Recent Education Articles

Use Your Aperture with Intent!

Aperture is one of our strongest technical creative tools as photographers and filmmakers. Although it’s simply just a hole for light to pass through, it can be used to create so many different effects in our images. By considering the effects it has and working with them, we can intentionally make very different images just by changing our aperture.

A Day in the Life of a Police Photographer

Photography is a profession that can send you in a lot of unique directions depending on your interests. Perhaps one of the most unique of those directions is being a police photographer. This neat video takes you behind the scenes on the job.

Seven Helpful Landscape Photography Composition Tips

Composition is one of the most important aspects of successful landscape photography, but it's also one of the trickiest and most nuanced. This helpful video will give you seven tips to improve your landscape photography compositions.

Using the Targeted Adjustment Tool in Adobe Camera Raw

If you're looking for a simple tool that can yield drastic results in a quick and efficient manner while editing your images, then look no further than the targeted adjustment tool built right into Adobe Camera Raw.

Your New Year's Resolution: Learn Something New With Skillshare

With the new year comes an opportunity to set some goals and make some decisions as to how to make improvements to your career. Learning new techniques and developing skills is a fundamental part of being a photographer and a filmmaker, and Skillshare has an abundance of classes that cover everything from frequency separation to bookkeeping.

A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started in Photoshop

Getting started in Photoshop is a daunting process. It's a deep program that has many functions, and this is probably why it doesn't have most intuitive interface. The best way to start is to just dive right in, so here are a few tips for the uninitiated.

Ten Things I Learned About Landscape Photography in 2018

2018 is old news, but that doesn’t mean we’re quite done learning from it. As you reconsider some of those New Year's resolutions, it’s important to revisit the previous year to celebrate milestones and shed some light on meaningful goals in 2019.

A Hilarious Look at the 'Terrible' History of Photography

We've got it pretty good when it comes to modern cameras and the ease with which we share photographs. Actually, we have it really good. Therefore, everything that came before must have been terrible, right?

How to Start Making Money as a Photographer

One of the hardest parts of becoming a professional photographer is that initial jump from amateur work to being paid to create photos. This quick and helpful video will give you some tips on how to start making money as a photographer.

Why You Shouldn't Buy New Camera Gear

Buying new gear often feels like the quickest way to improve your photography. This video by SLR Lounge explores why this isn't the case and offers a tried and tested road map as an alternative.

"Can I Get a Copy Of Those Photos?"

It's probably happened to you: you're shooting away and someone, usually the venue owner, approaches you. You get that sinking feeling hearing those dreaded five words: "Can I get a copy?"

A Simple Way to Turn White into Any Color in Photoshop

Changing the color of an object in your image is fairly simple in Photoshop. However, if the object you want to change is white, it can be challenging to give it a new hue in a realistic fashion. But there is a way to do it, and do it quickly.

The Only Resolution You Need for 2019

I'm not talking about image resolution. I'm talking about the things you want to achieve in 2019. Here's a great way to do it.

A Simple Trick To Pose Almost Anyone

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to shooting portraits is posing the subject. You might have all the lights set and the background lit, but ultimately it all comes down to posing the subject perfectly to get best results. In this video, Miguel Quiles shares an interesting trick on how to pose almost anyone.

Careful of Fake Chinese SD Cards!

Even though digital storage is as cheap, we all want to save money wherever we can. What is actually the difference between those super cheap SD cards you see in various internet ads and the expensive ones?

The Increased Risk of Lasers for Mirrorless Cameras

I have been shooting concerts for many years. These are mostly bands in small, dark, and obscure venues with not much light to work with. But eventually a lot of bands started to use lasers as a part of their show. That resulted once in a damaged sensor. I believe today there is a greater risk with mirrorless cameras and lasers.

This Is Where You Should Be Putting Your Money This Year

A new year means new possibilities. Each year, most photographers put aside money for specific items such as gear, repair, equipment, and more. The one item many forget is education. This is an important part of growing as a photographer and needs to be addressed each year to keep the creative mind flowing.

