Recent Education Articles

Three Helpful Lightroom Tips for Any Photographer

Lightroom is a complex and intricate application, and it can be easy to overlook features in the program that can make your life far easier and efficient or even open up new capabilities. This helpful video features three tips that anyone using Lightroom should definitely know about.

Maybe You Need a Photo Editing Checklist?

It seems as though almost every time I ask one of my close friends about a particular aspect of their photo, I usually hear the same reply: "I forgot" or "I didn't think of that." My answer is, typically, "make a checklist."

22 Photoshop Tricks That You Probably Didn’t Know About

Getting familiar with Photoshop is a long process, and who better to reveal some little-known features than someone with more than 20 years of experience? This excellent video from Jamie Windsor will speed up your workflow and uncover some powerful features that you might not have known exist.

Three Different One-Light Setups Using V-Flats

V-flats are one of the most useful lighting items a studio photographer can have. In fact, they can allow you to create much more complex lighting setups just by shaping a single light. This great video will show you how you can create three different lighting setups using just a single strobe and some v-flats.

How to Make Eyes Pop Using Photoshop

One of the most important aspects of any portrait is the eyes. The eyes are what any viewer is naturally drawn to when looking at an image, and thus, it is worth spending just a little extra time making sure they are just right. This great tutorial will show you a technique for enhancing the eyes in Photoshop.

Can You Photograph Reality?

Do you believe that your images are objective representations of reality? You might be mistaken. Here are a few arguments why.

Photographers Should Not Be Inspired by Photography

I am lucky enough to have hosted or been a part of workshops around the world. One thing I teach in my workshops is that photographers should not look at other photography to be inspired.

Dodge and Burn Your Way to Better Landscape Photos

Dodging and burning is an old school technique that existed long before digital cameras and software. This does not mean it shouldn't be in a modern photographer's bag of tricks.

Three Techniques to Perfect Skin Tones in Photoshop

When color grading your work, don't overlook the importance of targeting the skin tones in your workflow. Perfecting the skin color can drastically help your images, but how would you color grade skin?

Advice for Shooting Black and White Photos

We look at the world in color, even when we want to shoot black and white photos. Color can be very distracting in that case. Thanks to digital photography it is possible to change the world into black and white before you take the picture.

Eight Helpful Tips to Improve Your Photography

We can always do more to improve our photography, and it certainly helps to hear how an established professional thinks we can best accomplish that. This excellent video features a photographer discussing eight tips that will help you improve your photography.

How I Edit My Food Photographs

Each niche in photography has its own requirements when it comes to post-production. In this video, I go over my process for editing images in Adobe Lightroom.

How to Find Your Photography Niche

In my opinion, if you really want to progress the level of your photography or your photography business, then finding a niche is vital. In this video, I go over some key steps to finding your niche.

Shooting Beauty With a 7" Reflector

In my never ending pursuit for the perfect lighting modifier, I tested shooting beauty with a 7” reflector as my key light.

The Art and Science of Photography: Color Theory

Let me first say, for reasons that will become clear momentarily, that I’m a six-foot-seven-inch tall male who weighs approximately 200 pounds and has about a week’s (…okay, week-and-a-half’s) worth of stubble. And my favorite color is pink. Did you just do a double-take?

A Complete Guide to Camera Autofocus Modes

When you are new to photography, there are numerous settings and parameters on your camera that are important to get to know. Amidst things like exposure settings, it can be easy to overlook the importance of really understanding every intricacy of your autofocus settings. This great video will get you up and running in no time.

The Five Pieces of Advice I've Gotten That Shaped My Career as a Photographer

Our lives are collections made up of people and moments. Every day, there is a plethora of wisdom that passes by, but sometimes, you get one piece of advice that can change the course of your entire life or career. In this article, I share the five pieces of advice I've gotten over my eight-year career that helped shape me into the photographer I am today.

Trying to Start Your Photography Business? Do These Things First

You can have all the artistic and technical talent in the world, but if you are not a savvy business-person, you are not going to have a lot of luck making a living from photography. This excellent video features an experienced photographer discussing seven things you should do before you start your photography business.

Planning for Autumn Photos

Autumn has arrived here in the Northern Hemisphere, and with it comes the opportunity for vibrant, colorful photos of the changing leaves. It is often just a few weeks that we get with those brilliant colors, however, so it is important to do some scouting and planning to be ready when the times arrives. This great video will give you some helpful tips to be ready to take some excellent images of the fall leaves.

Do You Have a Photographic Nemesis Location?

Do you have a location where it seems no matter what you do, you just can't seem to take a good picture? This great video explores what happens when you have a nemesis location, why you should keep pursuing it, and what you can do to get past your difficulties.

Using Lightroom Classic's Secondary Display to Be More Productive

Whether I'm teaching someone Lightroom or only showing a friend my photos in Lightroom for the first time, the one thing they usually comment about right away is my use of Lightroom's Secondary Display feature. It's a great feature that really makes me more productive.

New to Astrophotography? Here Is What You Need to Know

Astrophotography is a very unique and tricky genre, but if you take the time to dive into it and learn how it is done, you can be rewarded with stunning images of the heavens. If you are interested in astrophotography, this great beginner's guide will answer a lot of questions to help you get you on your way to pointing your camera toward the night sky.

