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You Can’t Be a Professional Photographer Without Having This

There are only a select few truly universal things that every photographer must have. While you may think of the obvious, such as cameras, lenses, bags, and other kit, we won't talk about any of these in this particular article. Instead, we will talk more about a service that every photographer must use in order to be a real pro.

Pro Results With a Low Budget: Gear Beginners Should Buy Today

Being a photographer can be a very expensive endeavor. Seeing pros on the internet have the latest and greatest gear in large quantities makes you wonder if this is what you need to be one of them. The truth is, no. Here is our list of basic gear that you need to start a business.

Incredible Bird Photographer Shares Her Secret Tips

Bird photography is one of the most beloved subgenres of the craft and one of the most difficult. In this video, a professional bird photographer goes through her best tips on how you can capture some beautiful images of our feathery friends.
10 Tips for Taking Stunning Landscape Photos With a Drone

Drone photography is becoming increasingly popular for landscape photographers and for good reason. Drones offer a unique perspective of the world we live in that can be used to capture stunning landscape imagery. If you're new to drone photography or if you're looking to improve your skills, here are 10 tips to help you take stunning landscape photos with your drone alongside equipment and accessories to consider.

How to Find Your Creativity in Landscape Photography

One of the trickiest aspects of landscape photography is that, unlike many other genres, you have no control over the elements in the frame, and as such, it can be tricky to find your individual voice and sense of creativity. It is not impossible, though. This great video tutorial discusses the topic and offers a range of helpful advice on how to find your creative voice in the genre.

How to Create a Stunning Home Studio on a Budget: My Home Studio Secrets

Have you ever fantasized about transforming a corner of your home into a professional photography haven? Are you eager to cut costs, minimize stress, and craft remarkable images for your clients, all from the comfort of your own space? If so, this article is for you. As a seasoned headshot and portrait photographer, I've recently transitioned from a sprawling industrial studio in Richmond, Virginia to my cozy, basement-based studio in Atlanta, and I couldn't be more delighted.

A Guide to Editing an Image in Lightroom From Start to Finish

If you are new to editing your images, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the dozens of sliders and adjustments available to you in Lightroom. They are not too difficult once you get the hang of them, though. This great video tutorial features an experienced photographer sharing his Lightroom editing work to get you on your way.

The Fun of Shooting Portraits With a Supertelephoto Lens

When it comes to portrait photography, most people will reach for a lens with a focal length between about 85mm and 135mm, maybe a little longer or wider for certain applications or creative exploration. But there is no rule that says portrait photography has to be shot at those focal lengths; you can easily push into more extreme options for a bit of fun and creative invigoration. This short video will show you some of what you can create when shooting portraits with a supertelephoto zoom lens.

10 Tips for Capturing Stunning Star Trails

Photographing star trails is more than just taking pictures. It takes time to shoot on location, and it takes even more time to edit the images afterward. I have ten tips that can help you get amazing star trails.

An Important Reminder of What Matters in Landscape Photography

For many people, landscape photography has become a popularity contest, chasing likes and adulation over creative inspiration and an individual voice. And that is a shame for many reasons, both individual and collective. This important video essay features an experienced landscape photographer discussing the issue and what really matters in the craft.

Adapt or Perish: AI Is to Digital What Digital Was to Analog

AI this, AI that. I know, we're all getting a bit fatigued with the conversation. But, the truth is, it is looking as if it will be the next major evolution in many industries, photography included. And so, it's worth reminding ourselves that we must adapt or perish.
Top Creative Photographers Have 10 Things in Common: Part One

Do you struggle with creativity? In the first of this two-part series, we will look at what science and psychology have discovered about people who are creative. The good news is that they are habits that you can learn. Here are some exercises to help you with that.

3 Easy and Creative One-light Portrait Photography Setups

When you look at the work of professional portrait photographers, you might think that you need complex multi-light setups in order to produce top-level images. And while it is true that two- or three- light setups are common, you might be surprised by what you can accomplish with just a single light. This great video tutorial will show you three easy and creative one-light portrait photography setups.

Editing Tips That Can Transform Your Photos

Sometimes even the most beautiful moment captured doesn't quite translate into the final image. In these circumstances, it might be a mistake you made while shooting, but it could also be something that can be fixed in post-production.
Essential Golden Hour Photoshoot Tips for Photographers

Golden hour is a magical time of the day for photography, characterized by warm and soft light that can turn even the most mundane scenes into stunning works of art. This period occurs twice a day, during the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset, and is highly sought after by photographers for its dreamy and ethereal qualities.

