entry, we're looking at a paper that absolutely blew my mind from the very first test print I ran.

Shooting With Your Subconsciousness To Be A Better Photographer

Do you often find yourself hesitating when changing the settings on your camera? Are you constantly missing or find yourself unable to get the shot you wanted? Does this sound like an infomercial? Did you answer "yes" to any of these questions? Well, you're in luck because this is not an infomercial but I will nonetheless offer some solutions that photographer Willy Foo shares for these problems!

Here's What You Can Do to Make Your Website Rank Better on Google

When you jump into doing photography professionally as a business, you quickly learn that your website’s search engine results are an essential part of making your business successful. Here’s how to improve your visibility on Google.

A Straightforward Guide to Creating Backlit Portraits in Studio

Backlit portraits can be a great way to get a lighter, airier look. Traditionally, you likely think of them as being shot outside with the sun behind the subject, but it's just as easy to create them in the studio, and this helpful tutorial will show you how to do just that.

Psychological Pricing Tactics for Photographers

The way you structure and display your rates to potential clients could be negatively affecting your earning potential and losing you work. Use these tried and trusted psychological "tricks" to help you get hired and earn more money.