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Japanese Garden

Color version was to psychedelic.Botanical garden Montreal

The Feline As The Model

The cat is a wonderful subject using natural and controlled "flash" lighting.

Photos I Think That Show Monochrome Is Alive And Well!!

Without the distraction of color, one has to think in composition terms more carefully to highlight the selected...

Château Frontenac

According to some sources, one of the most photographed hotels in the world

Butterfly and Clementines

I’ve been forced to stay indoors due to terrible weather and play with my new camera but it gave me a chance to explore...

Nature not nature, mono not mono

I found a concrete bunker in the woods. Curious to know if the colour pop works (not always a fan) as it contrasts the...

Fall in the Colorado Rockies

A photo I took this year of the beautiful fall colors in Southwest Colorado during a sunrise.

The desguise

XT-1 minolta 45mm f2.8 Vintage


Hello! I watch all the CTC videos and have been intrigued by a lot of the comments made. Also, I've taken some feedback...


amazing colorful clothing - can be for religious reasons but i do see it as a health and safety measure as well...


It's become some what of a Thanksgiving tradition for me to go out and shoot the pier in my home town the day after...

My Inspiration For All Things In Life

Hello all. This is my first post, and my indeed she is my muse. My daughter recently turned 3, and this was taken at a...

Holy sun!

First of all this band is amazing to photograph! All the members are very interactive with the audience and move around...

His first Love!

I was able to take this photo after the little guy posed with his mom for a picture. It always pays off to photograph...

And Ice Cream Castles in the Air

The processing here is not so aggressive as the last one. FYI, the title is the second line from Joni Mitchell's "Both...

Perched Hawk and Hawk / Squirrel Standoff

1) is a beautiful purched Hawk, I was able to get pretty close and let my 200 - 500mm do the rest. 2) A squirrel...

Im testing out new style of edits

Have seen so many of these pictures on social media and wanted to test make one. what do you think about editing in...


Same everything everyday but each day is a different story


everything in this city is in the extreme ... wanted to photo to tell the same

the young Oak

Just another experimentation using multiple exposures. I have been waiting for snow to capture some young Oak trees,...