6 Common Wildlife Photography Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Wildlife photography is a challenging genre that requires sound technique, specialized equipment, particular knowledge, and heaps of patience, often for just a few seconds of prime opportunity for a shot. Whether you are new to the genre or a seasoned pro, this helpful video tutorial will show you six common mistakes wildlife photographers make and how to fix them or avoid them in the first place.

What Is Art?

We all know what art is, right? Or maybe not.

Amazing Black and White Fine Art Photo Editing

I've long been fascinated by the work of Joel Tjintjelaar and Julia Anna Gospodarou. Those two are among the pioneers of a popular editing style for black and white architecture photos that is very graphical and introduces strong contrasts and lighting that feel surreal. In this fantastic video by Ben Harvey, you learn how such images are created.

5 Common Landscape Photography Mistakes

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that takes a combination of strong technical skills, planning ahead, a keen awareness of conditions, and often, a smidgen of luck. As such, there are a lot of places where things can go a bit wrong and end up derailing your images. This great video tutorial details five such mistakes and how to fix them or avoid them altogether.

How to Create Better Landscape Photo Compositions

Landscape photography takes a wide variety of skills and techniques in order to find success, and often, just a bit of luck thrown in. However, one skills that tends to elude photographers more than any other is composition. If composition is something you tend to find yourself struggling with, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you a range of helpful advice sure to improve your landscape image compositions.

Why Just Mastering Photography Technique Isn't Good Enough

The technical side of photography takes a lot of committed study and practice to master, and it is something to be proud of when you have gained the skills to stride confidently into a variety of scenarios and produce adept images. Nonetheless, just that alone is not enough to find success and recognition, particularly in the professional realm. This great video essay features an experienced photographer discussing what it is that differentiates the most memorable pros from their peers.

Make Your Own Film Presets With This Simple Tutorial

The nostalgia of film and the decades gone is fascinating so no wonder film presets and looks are popular to buy for your editing software. They’re pretty easy to make yourself if you put a little bit of time into understanding what elements in editing make the film look different from digital. Follow my tutorial to make your own vintage film presets for Capture One, Lightroom or PhotoShop.

An Important Lesson for Every Photographer

Being a photographer, whether a hobbyist or professional, is a complex endeavor in today's world, and it can be easy to be sidetracked by a wide range of issues or red herrings. If you sometimes find yourself struggling with that, check out this important video that is a useful reminder of what matters in photography and what the real nature of progress is.

5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Drone Photography

Drones provide photographers with incredible image opportunities but still lack dynamic range and pixel count of their grounded handheld counterparts. What if you could increase your dynamic range, resolution, and take better images?

Are TFP Photo Shoots Really a Trade or Is Someone Simply Working for Free?

Collaborating with models for trade shoots, often referred to as TFP (Time for Print), provides a wealth of benefits to both parties involved. In this type of collaboration, neither party charges for their services, but both receive valuable assets in the form of high-quality images that can be used to build their respective portfolios.

10 Landscape Photography Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Landscape photography is a challenging genre that requires good technique, planning, creative visions, and sometimes, just a bit of luck. If you would like to improve your landscape photography, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer sharing 10 common mistakes landscape shooters make and how to fix them or avoid them altogether.

7 Tips for Taking Sharp Landscape Photographs

In landscape photography, sharpness is often one of the top priorities, and photographers will go to great lengths to ensure that their photos are crisp. If you are new to landscape photography and ready to improve, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced shooter sharing seven useful tips sure to improve the sharpness of your images.

3 Portrait Lighting Setups Using 2 Lights

Tutorials on using a 1-light setup for portrait photography are commonplace, and rightly so. There are several ways that a single light source can be positioned to create flattering lighting on a subject. You might think that switching to a 2-light setup would be twice as complicated. This isn’t the case. There are several 2-light arrangements that are easy to understand and quick to set up. Using 2 lights can make it easy for you to transition between a clean headshot and a dramatic portrait.

5 Hacks to Make You a More Productive Photographer

One of the challenging things about running a photography business is that, unlike a regular job, we have to give ourselves all the structure to stay on track and to be productive. If that is something you struggle with, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you five useful hacks to make you a more productive photographer.

Maximizing Your Potential: A Guide for Building Value and Setting Competitive Prices

As a photographer, understanding your place in the market is essential to the success of your business. Whether you are just starting out or are an established photographer, it's important to have a clear understanding of your competition, your preferred target audience, and demand for the photography services you offer.

50mm Versus 85mm: Side-by-Side Lens Comparison for Portraits

There are several focal lengths that have become staples for portrait photography and both 50mm and 85mm are two right at the top of the list. If you are in the market for a portrait lens, however, which is best for you? This video might help.
Avoid These Five Photo Editing Mistakes

Photo editing is a powerful tool that allows you to transform your images in many ways, from enhancing the atmosphere in a photo to increase of image quality. However, common editing mistakes can negatively impact the final result. In this article, we'll explore five of those.

