Recent Education Articles

How to Edit Your Landscape Photos With Pure Freedom

There is more information on how to edit your photos available than ever before, and while that is certainly a great thing for anyone who wants to improve as a photographer, it can lead to using someone else's editing habits and techniques rather than developing your own creative voice. If that is something you struggle with, this excellent video tutorial will help you find more creative freedom in your edits.

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of Manual Focus

Modern cameras are ludicrously good at focusing automatically, able to lock on small targets and track them precisely and accurately through many challenging situations. These autofocus systems are not totally infallible, however, and there are times during which it is actually a better choice to switch to using manual focus. This great video tutorial discusses why you practice using manual focus and why it can be useful for your work.

5 Mistakes Landscape Photographers Make on Location

Creating a successful landscape image takes a combination of many factors ranging from solid technique to creative vision and careful planning in advance. When you are trying to bring everything together in the field, it can be easy for something to go wrong. This excellent video tutorial will show you five common mistakes landscape photographers make on location and how to fix them or avoid them entirely.

How to Start With Fine Art Photography

Creating something new is the most important ingredient for making art. But we can’t create something new when we just capture a scene in reality. The trick is bringing an artistic concept to your photographs.

Shoot and Edit Infrared Photos With Any Camera

Infrared photography can be a wonderful new avenue to explore and can really get the creative juices flowing. It can also produce some otherworldly and beautiful images. Unfortunately, the cost and commitment of converting an existing camera to be capable of infrared is a barrier for many to trying it out. But, as this video demonstrates, you really don't need any specialized equipment to create great infrared images.

Make Your Photos Look 3D With These Methods

Breathing life into your photographs can make the difference between an average shot and a masterpiece. But how can we bring life into a flat piece of paper? Depth is all you need.

A Simple and Straightforward Product Photography Walkthrough

Product photography is a tough genre that will really challenge your lighting skills and attention to detail. The great part about it, though, is that you can practice it at home, even if you do not have much space, and the techniques you pick up are applicable to a wide range of other genres. To help you get started, this great video tutorial will show you a simple and straightforward product shoot walkthrough.

Which Is Better for You: 85mm or 135mm Lenses?

When it comes to shorter telephoto primes, 85mm is probably the most common choice, but 135mm is often a popular second option. So, which is the right choice for your work? This fantastic video takes a look at the two focal lengths and shows you some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

How to Create Light Rays Using Photoshop

A few light rays in something like a backlit portrait can be a nice finishing touch that adds a bit extra to the image. Of course, we can't always be so lucky as to capture them in camera. However, it is not overly difficult to add them in post, and this great video tutorial will show you how to do it easily in Photoshop.

How to Take Better Indoor Pet Photographs

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the season of shorter days and more time spent indoors is upon us. Indoor pet photography can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to result in leaving the camera down until spring.

10 Steps for Creating a Black and White Image in Lightroom

Sometimes, a black and white edit can be what really breathes life into a photo. However, a good black and white edit is about a lot more than simply pulling all of the color out of an image. This excellent video tutorial will show you 10 steps to creating a compelling black and white image using Lightroom.

How to Be Original With Your Photography

In some sense, it is harder than ever to be a photographer producing truly original work. The world is absolutely inundated with images, and creating something that stands apart from the pack is quite the challenge. So, how can we be original with our images? This excellent video essay discusses the topic and offers some good insight.

Helpful Tips for Getting the Most From Lightroom's New Masking Features

Lightroom's masking features recently got a huge upgrade, and they have enabled some new capabilities that truly make working on your images far easier and more efficient. If you still have not taken a deep dive into the new masking panel yet, check out this great video tutorial that will give you some useful tips for getting the most out of it.

The 3 P's of Landscape Photography

Creating a successful landscape image takes a variety of skills, some that don't even involve a camera. If you want to get on the road to success, check out this great video tutorial that will help you frame your approach to landscape photography through three major aspects.

Things Nobody Teaches You About Photography

Becoming a successful photographer is a remarkably complex thing that takes the confluence of a range of skills, creativity, and often, a bit of luck. If you are new to photography and wondering how to bring it all together, check out this great video that features an experienced photographer discussing things no one really teaches beginners.