Basic Tips for Every Beginning Filmmaker

Everyone starts somewhere, and the world of video and filmmaking is no different. Whether your aspirations are to get a YouTube channel off the ground or to break into full-length feature films, starting off on the right foot when you're a total beginner is easier than you may think.

Master This Element of Photoshop to Perfect Your Photos

The understanding and mastery of the seven elements of design — lines, shape, form, texture, pattern, color, and space — separates artists from hobbyists. Photoshop is a powerful tool for manipulating one of those elements, and this tutorial will help you master it.

The X-Rite ColorChecker Passport Finally Supports Capture One, Here's How to Use It

The day has finally come. Capture One users can finally use the XRite ColorChecker to create camera profiles and get proper true-to-life colors in our photos. The necessity for a proper color workflow is imperative for anything you plan on printing, or duplicating in any way (Especially when working with brands).

How to Create Black and White Images Using Photoshop

Creating a strong black and white image is something photographers of almost every genre should know how to do. This helpful tutorial will show you everything you need to know to do it in Photoshop.

Ten Guidelines for Using a Tripod

It is a photographers nightmare to see precious and expensive camera equipment fall. I have seen it happen quite often and most of the times a tripod was involved. Fortunately it never involved my equipment. Perhaps it is due to luck, but I believe ten important guidelines helped a lot.

Stop Using Your iPhone Camera Flash and Try This Easy Hack Instead

When it comes to taking photos on your mobile device in low light, the options are kind of terrible: a super bright flash that blinds everyone and a not so great photo or ambient light in a dark room where everyone ends up blurry or even grainy. This ridiculously easy iPhone hack will take your low light mobile photos to a whole new level.

Why Manually Focusing Is Easier With Mirrorless Cameras

Accurately manually focusing on a modern mirrorless camera is significantly easier than on a normal DSLR, which opens up many new avenues. This great video will show you how mirrorless cameras make it convenient and what that means for you.

How to Create Your Own Lightroom Presets

Poke around online, and you'll find thousands of Lightroom presets for sale, promising to give you the looks of famous photographers and styles. However, it's really not hard to create your own presets for free, and this helpful video will show you exactly how to do it.

A Quick Tip About Learning From Disappointment

We have all experienced it: loading our photos into Lightroom just to realize they are very disappointing. Instead of trashing them, go through the photos, analyze them, and see why they do not work.

The Pros and Cons of Shooting Tethered

Shooting tethered can have a lot of benefits that can really add to your workflow whether you're in the studio or on location, but it's not without its drawbacks too. This great video examines the pros and cons of shooting tethered.

How to Get Sharper Handheld Images

It is relatively easy for most photographers to take a few quick snaps even at slow shutter speeds and get sharp photos. But if you've ever spent hours on an assignment or shooting an event, the constant handholding of your gear and general body fatigue throughout the day can slowly make getting sharper images harder and harder.

Do You Find the Unexplored Areas for Your Landscape Photography?

There are somewhere around 7.5 billion people on the planet, and with that many, it might seem as if every possible landscape photography location has been explored. But really, that's just not the case, and you might be missing out on some great opportunities.

A Tutorial on Dodging and Burning Film Photos

You have probably heard of dodging and burning before, holdover terms from the film area that describe the process of making areas of an image lighter or darker to emphasize different parts. If you're interested in working with film and creating your own prints, this great tutorial will show you just how it's done.

Is It Better to Upgrade Your Camera or Your Lens?

You've got some extra money burning a hole in your pocket and you're ready to upgrade your gear, but is it better to spend that cash on a new camera body or a new lens? This helpful video will help you decide.

Five Ways to Use Umbrellas for Lighting Photos

Many photographers quickly move on from umbrellas, because they can seem very hard to control and a bit unwieldy. However, umbrellas can be surprisingly versatile, and this great video will show you five ways to use them in your photos.

An Advanced Color Toning Technique

Color toning is one of those final steps that can really make your photos both pop and add a very personal stylistic touch. This awesome video will show you an advanced color toning technique using Photoshop.

How Is Photography Affecting Us?

People are going to the plastic surgeon to get rhinoplasties because their mobile phone cameras distort their noses too much while taking selfies. What does photography mean in 2019, and where are we going?