Would You Swap out Your Strobes for Continuous Lights When Shooting Portraits?

Continuous LED lighting has come a long way in recent years, and while there are pros and cons to shooting with strobes or continuous lights, LED technology has definitely shifted the balance a little. How useful is continuous lighting for a studio portrait shoot? This video aims to find out.

Get the Joker Cinematic Look: A Quick Tutorial on Color-Grading Footage

One of the things that I personally struggle with when it comes to producing video content is color grading. This is especially true when it comes to log profiles and for that reason, I generally just rely on using LUTs that I've bought or downloaded for free.

Have You Already Customized Your Camera to Your Own Needs?

Did you know a lot of people use their camera without setting it up for their needs? If you have done this already, you may find nothing new in this article. If you don’t know what I am talking about, perhaps you should read it.

What is Canon Building? Could It Be the New Niche Dominance of f/2.0 Zooms?

Canon has just released the trifecta of f/2.8 lenses that cement the workhorse length of optics for professionals and prosumers alike, but they are still missing a flagship mirrorless camera body to take advantage. This is only part of Canon’s future strategy when competing against Sony and Nikon which may include a new family of f/2.0 zooms.

Improve Your Photography with this Simple Exercise

You can improve your photography dramatically by merely practicing a little product photography. And no, you don’t have to be a product photographer to benefit from this practice. Portrait, architecture, macro, and even landscape photographers can all benefit from a little product photography practice.

A Different Approach to Landscape Photography

Have you ever made a shot list for a landscape photography location only to end up disappointed or disconnected from your final images? Maybe you need a new approach.

The Pros and Cons of User-Submitted Editorials

Having your work in a print magazine is seen as the goal for many, but are all print magazines created equal? With the boom of on-demand printing, there has been an increase in user-submitted editorial magazines. But are these magazines for real?

How a 360 Camera Could Replace Several Others

In the course of being a visual journalism educator, I’ve come to realize that while here at Fstoppers my colleagues and readers might be attuned to 360 cameras and imaging, by and large most of the viewing public is not, but perhaps it's time they should be.

Free Tutorial: How to Photograph an Engagement Session

For many photographers, the first type of photoshoot they will ever book is an engagement session. In this extended tutorial, I will walk you through four different setups that you can use regardless of your location or skill level.

Videographer Admits He’s in Over His Head as Brides Demand Refunds for Shakey Footage They Compare to Blair Witch Project

A number of women have contacted local news channels after the footage their wedding videographer delivered was shaky and out of focus, even comparing it to something out of the Blair Witch Project. After being ambushed by the news channel’s film crew, the young videographer admitted he is still in school and is in over his head as he issues refunds.

Tourists Strike Again as Photography Banned in Kyoto, Japan

Disrespectful tourists and the destruction they leave in their inconsiderate wake have struck again as the most famous district in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan and home to 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, has banned photography in most areas.

Documentary Photographer Daniel Milnor Breaks Down One of His Images

A core value in being able analyze, interpret, or critique a photograph is the knowledge gained which can then be applied to your photography. Furthermore, applying those same observations in an honest way to your own images is a powerful tool for creative growth.

Former White House Photographer Suggests Camera Timestamps Could Prove the Picture of Trump Watching Strike on ISIS Leader Was Staged

Following the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, former White House photographer Pete Souza has attempted to out Trump and his team for allegedly staging a photo in which they are seen to be watching the deadly strike occur. Souza highlights the camera’s IPTC data, which indicates the photo’s timestamp to be some 90 minutes after the strike occurred.

How Can Imperfection Make Your Photography More Engaging?

If there’s one YouTuber that you can rely on to draw on philosophical thought to pose provocative questions about your photographer, it’s Jamie Windsor. In this video, he explores how technical failings can make your photography more engaging.

Stop Making Excuses: Get Out and Shoot Some Photographs

So, what did you photograph in the last seven days? What, you didn’t shoot anything in the previous week? Nothing? Too many times, I hear: “there is nothing interesting to photograph” or “I’ve already photographed everything around me.” Well, to me, that means you just aren’t trying hard enough.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (October 2019): Sasha Onyshchenko

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2019, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Five Weird Filmmaking Camera Hacks You’ve Probably Never Seen Before

The internet is awash with camera hacks, and most of them end up being pretty disappointing, often involving a glass ball, some fairy lights, or a cracked mirror. By contrast, this is a collection of five ingenious methods that not only offer shortcuts to getting some cinematic footage, but will hopefully trigger some inspiration.

Resolution to Spare: A Review of the Sony a7R IV

The Sony a7R IV is the latest entry in Sony's popular series of high-resolution cameras, and it brings with it a huge bump in resolution along with other improvements. Is it the right camera for you? This great review takes a thorough look at the camera to help you decide.

The NBA on TNT Adds Shot Clock Overlay to Free Throw Line

The NBA season is just getting started, and we're already starting to get accustomed to new super teams and foul challenges. One change we didn't see coming was from TNT's nationally broadcasted games, where you will now see a countdown shot clock above the free throw line.

Why Are Photographers so Scared of Their Own Portrait?

Today we are releasing the second video in our How to Make a Website series with Wix. After reflecting on the content in this new video, it made me wonder, "why are photographers so intimidated by photos of themselves?" Could your view on this question be dramatically affecting your business?

No Photoshop Allowed: 10 Clever In-Camera Tricks to Try

You can never know enough tricks of the trade when it comes to photography — those little techniques that can transform a boring picture into something that will stop the viewer in their tracks. Here are 10 of those go-to tricks well worth adding to your photographic arsenal today.

Seven Reasons Why You Should Buy the Fuji X-Pro3

Fuji made a bold move in releasing the X-Pro3, producing a camera that wasn’t afraid to step away from the norm and retain a large chunk of its rangefinder heritage. The company seems to have a deep understanding of its customers, and in this video, Gerald Undone takes you through seven reasons why you will love this camera.

A Review of the Canon RF 28-70mm f/2L USM Lens

The Canon RF 28-70mm f/2L USM lens is an absolute monster in both size and ambition, blowing past the traditional professional zoom aperture of f/2.8 by a full stop and offering photographers a uniquely capable piece of equipment. Is it worth the size and the price? This excellent review takes a look at the lens to help answer that question.

Canon Imaging Profits Down Over 50% in Q3/2019

Canon recently released their Q3/2019 financial report, which shows a stark downturn, with sales down 13.9% and profits down 56.8% in the imaging division from Q3/2018.

2019 PhotoPlus Expo Round Up

The 2019 PhotoPlus Expo was held this weekend at the Javits Center in New York City. This year’s edition was full of several changes, both exciting and concerning.

$4000 Worth of Camera Gear Allegedly Stolen From a Photographer During Wedding

Photographer Aubrey Peebles of Macon, Georgia and her newlywed clients were devastated to catch a stranger fleeing the scene after allegedly stealing camera equipment during their wedding reception. The camera's memory card was full of images from their special day, and the thief got away with those photos as well as the photographer's gear.