How to Choose the Right Camera Gear

Camera gear is not only meant for professional work, it is a ton of fun as well. However, it is quite expensive, and as such, every purchase you make should be carefully considered beforehand. This helpful video tutorial features some good advice on how to choose the right gear for you.

Ways to Improve Your Photography Without a Camera

Photography is the sort of thing you can always find new ways in which to improve, whether it is your technique, creativity, business, or something else. If you are looking for ways to improve your photography, be sure to check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you several ways to become a better photographer that will not require a camera.

How to Shoot Kodak's Incredible Aerochrome Film

I recently interviewed Australian film photographer Rob Walwyn on his incredible images documenting the aftermath of the bushfires that devastated Australia’s east coast in late 2019 and early 2020. Walwyn’s project, "Karrikins," led to his first solo exhibition at the 2021 Head On Photo Festival in Sydney.

Helpful Tips to Improve Your Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a challenging genre that requires you to not only be deft and confident with your camera and post-processing, but also able to make the subject comfortable in front of your lens. If you would like to improve your portrait photography, check out this awesome video tutorial that will give you a wide variety of helpful tips to get you on the right track.

How to Photograph a Translucent Product on a White Background

A product shot on a clean, white background with no distractions is a look that will always be in demand, though it presents some challenges to the photographer creating the image. Those challenges increase when the product is translucent and lets light through it, but this excellent video tutorial will show you how to deal with such a situation to produce a professional final image.

5 Common Mistakes New Photographers Make

When you are new to photography, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to learn and master a multitude of techniques and technical parameters all while developing a creative style at the same time. It is completely normal to make mistakes along the way. This helpful video tutorial discusses five common mistakes beginners make and how to fix them or avoid them entirely so you can get on the path to better images more quickly.

When Should You Make a Photo Black and White?

Of all the edits you can do to a photo, perhaps none is more fundamentally transformative than converting it to black and white. However, how do you know when to make that conversion? This excellent video tutorial discusses the topic as it applies to wedding photos and portraits and offers some helpful advice.

A Comprehensive Guide to Lightroom

A lot of people think of Lightroom as the place for organizing photos and performing basic edits and Photoshop as the place for more involved and serious edits, and while that is true to a degree, you might be surprised by just how much you can do in Lightroom. This fantastically comprehensive tutorial will show you everything you need to know to edit photos in Lightroom.

Why We Shouldn’t Give Up When We Struggle in Landscape Photography

It is good to have a plan B in landscape photography. But what if even plan B doesn’t work? Should we give up? Or is there still the chance, any way to get some really strong photographs? I came exactly into such a situation recently – and oh man – finally it turned into one of the best photography days I ever had. I even got 360 degrees surrounded by compositions!

7 Helpful Winter Landscape Photography Tips

The beauty of winter is that even landscapes you have photographed dozens of times can become entirely new scenes with fresh, vibrant looks. Winter landscape photography presents its own unique challenges, though, and this excellent video tutorial will give you seven tips to help you get the most out of your photos.

Mistakes Beginner Photographers Make Regarding Lenses

Perhaps no piece of equipment has a bigger impact on your photos than your lens. There are some common misconceptions about lenses, however, and as expensive as they are, it is important to make sure you know everything you can about them. This helpful video tutorial discusses some common mistakes photographers make when thinking about lenses.

There Is No Such Thing as 'Correct' Exposure

As photographers, we spend a lot of time trying to get the perfect exposure and discussing and learning a variety of techniques to do so. But what is a "correct" exposure anyway? Maybe it does not exist at all.

We Interview R. J. Kern: 5 Tips for Emerging Fine Art Photographers

Finding success in a single area of the photography industry is no small task. And yet, R. J. Kern has managed to find success not only as a wedding photographer but now as a fine art photographer as well. I sat down with him one afternoon to pick his brain on his top five tips for emerging fine art photographers.

A 7-Step Guide to Editing Black and White Portraits in Lightroom

Creating a compelling black and white portrait is about a lot more than simply removing the color from an image; it is an art in itself. If you would like to learn how to create such images in Lightroom, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer guiding you through a seven-step process for creating compelling results.

7 Tips to Help You Take Better Drone Photos

Drones are more convenient and powerful than ever, and they can be a really fun way to find a new perspective and invigorate your creativity. If you are new to flying cameras and wondering how you can get better photos, this helpful video tutorial will give you seven tips to start you on your way.