How to Deal With Boring Clear Skies in Landscape Photography

While clear blue skies are happy times for many people, for landscape photographers, they can be a source of significant frustration. That swath of monotonous blue can remove a large chunk of visual interest from a scene and make it difficult to create compelling images. Before you pack up your gear and head back to the car, though, check out this great video tutorial that will show you some helpful tips and techniques for dealing with those boring skies and still coming home with effective photos.

5 Essentials for Starting a Photography Business

When you have gained a lot of confidence in your ability with a camera and have built out a nice portfolio, you might start thinking about going professional. However, even though it absolutely takes those aforementioned items, they are not enough on their own. It takes a good amount of business savvy to create a reasonable income from photography. This helpful video tutorial will show you five essential items that will make your business life a little easier.

Shoot for What You See, Not the 'Correct' Exposure

There are times when achieving a balanced exposure across your entire image is ideal, ensuring that you don't lose the details in your shadows and highlights. But, some of the most interesting images do not follow that rule whatsoever, and you should try shooting that way too.

How to Create a Professional Portrait With Very Affordable Equipment

You can spend a lot of money on lights and modifiers for portrait photography, and while there are certainly reasons why professionals invest in expensive equipment, you can absolutely create professional-level portraits with the most affordable gear — even a shoot-through umbrella and speedlight. This fantastic video tutorial will show you everything you need to know.

Helpful Advice for Earning Money With Your Photography

Being competent with composition, camera settings, lighting, and post-processing and having a strong creative voice are all requirements for becoming a successful professional photographer, but they are far from the only things you will need. Making money from your images is a totally different animal, but this helpful video tutorial will give you some important advice that will give you a better chance of finding success in the professional world.

The Benefits of Slowing Down in Landscape Photography

We live in an age of hyper-fast content creative and consumption, and it can be easy to feel pressured to bring home loads of images to continue feeding the machine. There is something to be said for slowing down so you can think more and shoot less, however. This great video explores that idea and why it might improve both your photos and your enjoyment of the experience.

5 Ways to Enhance Your Editing Results

When it comes to making great imagery, post-production is perhaps one of the most important steps that can make or break your image. Sure, you can master all elements to making an image, but if you forget post-production, you will be stuck miles behind someone who knows how to edit. In this article, we will discuss ways how to get better results when editing.

What Is the Best Position of the Horizon in a Landscape Photo?

Most of the time, a landscape photo will show the horizon. The best position of that horizon depends on what's important in the photo. Do you place the horizon at the top, the bottom, or somewhere else in the frame? If you struggle with that decision, this article may give a helping hand.

This 'Hidden' Lightroom Slider Will Make Your Photos Pop

There are a lot of different ways to edit a photo in Lightroom, but most people probably do not use this slider for the purpose demonstrated here, as it is designed for something else. Nonetheless, it can give your photos that extra bit of pop that makes them catch the viewer's eye without teetering into the territory of the gaudy. This great video tutorial will show you where to find it and how to use it to improve your images.

6 Common Photo Composition Mistakes

While things like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO are quantifiable, and thus, easy to discuss, composition is both qualitative and a bit more nebulous and thus, a bit harder to nail down. If composition is something you struggle with in your work, check out this great video tutorial that will show you six common composition mistakes photographers make and how to fix them to improve your images.

A Guide to Sunset Portrait Photography With a Single Speedlight

Sunset portraits are a timeless look that will always be appreciated by a lot of clients, and adding a bit of artificial light can help both to balance the exposure and to add a bit of creative flair that can really take the image to the next level. If you are new to working with artificial light, check out this great video tutorial that will show you how to combine a speedlight with a sunset to create compelling and eye-catching portraits.

Photographing Paradise: Costa Rica's Stunning Landscapes

Costa Rica is a place of breathtaking beauty, with lush rainforests, towering volcanoes, and pristine beaches. From the misty cloud forests of Monteverde to the remote beaches of Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica offers an endless array of photo opportunities. Whether you are a professional photographer or an amateur with a passion for capturing nature's beauty, Costa Rica is a destination you should not miss.

How to Get Sharp Landscape Photos

Almost every genre places a high priority on sharp images, but sharpness is of a particular importance in landscape photography. So, what can you do to ensure that your landscape photos are as sharp as possible? This helpful video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer sharing a lot of helpful advice to make your landscape shots pin-sharp.

Affordable Lighting for your Home Studio: We Review the SmallRig RC120B

Constant lighting has dropped dramatically in price, with companies like SmallRig making excellent products — along with accessories — that are refreshingly accessible. How good is the SmallRig RC120B, a bicolor packing a decent amount of power and coming in at just $259?