Don't Get Dragged Down By Those Photoshop CC 2020 Bugs and Quirks

Adobe's update to Photoshop CC 2020 contains some powerful upgrades and tools but, like any software release, it also has some bugs, quirks and missing tools that users must adapt to. Or, if you take Colin Smith's advice, you can fix them yourself.

Add 10K Followers Per Week On Instagram, Without Buying Them

Gaining followers on social media can sometimes feel like getting stuck on a hamster wheel — a whole lot of effort to get nowhere. Chris Do, of The Futur, aims to make that effort pay off for you and help you launch your social media following into the stratosphere by adding 10,000 followers per week — without buying them.

Adobe Releases Roadmap for Development of Photoshop for iPad

Adobe recently released the long awaited version of Photoshop for iPad, but initial reviews were quite mixed, with many disappointed by the lack of features in the app. Adobe has responded to the criticisms by releasing a roadmap for the application, and it details the features we can expect to see in the app in the coming months.

When Should You Turn Pro in Photography?

For a lot of us, becoming a professional photographer is our dream career; it has certainly been mine for a long time. Knowing when to make the leap can be hard, though.

Wildlife Filmmaker Has a Close Call With a Leopard

One way to increase your chances of getting a good wildlife image is to carry out a thorough overview of a potential area. That's why having a solid understanding of the subject's behavior is so important. Sometimes, though, even the most seasoned wildlife veteran can get caught off guard, as this incredibly lucky gentleman was reminded.

Photojournalism Is (Still) for White Men, as Revealed by a Stunning New York Times Photograph

There’s no question that the New York Times photo of American diplomats William Taylor and George Kent, where they detailed their uncomfortable and suspect dealings with President Donald Trump’s handling of a phone call with the president of Ukraine, is going to be one of the iconic ones of our time. There’s also no question about who overwhelmingly seems to dominate the photojournalism field based on this photo: white men.

What Should You Look for in a Monitor?

The holiday season is the best time to buy a new monitor; with Black Friday right around the corner, now is the perfect time to update your most important tool for editing. But do you know what to look for? Let's discuss what important qualities you should be watching for and go over some highly rated monitors for photo editing.

Lindsay Adler on Developing a Personal Style: From Good to Great

Since the mid-2010s, there have been more photographs taken each year than existed in the history of photography. The democratization of photography and the removal of barriers to entry means there are also more professional photographers than ever before in history. Given this steep competitive curve, how is it possible to stand out?

Stop Chasing the Perfect Camera

Photographers like to spend a lot of time comparing gear and considering how their own work might improve if they upgraded their camera or switched to a different brand. And while there are certainly objective differences between various camera brands and models, there is no such thing as a perfect camera. This great video explores that idea and why you might want to put your gear envy to bed.

A Review of the Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD Lens

The wide-aperture 35mm lens market is a crowded one, but Tamron has added their SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD lens to the pack, and it looks to be a great option for photographers. Check out this helpful video review of the lens.

Recovering Noisy and Blurry, Out of Focus Photos Is Possible

Topaz Labs software has more recently been talk of the town in the wildlife photography community, and for good reason. Just like the needs for wildlife gear can get extreme with the 500mm and 600mm uber-expensive lenses and hyper-fast cameras, the demands for software that can squeeze every bit of fine feather or fur detail out of images is equally desired. Many people, myself included, have now been turned onto Topaz DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI to achieve this.

Five Helpful Tips and Techniques for Wacom Tablets

Few accessories can have an impact on your post-processing workflow like a pen tablet can, which is why I recommend all photographers pick one up for their work. This excellent video will show you five tips and techniques to help you get the most out of your Wacom pen tablet.

Artist Captures Video Portrait of Daughter Once a Week for 20 Years

A Dutch artist has created a video documenting twenty years by taking a short video of his daughter once a week for twenty years. That adds up to 1040 different clips that combine to make an amazing piece that might leave you needing some tissue.