Photography Website Mistakes That Can Cost You Money

Nowadays, your website is probably the most important tool in your business toolkit, as it is where the vast majority of potential clients will evaluate if your work suits their needs and initiate contact with you. As such, it is crucial that you ensure you do everything you can to create the best possible online experience for your site's visitors, and this great video tutorial will help you ensure that you do.

Street Photography Advice That You Should Probably Ignore

Photography can be a minefield when it comes to what warrants good advice and which rules you should follow. Street photography is perhaps one area where certain strong opinions on what’s allowed and what isn’t can sometimes be ignored.

A is for Amateurs, P is for Professionals, M is for Masters: Hogwash!

A long time ago, I heard someone utter this bit of nonsense. Depending upon the genre of photography you shoot, there are good arguments for using manual controls and settings. However, there are times when your camera’s automated technologies prove the Luddites wrong, then automation is king.

How to Remove Difficult Objects in Photoshop

Photoshop has some pretty advanced automated tools for removing distracting objects from your photos, and while they can get the job done a lot of the time, sometimes, you are dealing with such a complex and difficult background that you need to take control of things. If that is the case, check out this helpful video tutorial that will show you how to efficiently and convincingly remove such objects.

Free Lightroom and Photoshop Perks You Might Be Missing Out On

Most of us with Creative Cloud subscriptions use them for access to apps like Lightroom, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro, but you are actually paying for more than you might realize when you select a plan. This helpful video tutorial will show you where to find thousands of free assets that may have been hiding from you in Lightroom and Photoshop.

A Rarely Used Camera Setting That Can Improve Your Landscape Images

Creating a successful landscape photo often takes skills both behind the camera and at the computer, and of course, what you do in the field influences how you handle things once you are ready to process your images. This great video tutorial takes a look at a camera setting many of us never touch and how it can improve your landscape images quickly and easily.

How to Make Money From Your Photography in the Off-Season

Depending on where you live and what you shoot, you might not have a steady flow of clients at all times of the year. People like wedding photographers often have to deal with a period during which business is significantly lower or even stops entirely. That does not mean your income has to completely stop as well, however. This helpful video will give you a few ideas to weather the off-season.

3 Steps to Getting Better Skin Tones Using Photoshop

Skin tones are one of the most crucial parts of a portrait edit. Get them right, and they can elevate the image to another level. Get them wrong, however, and they can sink your image. If you are new to shooting and editing portraits, this helpful video tutorial will show you three steps to get better skin tones in Photoshop.

3 Ways Working For Free Can Be More Empowering Than You Might Realize

It always starts innocently enough: you buy a new camera and start taking photos. Then someone you know asks a favor and you’re all too happy to oblige them with all the photos you can snap. Fast forward just a small amount of time later and you realize, with great sorrow, this phase of freebies doesn’t have an end.

Landscape Photography Mistakes to Avoid!

When we start out as photographers, there are so many rules to follow and so many techniques to be applied. So, where do you start? What rules do you follow and what do you avoid? In his new video, Mads Peter Iversen tells you what to avoid and what considerations to make when framing your sho, capturing the image, and post-processing.

How to Set the Proper Shutter Speed When Photographing Waterfalls

Waterfalls are by far one of the most popular subjects of landscape photographers, as they can add a nice dose of movement to an otherwise static image, making it far more dynamic and compelling. One of the most crucial choices you can make in this situation is your shutter speed, and this excellent video tutorial will give you some helpful tips for picking the right one.

A Look at How to Use Lightroom's Powerful New Masking Tools

The latest major update to Lightroom brought some major new features and upgrades, but perhaps most impressive has been the overhauled masking system, which greatly increases what you can accomplish and enables new editing workflows. This great video tutorial will show you an example edit using the new system to edit the foreground, mid-ground, and background of an image independently of each other.

How to Balance Ambient Light and Flash for Improved Portraits

One of the most useful skills any portrait photographer can learn is the ability to balance both artificial and ambient light in a portrait. If you are learning how to work with artificial light and want to improve your skills, check out this great video tutorial that will show you how to balance natural light and flash to create better outdoor portraits.

Why You Should Photograph Everything Wide Open

Landscape photography is often about achieving maximum depth of field, fantastic sharpness, and gathering as much quality into one image as possible. Or is it? This photographer shoots everything wide open and has an excellent reason for it.