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Halnaker Tree Tunnel

I'm pretty sure somewhere on FS someone has posted something like this, but it was the first time I visited this...

Moist Autumn Leaves

Does that word make you cringe too?

Sunset at Trolltunga, Norway

To get to the famous Trolltunga rock formation in Norway, we had to walk 14km of trail (28km round trip). We decided to...

From above

Boston Harbour Pano

Elle Fanning - movie poster

I saw this photo of the beautiful actress Elle Fanning and I liked the lighting. I tried to figure out the lighting...

Gritty city

I don’t usually take pictures of or in cities since I tend to live and work in rural areas, but I took a snap of St...

Big D

Since no tripods are allowed i had to improvise using the structure :( whilst there was some wind vibrations

We are connected

around 2am - Sat on a mountain at 0deg without coffee waiting for the right moment


Somewhere alone on a frozen lake i got my match


Fresh snow and Mads Peter Iversen inspired me to get out and shoot into the forest a couple of days ago. In my...

The zone

Our first trip to the moab, an unforgettable experience. We visited Dead Horse Point state park on our second morning...

Autumnal Portrait (my daughter)

Hello all, Go easy on me, I'm new to the Fstoppers site and fairly new to portrait photography :-) As with any parent,...

"Midnight" sunset

if only the rest of the world can be as calm as these places - Lake district UK - Windermere

Drama at the top

Looking UP in Downtown LA

Good Morning London

the color version looks good but the B&W conversion looks timeless

On the move

Hyderabad - India. The colors and the amount of things is just absorbing - Shot taken while driving by in a taxi.

Following the herd

I've been making repeated visits to the same place (Cahokia Mounds World Heritage Site) and following this herd of deer...

Autumn photoshoots in Munich

Here are a few shots from recent photoshoots I did in October in Munich. Trying to strike a a natural look but with...

Eating a banana.

Waited for more than an hour to have someone in this shot. Just found the architecture a top framing.

Nude stretching in diffused morning sun

This was taken using my little Lumix GX80 and a 25mm (50mm equiv) lens. Minimal editing.