Why Taking the Photo Is the Least Important Step

What is the most important step in the photographic process? Is it sitting at the computer, post-processing your images into perfection? Or is it the act of taking the shot itself? This thought-provoking video investigates that question and posits that when it comes down to it, the act of taking the image is actually the least important of all.

Three-Light Portrait Photography Techniques

Once you have mastered the basics of how artificial lighting works and what you can accomplish with it, it is time to move on to more complicated multi-light setups to better bring your creative ideas to fruition. This great video will show you the process of creating a three-light portrait from start to finish.

Five Editing Tools Every Photographer Should Know

Modern editing applications offer a veritable plethora of tools to both evaluate the information in your photos and to edit them to whatever creative vision you have in mind. This excellent video will show you five fundamental tools that every photographer should know how to use to edit their photos efficiently and effectively.

What Is Flash Sync Speed and Why Does It Matter to Your Photography?

If you are new to artificial lighting, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to understand how all the technical terms and processes come together to create a successful photo. One of the most important concepts is flash sync speed, and this excellent video will show you why it matters and how to work with it.

Fstoppers Reviews: Masters of Photography: Albert Watson

The Masters of Photography courses are aimed at offering instruction from those who have mastered their genre, to those who are entering it. The Albert Watson course covers his whole career, working in portraiture and commercial advertising as well as shooting landscapes and personal projects. Here’s what I thought after giving it a go.

The Importance of Returning to the Same Photography Locations

It can get exhausting, inefficient, and even expensive constantly trying to find new photo locations for your landscape work. But with a little bit of work and creativity, you can get numerous shots and looks from a single location. This great video discusses why it is important to keep returning to the same location and how it can improve your work.

Instagram Deleted Three Accounts From the Same Guy and Put His Dream Lifestyle on Hold

Instagram is the most popular platform for photographers to display their work and reach an audience. If you know how, you can even turn it into a business and make a living off it. Imagine now, you wake up and Instagram has deleted all your family photos, favorite memories, connections, friends, and portfolio work?

How to Stretch the Background of an Image Using Photoshop

When you shoot an image, a tight crop might make it difficult to make the photo work at different aspect ratios later on. This helpful tutorial will show you how you can stretch the background of an image to alleviate that exact problem.

One of the Most Useful but Rarely Used Features of Lightroom

Lightroom is an intricate program full of numerous features — sometimes so many that it can be easy to miss out on a particularly useful tool that can make your editing life both easier and more efficient. This excellent video will show you one of those tools.

Beginner, Pro, or Photography Master? Find Out Where You Are

There are many people out there who call themselves photographers. Probably most of them are able to take decent images, a few are professionals, and hardly anyone is a master of the art. Where do you put yourself?

Why Are Some Cameras Rubbish at Taking Photos of Rainbows?

Camera sensors are incredibly complex pieces of engineering prowess, bringing together mankind’s attempt to replicate the behavior of the human eye in perceiving light, but there are still many limitations. Cameras are rarely good at capturing decent photographs of rainbows, but some cameras are significantly worse than others, thanks to a strange quirk of science.

Taking Your Photography to the Next Level

I recall reading an interview years ago in which Steve McCurry — a master at assembling powerfully wrought imagery — claimed not to think about composition. I was dumbfounded, even more so when I realized he was telling the truth.

This Videographer Used LEDs in Times Square, and the Results Are Stunning

Shooting out on location in a busy environment like New York City can be extremely difficult. When dealing with police, public safety, traffic, and pedestrians, it can often be near impossible to create the look you want without sacrificing your lighting. The way videographer David Geffin tackled these issues in his latest project, "Let's Dance," is pretty brilliant.

Seven Difficult Parts About Photography and How to Conquer Them

The thing that I have always enjoyed about photography is that it blends both artistic and technical challenges, forcing one to think on multiple levels to create successful images. This great video discusses seven of the most difficult parts of photography and what you can do to get past them.

Not Everyone Looks at Photos Like a Photographer

When you look at a photo, what are you looking at? Composition? Lighting? Color grading? With your knowledge and expertise, you look at certain things with more intent than others, but are you seeing the whole picture?

How to Deal With Reflective Items in Product Photography

Product photography is a tricky genre that takes a multitude of different techniques and problem-solving skills to be successful in. One of the most difficult situations to deal with is a product that has a lot of reflections. This great video tutorial will show you how to deal with reflections and take better product images.

Helpful Tips for Better Location Scouting

Whether you are planning a video shoot, touring the grounds of an upcoming wedding, or looking ahead to a sunset shoot at your favorite landscape spot, the importance of location scouting cannot be overstated. This helpful video will give you lots of great tips and techniques to improve your location scouting.

The Power of the Dehaze Tool

The Dehaze tool in Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Lightroom is fantastic for landscape photography. Here are some examples of its use.

What Should You Think About When You Take a Photo?

Landscape photography is a difficult genre that combines a lot of technical ideas with nuanced artistry and detailed vision, making it a challenge to create a successful image. So, what should you be thinking about as you are standing behind the camera, readying your shutter finger? This excellent video explores that exact question.