Nathan McCreery's picture

Forest and Mount Sinopah, Montana

In the seventies John Denver wrote a song called, "I Guess He'd Rather be in Colorado" I am the same way about Montana. This little jewel of a place is about 30 miles south of its companion print of Swiftcurrent Lake. I had been camped in my very small pop up tent, snuggled into my hollofill sleeping bag and it came time to roll out. It had rained all night and the rain formed a nice coating of ice on the outside of the tent, so I was thankful for the tent..., more thankful to be in this gorgeous place. There will be a time where it will be unsafe for me to go to these high, wild places. Thank God it isn't today! But I will forever carry the memory of this time in my heart and in my mind. What a place, what a morning! Canon 6D camera, Canon 18-40L lens. To see more of my work go to nathanmccreery.com

Canon 6D
Canon 18-40L · f/ · N/R · ISO 100
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