Seven Annoying Things That Clients Do to Harm Photographers

The moment you start working as a photographer for money everything changes. While there are many positives when it comes to being paid to shoot, there are lots of headaches along the way too. Here are seven annoying things that clients will try to do to you, and how best to keep the upper hand in those situations.

Is Canon Actually Ready To Produce a Pro Level Mirrorless Camera?

A recent article by boss man Cookie reported how the demand of DSLR cameras may delay a professional mirrorless camera from Canon. It makes some sense that Canon would concentrate efforts on a system that still has a great deal of demand, however, I wonder if this an excuse or a mistake?

What Will Adobe Release Next?

As photographers and video creators we use post-production and editing applications like Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premiere Pro. During Adobe Max this year, they gave us a sneak peak of what’s coming, and these videos will show you what to expect.

Create a Cyberpunk Scene on Photoshop

Cyberpunk is very "in" at the moment. With the impending release of the video game and the rise of Synthwave music, a lot of cyberpunk art is being created.

Rugged, Versatile Storage: Fstoppers Reviews the Gnarbox 2.0 SSD

Photographers and videographers are working on the go and traveling more and more, and their needs for advanced data storage devices are growing. The Gnarbox 2.0 SSD seeks to fill those needs while housing those capabilities in a rugged device made to stand up to the elements. Check out our review of this powerful device.

Ever Wondered How Photography Studios are Built?

I love going through Pinterest and looking at all of the beautiful photography studios. Broncolor lights, clean lines, tripods that could support a small car, but in this video I go through the realities of making your own studio space.

The Ultimate Backup: Insurance for Photographers

The Oxford English Dictionary defines accident as “an unpleasant event that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damage.” Accidents happen. It doesn’t matter how careful you are or how much common sense you have. That’s why they’re called accidents.

Night Exterior Lighting Tutorial: Phone Booth Thriller Scene

Lighting night exteriors can be a challenging task, because to make them look real you might need quite a lot of light sources. In this lighting tutorial you will learn how this suspenseful phone booth scene was filmed.

Videographer Explains How to Mask Jump-Cuts While Recording and in Post

Anyone who frequently views talking-head style YouTube videos/vlogs will often notice the jump-cut style of editing that many creators employ in order to cut out mistakes like dropping something, long pauses, or word salads. When videos with mistakes are edited without much care or thought, they end up being quite jarring if not downright frustrating to watch. So, if you're a creator who wants to mask a jump-cut as best as possible, what should you do?

Highly Esteemed Photographer Dies the Best Way Possible

As jarring as it is to acknowledge, we all die. And the manner in which we die is something that many of us have probably contemplated at different times over our lives. For legendary photographer and publisher Allen Margolis, he passed away doing what he loved with those he loved.

A Guide to Rembrandt Lighting for Portraits

Rembrandt lighting is one of the most classic and fundamental lighting techniques in photography, and you will still see it used quite commonly today. This great video will show you how to create a Rembrandt lighting setup for portrait work.

A Look at the Insane Nikon NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct Lens

The Nikon NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct lens is extreme in every conceivable measurement — from optics to price. Does that crazy price deliver image quality to match? This fun first look video takes a peek at the monster lens and just what it is capable of.

Photography and Video Backup with the QNAP TR-004

As creatives, finding a cost and time-efficient way to keep our files safe is possibly one of our more mundane but necessary tasks. For years, I have been purchasing hard drives and running my backups manually for the most part with Backblaze being used for off-site backups. As my archive grew, however, this became cumbersome. After much searching, I settled on the QNAP TR-004 as my new solution and I’d like to share my experience with you today.

Why I Still Prefer Hot Lights to LEDs

There are numerous articles that are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of hot lights and LEDs. Knowing these, I want to share my opinion from a practical standpoint.

What Are the Best Ways to Send Traffic to Your Photography Website?

For the last month, we've teamed up with Wix for a series called "How to Build a Website." In this series, Lee and I talk about some of the advantages and mistakes photographers make when creating their own website. Today, we are releasing the last video in the series, and it might be the most important information in making sure your photography business becomes a success financially.