Recent Animal Articles

6 Tips for Creating Buttery Smooth Backgrounds

A fast telephoto lens might be the solution for the perfectly smooth background that isolates your subject; however, there is more you should know to achieve the perfectly blurred background.

Dog Photography Secrets Revealed

Having a cute dog myself, I'm like many other people, I stop and look at great dog photos. There's just something about man's best friend that captivates, entertains, and comforts the soul.

Marine Biologist Captures 'Sea Angels' Deep in the Ocean

A marine biologist and underwater photographer from Russia is showcasing some of the most colorful – literally – creatures he has discovered in the depths of the sea. He has now also spoken of the extreme conditions and freezing cold nights that one must suffer through in order to capture such beings.

When Adorable Animals Find the Spy Camera

One good thing that has come from this awful situation is that the animal kingdom has come out of hiding. See how these hidden spy cameras were discovered in the cutest way by some curious creatures.

Want to Win $3,700? Just Take an Image of a Pet, Any Pet.

That's right, $3,700 is up for grabs in the newly announced Comedy Pet Photo Awards. Just take a humorous photo of a pet and you're in the running. And the best part is that it doesn't even need to be your pet. It can be anyone's. Read on for more information.

5 Tips to Improve Your Pet Photos

If you are stuck at home and looking for something to photograph right now, your pets can be a great way to keep your technique sharp and create some nice personal memories at the same time. This fantastic video will show you some great tips for taking better photos of your pets.

Inspiring Videos of Wild Animals Reclaiming The Empty Streets

COVID-19 has certainly turned the world upside down. One of the most unexpected effects, though, has been on the streets in normally bustling cities. Taking advantage of the quiet roads, wildlife is starting to creep back in and reclaim urban areas. Instagram is now just as likely to show us a badger ambling along the road in Florence, Italy, as it is to show us a civet meandering in Kerala, India.

The EOS RP: Can Canon's Budget Mirrorless Camera Match the Demands of Wildlife Photographers?

When it comes to the kind of camera a wildlife photographer might choose, Canon's EOS RP is probably pretty far down the list. Nonetheless, with a sub-$1,000 price and the ability to take both Canon's new RF lenses and the existing library of EF lenses, it could be a great option for a lot of photographers on a budget. This excellent video will show you what you can expect when shooting with the EOS RP in the wilderness.

I Switched Back to the a7R III

A couple of weeks ago I turned in my Sony a7R IV and went back to the previous generation a7R III.

How to Take Stunning Pet Portraits at Home

Take simple pet portraits at home while you’re self-isolating. All you need is a pet, a window, and some pet treats to grab their attention, then set your camera to aperture priority mode and work on your composition.

Photographer on Safari Catches Five Cheetahs Trying to Cross Croc-Infested River

A photographer was on hand to capture the dramatic scene as five male cheetahs attempted to cross a dangerous river – one that has strong currents and is known for being infested with crocodiles. He was on a safari in Kenya when he was able to document all five animals taking to the water together.

Amateur Photographer Captures World's 'Most Colorful' Spider

An amateur photographer has captured what many are calling the world’s “most colorful spider.” Taken in India, the photos showcase the multitude of colors of this tiny peacock spider, which include pink, blue, purple, red, and orange.

Essential Videography Tips For Wildlife Photographers

Wildlife photography, and especially bird photography, can quickly become an obsession. It takes an enormous amount of patience to nail a decent shot, so when it does happen, the endorphin rush can hook anyone.

Photographer Sets up Trail Cam, Discovers Bears, Deer, Bobcats Use His Log Bridge

A wildlife photographer based in Pennsylvania has set up a log bridge across a river, before installing a trail cam. Over the past couple of years since its installation, he has captured footage of a whole host of wild animals, including bears, beavers, deer, and a collection of birds, and now the resulting footage is doing the rounds on the internet.

Bird Photo Editing: How to Recover Iridescent Colors

Some species of birds have feathers that shimmer with vivid color in the sunlight, but they can look almost black in the shade. Here’s how I work to recover these colors when photographed in shade or overcast lighting.

Wild Mountain Lion Photographed in Wyoming Town

In early January 2020, a mountain lion showed up in the town of Jackson, Wyoming and caused quite a stir. This rare sighting brought together many people hoping to catch a glimpse of the beautiful wild predator.

Tips for Starting Out in Pet Photography

Pets are considered by most as family members. Some prefer cats, others prefer dogs, and some even are drawn to the the flying kind of lovable companions. While most think of only photographing their beloved fur babies as a hobby, have you ever thought about turning it into a marketable portion of your company?

Macro Photography: What You Need to Know for Photographing the Smallest Creatures

Macro photography can be a fun and exciting step for a hobbyist or the full time photographer looking to shoot something different. It takes patience (in most cases if you are working with small creatures) and a keen eye for that interesting shot. So what do you need to know in order to start into macro photography?

What You Should Know About Instagram as a Wildlife Photographer

As a wildlife photographer on Instagram, your feed is likely constantly filled with amazing animal images. On the good days, this can be absolutely inspiring and you may learn a thing or two. The times when you aren’t having much luck in the field, however, an Instagram feed can be a harsh place that makes you doubt your own progress and your work.

Wildlife Filmmaker Has a Close Call With a Leopard

One way to increase your chances of getting a good wildlife image is to carry out a thorough overview of a potential area. That's why having a solid understanding of the subject's behavior is so important. Sometimes, though, even the most seasoned wildlife veteran can get caught off guard, as this incredibly lucky gentleman was reminded.

Photographer Captures Dogs Displaying Human Expressions

A photography duo has together worked on photographing more than 500 animals over the last two-and-a-half years in order to create a series that documents pets demonstrating human-like expressions.

Thousands of Images, Four Photographers, One Trip

A couple months ago in September 2019 I headed out to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to team up with a few other respected photographers. I had already shared my own perspective from this journey on Fstoppers, but I thought it might be interesting to take a look at everyone’s outputted content from the same trip side by side and see if there’s anything to learn from it.